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TG 6th Devils Brigade!

Posted: 2007-12-23 11:55
by Dirtboy
Here is a "Meet the 6th" intro that I whipped up quickly. If you ever play on the TG server, you will notice the majority of the 6th plays PR and we are in love with the mod...

I hope you enjoy, and please lets hear some feedback :)

Posted: 2007-12-23 12:43
by bosco_
As said before, I like it :P

Posted: 2007-12-23 14:22
by Outlawz7
You misspelled SkudDestroyer's name :p

Posted: 2007-12-26 07:57
by ReaperMAC
Hmm... so thats where AFsoccer went...

Anyways, good vid :D

Posted: 2007-12-26 13:39
by Jagular
Yeah nice video :)