hell of a surprise

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Posts: 51
Joined: 2007-06-06 03:50

hell of a surprise

Post by Ohnoyoudidnt565 »

Dec. 2nd, 2007, Al Basrah, Insurgents. My squad mates and I decided to just screw around for a little bit and wanted to just hangout at the north-east corner of the map near the beach. We got the dirt bikes and semi truck made our way up to the point. After we got there, we just started driving in circles until one of our members said "awww mother f$#ker!" we all looked in his direction and saw two british APCs, a full sized squad and one gun truck. After craping our pants our squad leader said "ok dudes, lets have ourselvs a real party" and he just ran forward shooting... as we did. Ypu can guess what happened next :grin:

]CIA[ Jackdaripper

Posts: 73
Joined: 2007-12-28 21:30

Post by beavis.uk^ »

Lol... you deserve it, the enemy is always advancing :P

I tell you though, i had one hell of a surprise Qwai River, i was US, lone wolfing cuz my squad broke... had my marksman kit, wondering near the bridge in center of map to find a car so i restocked ammo, looked down to the water... can you believe it, a boat steams up to shore with a whole 6 man squad, totally loaded my pants... first reaction, i prone'd, switched to a frag, lobbed it down to the beach and BOOM kill count up by 4, head shotted the gunner on... is it 50 cal on boat? or the saw off.. then i managed to wound the boat driver but he got away... i wonder if he bled out ^_^... i think thats my biggest surprise on PR yet, mainly because of me vs 6 :P hearing the boat was like AAAAAAAAAAAAH
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