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good to bad
Posted: 2008-01-01 02:23
by zangoo
ok so i really like to play basrah it is fun well was, in .7 the brits get a tank why do they need a tank but what ever, so the brits also out number the insurgents by 2:1. so why do the brits get better vehicles and out number the insuregnts? the insurgents dont get anything but a gun that cant hit anything and well a ied that cant really be used cus you are to busy getting raped by the solo tanker sitting there unloading on anything that moves. and with vcp becoming an uncapable you cant make the brits lose. so you have to have 12 people trying to stop a army of 30 brits finding caches. so far .7 has made me hate basrah, what about u?
Posted: 2008-01-01 02:29
by Juba
Sucks cuz it was the only map I enjoyed playing.
But atleast they added the SKS to Ambusher
Oh and do not forget about the nonsticking IEDs... that is so lame.
Posted: 2008-01-01 04:52
by ConscriptVirus
yeah i found al basrah to be a ton easier
Posted: 2008-01-01 06:28
by Objurium
Juba wrote:/agree
Sucks cuz it was the only map I enjoyed playing.
But atleast they added the SKS to Ambusher
Oh and do not forget about the nonsticking IEDs... that is so lame.
Because all improvised explosive devices are adhesive backed, correct?
Posted: 2008-01-01 06:46
by Leo
Objurium wrote:Because all improvised explosive devices are adhesive backed, correct?
No, but one that size you could throw into the passenger seat.
Although the size of the explosion is kickass.
Posted: 2008-01-01 07:31
by RHYS4190
what no alah akba and kamikarzi runs :0,
Posted: 2008-01-01 07:56
by Jdz
Posted: 2008-01-01 08:04
by Outlawz7
You can attach IEDs to the jihad cars, but not the rest.
I was playing Basrah, and despite having 8/9 caches destroyed as GB, we we're constantly being raped from .50 cal drive-bys and RPGs (damn, the map is full of them again
) and at the end we lost with 1 cache remaining.
We had the tank up, but the crew kept going around thinking they are invincible and we had no support while being raped from a front line full of PKMs and SVDs.
The tank got jihaded twice though. And in the open.
Although I am a bit concerned, because over time people will learn the tank and it will become an uber-pwn panzer in the hands of a skilled crew.
I think, the map needs more of the city and less open ground, where you get raped as Insurgent. And some roadblocks so the roads aren't so easily traversable and we have some choke points for IEDs.
Posted: 2008-01-01 21:13
by Sabre_tooth_tigger
Its an obviously unfair and unbalanced map. Insurgents are going to die more.
I dont think you should lose the map just because you spawn on that side, they need to balance the tickets or whatever to make it so its a 50:50 thing each game but insurgents will always be weaker, die more & generally be rats on the run.
I think winning as insurgent means you had the brains and the skill and no one can dispute you made your own luck. It could be a really good game and something different hopefully. Ive yet to play in 0.7 but Im glad its all about the caches now
Posted: 2008-01-01 21:35
by Dunehunter
Just had a game where we ownaged as the insurgents. Sure, they're no good in the desert. But the caches are in the city
Posted: 2008-01-01 21:57
by Death_dx
zangoo wrote:ok so i really like to play basrah it is fun well was, in .7 the brits get a tank why do they need a tank but what ever, so the brits also out number the insurgents by 2:1. so why do the brits get better vehicles and out number the insuregnts? the insurgents dont get anything but a gun that cant hit anything and well a ied that cant really be used cus you are to busy getting raped by the solo tanker sitting there unloading on anything that moves. and with vcp becoming an uncapable you cant make the brits lose. so you have to have 12 people trying to stop a army of 30 brits finding caches. so far .7 has made me hate basrah, what about u?
If you have uneven teams that's the server's fault not PR .7's.
Posted: 2008-01-01 21:59
by jayceon515
I've just had a round on TV2 Insurgency server playing as GB. I've never seen so intense firefights around and inside the city before. No one didn't give a **** about the VCP and people were actually playing as this map is supposed to be played. I had an awesome squad that followed orders and moved together as a team. I can't understand how can you complain about that there is no more VCP. If you're smart enough you'll never drive a tank inside the city since you don't stand a chance. And it's great that IEDs don't stick to vehicles anymore since that is retarded and unrealistic. BTW we lost the round as GB despite the great teamwork so don't cry about how insurgents don't have a chance of winning
Posted: 2008-01-02 03:25
by zangoo
ok well so after the server made the teams even it has become alot moe fair, i have also had the best fire fights on basrah in .7, i think basrah will become a better map as time goes on and people learn new tactics. over all it does suck for the insurgents, but i think that will change. but i still dont get why the brits need a tank.
Posted: 2008-01-02 05:54
by agentscar
Posted: 2008-01-02 08:53
by joethepro36
basrah's still fun, had a good round earlier where i harrassed the **** out of the british infantry as a civilian, even killed a guy with HAT from a rock to the noggin'
Posted: 2008-01-02 10:41
by jayceon515
IMO the greatest problem for people playing as insurgents is still that 0.5 mentality where you could run up in the open and easily kill those poor USMC guys since no one had scopes and AK47/G3/AK101 did a lot more damage than that lame VBF2 M16A2. Now people have to learn that running up in the open areas isn't the best idea since conventional forces have scopes and body armor + some additional ground support that can very easily kill you. Start thinking like IRL and stay inside the city, prepare ambushes and wait for your opportunity. It's insanely difficult to fight in the city as GB team now since we have weapon deviation.
The game is still balanced and the tank can't change that much if you start thinking like you should.
Some may still think that 0.6 was more balanced. It sure was balanced but it wasn't as fun as 0.7 is.
Posted: 2008-01-02 12:04
by bosco_
lol, some people whine about getting raped by the CRII as insurgents, others whine about getting raped by .50 cals and RPGs as Brits :O (not in this particular thread)
Posted: 2008-01-02 12:14
by para_hjs
Insurgents must stay "inside the city" and do ambush. Not play on the open field.
Posted: 2008-01-03 02:59
by Juba
I dunno after playing Basrah for 2 days now teamplay seems gone. Now that there is no map everyone just kinda wonders around looking for people to kill instead of defending caches. Now that we have nothing to attack people are getting bored easier and tking more than they used to. Brits are now just sitting around in the armoured vehicles and if you manage to kill someone you wont see anyone else for another 10 minutes. Also now that IEDs dont fit inside vehicles its easy mode in the armor.
Posted: 2008-01-03 03:46
by BloodBane611
There are always going to lamers who hurt the experience. Find a good clan server, get some tournament guys on, whatever. Just don't expect to get a great experience from every pub game you play.
And I totally agree, now the insurgents have a chance and motivation to win by staying inside the city. I have yet to get to play, but when I do I'm sure it'll be awesome.