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Tunguska - the nightmare od the infantry!

Posted: 2008-01-02 07:33
by LiquidSnake
I joined a server with kashan desert. JOined a squad on MEC. We all got crewman kits and took a tank, a BTR 90 and I took the Tunguska. The next thing we did was heading to the bunker complex. We positioned ourselves at the hills ist of the bunker complex and had a perfect overwatch over it. The Marines had some APCs and jeeps there which got owned pretty quickly. Then I discovered some marines on the hills north of the bunker complex. I sprayed them to death with my tunguska. But they kept coming! So I killes 2 or 3 waves of infantry on those hills. Then we decided to move to those hills and destroy their rally point. What we didn't know was that they had a firebase. The result was me getting killed by a HAT. But they got owned by our tank and the APC. After we regrouped about 20 minutes later. We had 2 tanks and me in the AA again. We had both bunker flags and moved on to north village. our tanks killed all the heavy vehicles coming over the hill and I "took care" of the humvees, commander trucks and the infantry. While i had to go back and reload my Tunguska at a firebase my squad proceeded to US outpost where they had no resistance. While they were cappin teh flag I began to drive into their direction and when I drove along the north village and suddenly a feckin JDAM came down and killed I think one Tank and some Infantry. I was like "shit i gotta get out of here, I don't want their tanks to rape me!" . So I just continued driving when suddenly I hear the cannon of a LAV 25 from an impossible direction: west of me on the hills between north village and the bunker complex! unfortunately it raped me. I respawned at the mainbase and saw the scout chopper warming up. So i thought "oh hop in he's gonny bring u to US outpost". The pilot was our loved D-Fox =D. When he wanted to land near US outpost and he had already lost altitude and speed he was like 10 meters above the ground. then we crashed because he took away too much power from the engine. I respawened at the main and hopped into a tank (alone unfortunately) My squad was already on the way to the US mainbase. I was with my squad about 5 minutes later. We already were on the east side of the hills that are between north village and US Mainbase. We stood a little bit outside of the battle and just covered our infantry. In the End we won with something like 650 - 0. Unfortunately when we had North village people on the US side began to leave or swap teams. So in the end we were 28 people and the US 16 or 17 :/
I ended up with a score of 1473 points and 60 kills :)


EDIT: Isn't that important but can a mod plz correct the title? ^^ "od" should be "of"

Posted: 2008-01-02 07:55
by DeePsix
especially if you are playing Kashan. Vehicles will murder any infantry who move. This is why Qinming is so nice. HILLS!

Posted: 2008-01-02 09:41
Sides were a bit uneven arent they.

Posted: 2008-01-02 13:12
by Phoenix.86
Have to agree on the Tunguska being a total infantry raper - played yesterday on kashan as mec joined a squad with other tourney guys in tanks already, took the aa vehicle since no other armored was left went to the hills north of north village - i came in with something like 7 kills went out to rearm with around 40 - after taking down lots of infantry, several support trucks, 2 black hawks and one unlucky a10...

Posted: 2008-01-02 13:21
by Hfett
DeePsix wrote:especially if you are playing Kashan. Vehicles will murder any infantry who move. This is why Qinming is so nice. HILLS!
Agree, quling plays much better for infantary because of those hills

I was able to cap all the flags with my infantary squad on 2 landrovers

we rushed the flag, hide, capture, rush to another one

While our team armor was busy fighting the other armour we had fun capturing even the enemy mainbase

Posted: 2008-01-02 16:03
by LiquidSnake
NiGHTWoLF wrote:Sides were a bit uneven arent they.
IIRC they were even at the beginning

Posted: 2008-01-03 03:17
by BloodBane611
I'm not a tunguska fan. Normally I'm on the wrong end of them.

Posted: 2008-01-03 21:33
by ReaperMAC
Tunguska zoomed in is a ***** to shoot, IMO atleast.

Posted: 2008-01-03 21:33
by DeePsix
The Tungsta is still a good vehichle for the team, I would simply suggest limiting the downward elevation to +10 degrees or so. (If hard coding allows of course)

This would prevent the driver from depressing the main guns to a complete horizontal state. Sure people will find ways to angle themselves on hillsides to shoot infantry, but this hamper people who use the weapon system as a dual chain-gun tank of doom.

Posted: 2008-01-03 23:23
by H1satsu
Tunguska's are devastating i was playing with my clan today on Kashan and our AA was wiped out in a matter of seconds even after firing about 200 rounds at the Tuguska before it even awoke the driver. Infantry don't stand a damn chance either it truly is a devastating weapon.

Posted: 2008-01-04 01:36
by snotmaster0
They could decrease the splash damage, would force a direct hit to take out infantry, or maybe make the Tunguska a two person vehicle. At the very least they should make it so the gun can't depress so much.

Posted: 2008-01-04 01:45
by mat552
Haha, sounds like every game with gun AA, every game with it ever, seems to think that AA shells and Anti-Infantry shells are the same and good. This MUST mean the standard infantry is made just like an aircraft! And you were joking when you called burritos "jet fuel"!