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How To Lay Off Some Good Wood and Cloth

Posted: 2008-01-05 01:09
by Celica`

Here some skinning tut's i made quite some while ago.

here we go;


Greets, Martijn.

Posted: 2008-01-05 01:18
by Rambo Hunter
z0mg! You are awesome :P
I've been looking for a good wood making tutorial for a while, and that wood looks fantastic.

Thanks :-)

Posted: 2008-01-05 01:54
by Celica`
Thanks, suggest you make the grain a bit less black than mine though. less cartoony ;)

Re: [Tutorial] Skinning - How to lay off some good wood and cloth!

Posted: 2009-11-21 02:16
by rampo
Dont suppose you have any info on re-skinning vehicles and such?