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Oh the horror, Were going to die :/

Posted: 2008-01-07 05:28
by Doom721
As if things couldn't get bad enough tonight, I'm playing in the "laxed" squad, the one who really isn't doing anything important, it seems to be a special ops marking targets for a frogfoot in the squad, a sniper roaming the hills and the rest are flying choppers and or being dropped off..

So after the team finds out they can't get pilot kits off the transport MEC cows, I head to the main flag grab the kit and run back and load up a squad..

I approached the southern part of the bunker complex from the south as I start getting lockons from an F16 that manages to kill some passengers and damage the helo, a sabot shell whizzes past, and I barely manage to land and drop off the remainder of this friendly squad... they set a rally, and I *thought* I was safe, until the F16 made a second pass and obliterated me

So I spawn in main, about to give it a night - and I enjoy watching a MIG who didn't get the memo and starts the engines full speed smack into the base of the wall... no taxi engine for him!

Kashan is dangerous, and those flying cows are such easy targets :P

Posted: 2008-01-07 05:55
by Outlawz7
And my gunner recycled your T90s into beer cans. :D


Posted: 2008-01-07 11:03
by Sadist_Cain
a ratio of 70 - 2 = pwnership :D

Posted: 2008-01-07 17:37
by *spacecadett*
Beat seagoon ;)

All in all this is what i call effectiv armor, and i was commanding it on foot for most of the time.


in ratio we killed their team 6 times over...

Posted: 2008-01-08 18:28
by Outlawz7

Posted: 2008-01-08 20:39
by hx.bjoffe
I think he meant 'we' as in squadwise: 197 / 29 = 6,79
Nice round, we maintained a squad kdr of ~10:1 throughout it.

Posted: 2008-01-09 06:11
by LeadMagnet
*spacecadett* wrote:Beat seagoon ;)

Well, if you insist...


Posted: 2008-01-09 06:15
by Wicca
Yeah i wonder, who has the highest kill score in PR?

Posted: 2008-01-09 06:43
by Teek
Thats Qwai river Leadmagnet, not kashan.
On kashan I saw a Tank with 100-1.

Posted: 2008-01-09 16:33
by Outlawz7
I saw a score picture of Lev_Astov somewhere in PRT archives, with 130+-(2-5) KDR. And that's in old versions of PR (0.3 or 0.4)

Posted: 2008-01-10 03:19
by BloodBane611
This is the part where I find a nice bush to hide in for the duration. Your K/D ratios scare me.

Posted: 2008-01-10 13:39
by BabaGurGur
Max i'v done is 32-4, and that was ambushing apcs with my squad on basrah

Posted: 2008-01-13 02:21
by Nickbond592
max I've done was 110'ish for 2 on Basra in .5, then again i was in the A-10 for a good portion for that so i suppose it doesn't count :D

Posted: 2008-01-13 02:46
by AfterDune
Yesterday on Qwai, Mister .:iGi:. Eggenberg4ever had a topscore of 105 kills, 1 death (and that was a TK ;) ).
Also he had an awful lot of teamwork points. Overall score was magnificant. I allowed him to have my babies.