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Situational awareness could save your life

Posted: 2008-01-10 13:47
by daranz
Yesterday, I was playing on Kashan as MEC, and my squad was assaulting the north bunker. We had a rally point up in the bunker to the north of the North Bunker (the one with the flag), but we mostly stayed alive over the past couple of minutes, so nobody had to spawn back at the rally. We did, however, notice enemies overrunning the rally bunker, and assaulting us from there. We expected that our rally would go down, since there were enemies all over the place in the rally bunker, however, the enemies seemed to be content just assaulting us from the location. Either way, I, and some other squadmembers eventually died. So, we spawn on the rally in the rally bunker, and decide to clear the bunker before moving south to link up with everyone else in the flag bunker. So, we move out, shoot a USMC player, and, lo and behold, find a rally point in the room next to the bathroom, where our rally was happily sitting in one of the stalls. Turns out the enemy dropped a rally right next door, without bothering to check the bathroom. This quickly led to them losing their rally point, and having to walk back to battle.

Moral of the story: Maintain situational awareness, and do send someone to check that seemingly empty room.

Posted: 2008-01-10 18:52
by bait31
I love the rally in the stall bit...

Amazing that people don't check there really.

Posted: 2008-01-11 15:52
by BabaGurGur
OMFG, i think i was there o.O

Posted: 2008-01-13 18:04
by BloodBane611
Nice. It's not that situational awareness MIGHT save your life, but it in fact will.

This is true for both PR and the PR simulator that is RL.