The sabotage
Posted: 2008-02-02 00:16
Damn this was hilarious. IGI server, me and one of the other guys were having some late night fun. Only 2 of us so we decided to do some sabotage work. Well, I grab the spec ops (love the soflam) and he takes engineer so we can lay down mines.
We take the supply truck and get going. First roars of laughter start when we encounter a enemy soldier while driving. Just 30 seconds before I said : "you know if we run into enemy troops we shall do a drive by shooting and kill em all"
And well what happens to the soldier. Listen to this. My friend tries to run over him with the supply truck, but I stuck with the drive by plan and started shooting. The supply truck is moving, the enemy soldier is moving AND I have single shot instead of auto (which I thought I had). And I manage to headshot that guy. Talk about being lucky.
Then onto the primary objective of sabotage. We pick a road, set the supply box close to it and I climb on a small hill to make sure no one sneaks up on my teammate while he sets the mines. I survey the surroundings and he sets all of the 8 mines on the road.
1 minute later an enemy command truck comes, full of people. We were hiding in a bush nearby just waiting for it to drive into the mines. But no! The driver stops like 20m before the mines. The whole squad jumps out of the truck. At this point I felt so sorry that I didn't have grenades.
Well anyway, the enemy squad starts building a bunker. Then I'm like "hey, got the c4?"
Soo. I take my trusty soflam and do my best to make sure that teammate can accomplish our next objective safely. He runs across the road right at the enemies. At one point one of the enemy soldiers turns to our direction, but luckily he wasn't fast/good enough to spot me or my teammate.
So then I sit there with my soflam watching the yanks happily building their bunker and my teammate runs RIGHT NEXT TO THEM, throws a c4 ON THE BUNKER and runs away. At this point I almost cried because I was laughing so hard.
And yeah, you guessed it. BOOOOOM. The bunker, 5 out of the 6 enemies + their truck all destroyed. I quickly told my teammate that one of the enemies survived and quickly we managed to kill him too.
Damn that was awesome. I haven't had this fun in ages. Thanks to all the guys playing at iGi, especially those happy bunker builders who didn't watch their backs.
We take the supply truck and get going. First roars of laughter start when we encounter a enemy soldier while driving. Just 30 seconds before I said : "you know if we run into enemy troops we shall do a drive by shooting and kill em all"
And well what happens to the soldier. Listen to this. My friend tries to run over him with the supply truck, but I stuck with the drive by plan and started shooting. The supply truck is moving, the enemy soldier is moving AND I have single shot instead of auto (which I thought I had). And I manage to headshot that guy. Talk about being lucky.
Then onto the primary objective of sabotage. We pick a road, set the supply box close to it and I climb on a small hill to make sure no one sneaks up on my teammate while he sets the mines. I survey the surroundings and he sets all of the 8 mines on the road.
1 minute later an enemy command truck comes, full of people. We were hiding in a bush nearby just waiting for it to drive into the mines. But no! The driver stops like 20m before the mines. The whole squad jumps out of the truck. At this point I felt so sorry that I didn't have grenades.
Well anyway, the enemy squad starts building a bunker. Then I'm like "hey, got the c4?"
Soo. I take my trusty soflam and do my best to make sure that teammate can accomplish our next objective safely. He runs across the road right at the enemies. At one point one of the enemy soldiers turns to our direction, but luckily he wasn't fast/good enough to spot me or my teammate.
So then I sit there with my soflam watching the yanks happily building their bunker and my teammate runs RIGHT NEXT TO THEM, throws a c4 ON THE BUNKER and runs away. At this point I almost cried because I was laughing so hard.
And yeah, you guessed it. BOOOOOM. The bunker, 5 out of the 6 enemies + their truck all destroyed. I quickly told my teammate that one of the enemies survived and quickly we managed to kill him too.
Damn that was awesome. I haven't had this fun in ages. Thanks to all the guys playing at iGi, especially those happy bunker builders who didn't watch their backs.