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Fools road: Bridge takedown

Posted: 2008-02-02 21:22
by HughJass
me and my squad on tcombat (bridge squad) went ahead and mined/took out the bridge. It was a long road but really screwed the brits up with their lack of armour. We later went up and took out all the armor at the warehouse while someother squads took care of train. We did all that with a help of tanks and rushed for their main while village was halfway capped. We kept them pinned and spammed mines for the apc's. some funny stuff went on and we ended with taking their whole base while most of their team was assaulting village. They all started leaving after realising there was no point, and here is how the scoreboard looked like on the end.



Posted: 2008-02-03 01:26
by CareBear
oh god dont remind me of that battle, many many retarded people on the brit team, such a poor round that many of us left in disgust, i left when you capped the village, as allll of our team was basically at estate! and i was vainly tring to take down a t-62with my c4 and mines... it didnt work :(

Posted: 2008-02-03 05:17
by BloodBane611
Sounds like sucksorz. Props to you for pulling it off, but it's sounds super lame for the brits.

Posted: 2008-02-03 08:52
by HughJass
i know, thats why i liked it LOL

Posted: 2008-02-03 11:00
by CptMichael
Lol, i love it when a plan comes together! :)