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Blackhawk Down moments

Posted: 2008-02-07 19:23
by i_came_from_vietnam
Blackhawk Down ruled! so i always wish there would b a game like it! the closest i got was when i got hit by a AA missle, but that killed me, no dramatic crash landing and then a epic attempt to save me by 2 Delta Force snipers xD
myb some1 can make a PR Blackhawk Down movie, if they do tell me!

Posted: 2008-02-07 20:44
by Cascyth
you could've seen a lot of BHD like moments on 0.5's Al Basrah ;)
Hopefully Muttrah v2 will bring us more of such exciting experiences.

Posted: 2008-02-07 21:51
by Dunehunter
Okita is working on a Mogadishu map ;)

And I've had some pretty sweet BHD on .6/.7 Basrah too, being stranded behind enemy lines only for two land rovers to blaze in and extract me.

Posted: 2008-02-08 00:15
by WeeGeez
[R-MOD]dunehunter wrote:Okita is working on a Mogadishu map ;)

Posted: 2008-02-08 02:15
by Rudd
[R-MOD]dunehunter wrote:Okita is working on a Mogadishu map ;)
Surely that wouldnt really work with current factions??
Very messy place, not even MSF can move with any kind of freedom.

I was an SL once where one of my squaddies kept saying "they are shooting at us!", until I said "Shoot back then!"
love that bit on the film.

Posted: 2008-02-08 08:44
by Reddish Red
Dr2B Rudd wrote:Surely that wouldnt really work with current factions??
Very messy place, not even MSF can move with any kind of freedom.

I was an SL once where one of my squaddies kept saying "they are shooting at us!", until I said "Shoot back then!"
love that bit on the film.
I've done that alot for jokes

Posted: 2008-02-08 08:53
by AfterDune
[R-MOD]dunehunter wrote:Okita is working on a Mogadishu map ;)

And I've had some pretty sweet BHD on .6/.7 Basrah too, being stranded behind enemy lines only for two land rovers to blaze in and extract me.
Must have been a "merlin down" moment? Or humvees instead of landrovers :D .

Anyhow, you get wonderful BHD moments if your pilot gets killed / disconnects. Hehe, the chopper just starts to go down, spinning if the engine feels like it. Really great, hehe. There's just no way out and you can almost feel the crash :p .

Posted: 2008-02-09 04:40
by Blackhawk 5
i shouted blackhawk down and theres nothing i could do about it. Then people yelled at me.

Posted: 2008-02-09 21:01
by i_came_from_vietnam
yippey! I GOT MY BHD MOMENT!!!! xD
Was plying on that map wit the dam, carrier and MEC vs US (not 2 good wit names) and i was in a heli squad, and i was going in wit my other squadmembers blackhawk, and all of a sudden started burning and yelling "IM HIT IM HIT!!!" and 2 low to bail out so he crashed it (didnt make it :cry :) then i went in, droped the squad, gone past his crash site than me, WHAM! i got hit, i started to make a dramatic out of control moment, and crashed it in a opening and actualy survived (the heli didnt blow instantly cuz i put it down nicely) and then i was stranded so i went away from the crash cuz i knew some1 would come and look there and ran for my life. So i came across my killer, a AA gun smack in the middle of a street, so i killed its gunner and went on, then fould the squad i dropped off wasted and a vodnik on the other side, so i decided to go elsewhere. soon i came across a opening, called my squadmember to pick me up, droped a flare and i was out of there wit a kill xD

Posted: 2008-02-10 17:14
by Smegburt_funkledink
I'd like to see someone come and save these fools!. :lol:

Posted: 2008-02-10 19:47
by burghUK
ive had lenty BHD moments being hit by rpgs , losing rudder control and having to try and keep it up.

Posted: 2008-02-11 14:00
by BabaGurGur
Piloting a BH on jabal, taking my team to that beach (havnt played jabal in a while), on the way, a enemy apc engaged us, hit us and the guy sitting on the left side of the BH was ejected to the INTL. space station, i tried getting back to the carrier but i couldnt go left or right, and eventually gave up and crashed into the water, killing 5 :P

Posted: 2008-02-11 16:19
by Warmagi
On Jabal I was flying BH and my back rotor was destroyed by AA rifleman (*) if I were loosing my speed I was starting to spin. So I tried to keep it rather on fast speed. I was able only to turn by tilting whole BH. Finally I landed on a carrier sliding on its deck.

* it wonders me how that can be possible to sometimes loose the back rotor and the other time even if ur aiming for it u r destroying whole chopper or setting it on fire. I've noticed that loosing rear rotor is easier when there is only few ppl on a server. The more ppl the harder to get the spining effect due to the loss of rear rotor.

Another one was on Bashra 0.6 when pilot landed behind the town and died there. 2 squads were involved in a rescue mission (delivering new pilot <ME :) > and engeneers to repair it) including 2 land rovers and APC. That was very, very close to the BHD.

And last one, maybe not related to helis, but a moment similar to BHD. Do you remember Call of Duty mission with immobilised tank? I had identical situation. (Map with mine flag and fishing village, cant remember the name). I was immobilied - 1 track destroyed. My drived died cause he wanted to protect the tank from outside. We were partially in a ditch. Hordes of US was atacking the tank, mostly regular troops and engeneers. Later 3 other guys came to the tank and protected it with me as a gunner. About 10 min later my squad finally got to me with an engeneer and a new driver. That was intense.

Posted: 2008-02-12 17:03
by Zoddom
I was flying a black hawk on Zatar wetlands, a whole squad in it.
i wanted to bgring them to the central island, as their squadleader said. but then on the half of the way a T-80 and several vodniks appeared behind a hill. the tried to shoot me but i know how to avoid being hit. i got enough time to fly over a river and there, my chopper wasnt able to fly further anymore. i tried to fly low over the water and to let the squad jump out in the river. but the engine was hit and so my chopper couldnt raise and it exploded by crashing in the river - directly in the squad... black hawk down

Posted: 2008-02-17 04:30
by gclark03
I was flying the Merlin on Basrah with a few people when I flew over VCP and took fire from a technical. The insurgent managed to kill my tail rotor...while I was flying close to the ground at 550km/h.

Luckily, we managed to skid to a stop on the road from VCP, and I jumped out. While the others and I evacuated the Merlin (I bailed early and bled), I was amazed that the Merlin was still alive and smoking.

The guy drove up to the Merlin, manned the .50 cal, and killed us all a few seconds later.

Posted: 2008-02-21 22:57
by cannibal23
Was playing Zatar wetlands in the little bird. me and my clan mates had the 2 little birds with rockets and guns. we were getting our squad leader to put attack markers on enemy infantry, rally's and armor. we also had the commander helping us with it to. our squad on the ground would be about to get swarmed and over the radio comes "mark targets in preperation for air strike" just like when the little birds straffed the roof tops in BHD. we kept those birds running almost all game. final kdr 47 - 3

Posted: 2008-02-23 20:02
by hurts
I've had it where I was about to get extracted, was running up to the Blackhawk, then BAM! It explodes and everybody dives for cover.

Posted: 2008-03-01 12:05
by KP
I've had a few Cimic House moments defending that big building with the parapets on the roof on the island in Basrah. Pretty epic. Firebase on the roof, a rally too, and my entire squad blasting away at anything that moves in the streets below. We had two Minimis, one Grenadier and a load of people with SA80s. It was sheer mayhem, just a load of people shouting, calling out targets and firing, just focusing on getting those rounds down before throwing themselves to the floor as an RPG comes flying in, hitting the parapet feet from them. Then it's right back up again and - oh shit - there's a technical getting ready to put .50 cal fire down on us. More shouting, then two minimis opening up, leathering the **** out of it and the street around it, before a 40mm lands right in the back of it, blowing it up. Whoo! Then you duck again as AK rounds pummel the building. You reload, get up on your feet, spot an insurgent running, get the butt in your shoulder, find the ******* in your scope and start blatting away until he drops. Another one to the North, firing a PKM! You move up and fire at him with the rest of the squad. He goes down, just a moment before an RPG comes flying across the rooftops, missing you by inches. You turn back to where it came from, spot the gunner aiming another one, take aim, squeeze the trigger - click. ****, dead man's click! Dive to the floor, shouting for ammo, then the RPG impacts...

Does that count?

Posted: 2008-03-01 15:13
by KingLorre
As commander back in 0.6 i ussed to commandeer Blackhawks for scout missions. so i hopped in and told the pilot to do a flyby on the village(kashan) as we flew in we got hit by a single tunguska missle and some small arms fire. The blackhawk started going crazy and the pilot turned her around to fly back. Half way back to base, he lost controll of the blackhawk and it spinned out of controll whit us eventualy crashing.

Over VOIP this was fun to hear caus it was like. Blackhawk GOING DOWN! Supersix 4 here, we are going down! MAYDAY! well, in the end we all laughed about it anyway. :P