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[List] The moment you really felt like a noob...

Posted: 2008-02-09 04:39
by Sgt_Canadian_Floss
We've all had a moment in PR were you felt out of place, new, noobish or just retarded.
This thread is then the perfect occasion to share it with the whole community.

In PR 6.1, I got a driver kit, got into a Bradley apc on Basrah, got my whole squad in and... tryed to cross the river by going across the water, in the water...
It all blew up, and, and I say ''Sorry, I thaught it was one of them amphibious apc's.'' feeling ashamed, i changed squad

Posted: 2008-02-09 13:41
by Smegburt_funkledink
Yeah, I felt a bit out of place and noobish last night. I was fighting as MEC along side some American clan [sorry chaps] in Alpha squad on EJOD Desert.
Me and our SL were the only 2 left after a battle at Gardens after the USMC had defended this point from the start. We were just about to enter the area, each covering opposite sides of an entrance so we can cover eachother. I take one split second to check my back, then turn to face SL again only to see a marine stood 1 meter from him. Its too late to shout, protect SL or shoot without friendly in line of fire, so as I'm panacing SL gets shot at. All I did was start shooting frantically from my hip in full auto, completely missing and giving the guy enough time to finish off my SL and pop me in the head too. :o ops:
I didn't feel ashamed enough to leave the squad or get kicked for noobness, just got ripped a bit on voip. I proved to be a good medic for them later, so might have gained some respect back from my SL.

Posted: 2008-02-09 14:21
by (HUN)Rud3bwoy
On Kashan I decided to do a bit of air transproting. Im not the best pilot, but I can take the BH whereever its needed. So I got into the BH and a full squad jumps in stating where they want to go. I said "Roger that!" , took off and about 4 seconds later my old *** optic mouse started to its thing (i think you know: when you are just walking and suddenly you are looking at the sky and spinning like crazy) causing the helo to turn right upside down and crash into the ground. Needless to say that I got the whole team pissed off, and I didnt even bother to write that my mouse went crazy because i wouldnt have believed it either. So i just murmured "sorry" and i havent touched a helo's driver seat ever since..

Posted: 2008-02-09 21:10
by i_came_from_vietnam
lol, here is where i rule! xD damnit, i have days that i suck so badly i have nightmares
one time i was a engineer, placed a C4 charge and then my teams APC went over it and i wasted a whole squad and a apc =(
and then there the story of me wasting a friendly aa gun wit a blackhawks good old minigun =(
and then theres the piece de resistance
went in a A-10 (first time) and strafed my own tank (so damn hard to c if they r friendlies or enemies) but thankfully didnt kill it (guy was still pissed to hell) so next time i made double sure it was a enemy on the other end of the Avanger cannon, but i guess the APC did want to go for a spin when i hit it smack on at 600 KM/H xD and for the final humiliation, the guy started yelling like mad abaut wat i did... like "OMFG, VIETNAM UR THE BIGGEST NOOB THIS SIDE OF PR!" and "HE LIKE IS A KAMIKAZE! BUT HE HAS A HARD TIME FINDING A SHIP"

Posted: 2008-02-09 21:20
by Rambo Hunter
I asked "what's the shovel for" during the first weeks of .6...

Posted: 2008-02-09 21:38
by Reddish Red
1. Thinking the Civilians were AI :lol:

and 2. Blowing up my whole sqaud with the HAT in .7

Posted: 2008-02-09 23:03
I was on chinese having just been teamswitched from brits on OGT. I still thought in my mind when I saw a british squad that they were friendly and in the 2seconsd they were all shooting at me I still thought they were friendly and was getting ready to type, "wtf are you doing", only when I died did it dawn on me that I was actually chinese.

Posted: 2008-02-09 23:10
by Rudd
"Sorry guys I forgot the officer kit!!"

Posted: 2008-02-09 23:18
by Eddiereyes909
Dr2B Rudd wrote:"Sorry guys I forgot the officer kit!!"
grr that happens to me allot....

Posted: 2008-02-11 02:15
by Death_dx
I rolled a little bird for the first time and only so far (out of all choppers) on Zatar. Bad thing is that it was in .7 a week or two ago and I've been playing since .6. On the plus side there were only a few people playing so no one complained.

Posted: 2008-02-11 02:45
by OiSkout
A while ago when I thought the MGs weren't supposed to have ammo(they took it out in the patch before) so I thought it was a bug. Nope.

Posted: 2008-02-11 05:45
by Outlawz7
Once upon a time, it was a nice sunshine day in Gulf of Oman, and everyo Marine was sunbathing on the carrier, while all the Blackhawks took a bath and some kid was selfishly flying around the only one left.

It was at that time when Outlawz7 suddenly connected and popped up below the deck, because he forgot which spawn is the top one again, came up and saw all the sun cream was gone, so he took shade in the Essex. There was a bunch of Marines on the beach with their backpacks near the shore, as they went out to buy more sun cream from the nice little shop in the town.
Then Outlawz7 smiled as he saw the big gun and missiles and though he'd send some up to the locals on the ground, fired a burst, then a barrage of rockets, only to teamkill the nice bunch of Marines, that went to buy sun cream. He then magically disappeared out of shame.

Posted: 2008-02-11 13:19
by Smegburt_funkledink
I forgot about a match I played in .6, Insurgency, Basrah.
My SL was driving around in a beaten up bomb truck, I offered to fix it as I was Civi. I'd heard about the catana music it played and asked him what it was for, so he turned it on and got out. I started panacing as there was an enemy vehicle approaching and the music was still playing in the truck. I figured the music might give away our position, so i jumped in and clicked. "YOU CANT TURN THE MUSIC OFF AGAIN!!" oh, it must be the right click.....


Before I could apologise for sending my SL into orbit, he was screaming at me. :mad: "god damn noob, stupid *** fuc#in' fool, god damn your stupid!"
"right click sets the bomb off"

I replied on txt (didnt have a mic yet) "ah, gotcha" (asin-oh gotcha, I understand now)

"got me? wtf???"
Soz whoever that was, it was some time ago now.

Posted: 2008-02-11 13:51
by BabaGurGur
I'v had to many noob moments to list them all, but heres the best one

Al Basrah, .6, round just started, im in a rover, rover full, i have a support truck behind me and 3 APC's infront of me, all of a sudden I see 2 bomb bikes heading for us, and for some reason, i started yelling on my mic "WE'RE GONNA DIE SOMEONE SHGOOTT EHM!!!!!!!!", and no one did, boom, 1 bike took out 2 apcs and the other killed my rover, i later realised i didnt join a squad.


Posted: 2008-02-11 15:43
by CareBear
first time using a bomb car, hopped in and wanted to turn music on, thugh it was right click like radios calls on humer and smokes etc, instead it blewup :/

kasha got the froggy for once, just happend to be on runway so i got in it, flying around destroyed a fir number of there vechiles, landed took off again saw an enemy supply box spawn about 5 m in front of me, at that pint i jsut said over TS 'wtf?' froggy hits supply crate and blows up :/

Posted: 2008-02-12 21:23
by Sadist_Cain
The moment i really still do feel like a n00b...

When I focus on getting a random group of pubbies working together, Medic, auto rifleman giving supressing fire, Moving out in a boat and approaching the flag in beautiful formation only to discover I've forgotten my officer kit... again :roll:

Posted: 2008-02-12 21:38
by Warmagi
We aproached a metal fence with wooden planks in one place.
Anyone got C4? - SL asked.
Not me
I'll do it - I said eagerly.

After that I quickly jumped in a car and tried to smash the wooden planks several times. For the last try I decided to gain some speed. When I hit the planks car exploded. My charred body laying on the ground.

You didnt have to do that... but I apreciate your sacrifice - SL thanked my charred body.
I only managed to say It wasnt suppose to look like this

Posted: 2008-02-14 16:23
by Molyporph
Once, in 0.5 or so, I joined a squad on Steel Thunder as american in the beginning of the round. Squad leader decided that we'd man some armor. So, I get in as driver in a tank, squad leader get in as gunner, the rest of the squad man another tank.

When we've crossed the south bridge and advanced a bit into the woods (well got ordered to), I sight some hostile armor just ahead. I spot them and tell my gunner (sqd leader) that we got armor infront of us. He's aiming way off to the left and I'm all like, no, no to your right, northwards etc. He continued aiming about 90 degrees to the left of the target (aka TOTALLY off) and obviously we got owned.

Anways I decide to stick with the squad even though things went to hell at first, so we head out, me drivin' in an APC and with a tank in front of us. We get reports that the enemy armor has been pushed back so we cross the south bridge again, tank first. I keep my eyes on the hills.. which turned out to be very foolish because on the middle of the bridge, the tank pulls to a dead stop, my APC crash into him from behind and the whole squad dies. The shame.

Posted: 2008-02-14 21:39
by SuperTimo
lol yesterday when i was in the frogfoot, dived bombed a tank with rokets and cannon and...

didnt pull up in time.

i did better later on though i got 15 kills until noob drove in fron of me on takeoff after rearming.