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Posted: 2008-03-05 21:45
by Welshboy
This was a few weeks ago but i had to post it. It truely was the most dis-heartening expirence in PR ever

Map : Seven Gates.
Faction : British.
Mission : River Fort.
Image:7gates.jpg - Project Reality Wiki

For those in the know, this is truely one of the hardest flags to cap, It's the second flag in sequence and you need it to stop the bleed. It's a fort (quelle surprise) all approaches are in the open, grappling hooks required to break in. Defenders firing from elevated positions. In short it makes taking central camp look like a cake walk.

So we spawned in the south with the intention of a surpise attack before the Chinese got too entrenched. We moved quickly north east and elimenated the front line defenders in the forest who were setting up ambushes and took postion in the forested north east salient. Charge up sprint, re-heal, re-arm. No smoke. Surprise is key. Engineer takes point and slips into position on the West wall. Grapple up. Squad moves in, secures top of rope and we breach the fort. Chinese defenders cleaned up. No firebases. Clear the top floor bunker, squad into capping postion with our first attack.

bloody marvelous. This is happens once in 100 games. A second friendly squad moves in. Flag almost netural. By this time we are all looking forward to the impending firefights around Citadel. There's an enemy AA gun on the flag. No matter as there's no enemys to use it.

Then kablamo.

Huge bloody teamkill. Some utter utter div had took it on himself to C4 the AA gun. C4 in PR 0.7 is big, very big.

A look at the map shows no friendlies on River Fort. The guy took everyone out, he even got kicked for negative score before I got a chance to abuse him. The rest of the round true to form resembled the Battle of the Somme. Brave British troops going over the top and getting mowed down seconds after moving. Horrific.

Got any other Tk's that Ruined the whole match?

Posted: 2008-03-06 11:16
by LtSoucy
#1:you may want to lower language on that very fast.
#2:We know C4 in PR is big but was it purpose?
#3:You going back after him makes it all worse. Next time stay away from him.

Posted: 2008-03-06 17:40
by Alex6714
C4 isn´t an accident... You can´t just accidentally drop a pack, wait 10 seconds and blow it, then say ooops, I didn´t know that would happen it was an accident.

Posted: 2008-03-06 19:13
by Smegburt_funkledink
Just wait for that to appear in the "The moment I really felt like a noob" thread, you might see it from his (maybe her) perspective.

Posted: 2008-03-06 19:22
by Deadfast
Had something similar.

Same map, same side, same place.

We had a firebase with an AA gun deployed by the Budha west of River Fort and I was just working on some sandbags or whatever.

We were getting totally wasted because of half of the team consisting of lone-wolf.

After a lot of pain I saw that one squad made it in. I was so damn happy, thought we're about to move on now.
Ups, wrong.
Suddenly I hear the famous 'trrrrrrrrrrrr' sound of the AA gun behind me. I turned just to see a massacre.

I_ignore_teh_minimap [teamkills] fort_dude#1
I_ignore_teh_minimap [teamkills] fort_dude#2
I_ignore_teh_minimap [teamkills] fort_dude#3
I_ignore_teh_minimap [teamkills] fort_dude#4

Needless to say that the few other guys got killed by enemy afterwards...

Posted: 2008-03-06 19:27
by Outlawz7
I teamkilled the only US squad on ground @ Gulf of Oman, while the rest of the team stood around the carrier.

I'm never using the Essex again. :(