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Can you handle the challenge?

Posted: 2008-03-23 17:03
by Jarhead[NL]
Can you handle the challenge?

When I was a USMC yesterday I discovered the rocks at the East side of the Hilltop at Operation Archer. So I had a good idee to climb that mountain with a friend of mine.(As a Scout on the Insurgent side)

It was freaking hilarious, because a USMC had discovered us so he layed down and start shooting us the hole end. He only hit my friend twice. The hole climbing with grappligh hooks is also very difficult. Sometimes you fall off the rock etc. My friend died because lack of Field aid, he almost made it. When I was on top, the USMC beneath us told it to a USMC soldier above us so I got shot after 1 min of nice view.

Some screenshots:

Some where on the middle of the Hill.

Not far anymore!

One more time!

I made it!

Posted: 2008-03-23 17:54
by Airsoft
i never figured out a way to get up there aside the huey

Posted: 2008-03-23 18:06
by Spaz
Im going on a local server to test it now hehe

Posted: 2008-03-23 18:14
by Rhino
ye thats what the rocks are there for :)

and there are steps leading up the hill side too :p

Posted: 2008-03-23 18:37
by Alex6714
[R-DEV]Rhino wrote:and there are steps leading up the hill side too :p
Been up them. :)

Posted: 2008-03-23 19:02
by ReaperMAC
Alex6714 wrote:Been up them. :)
They aren't a secret :roll: . But they do take a lot of energy to walk up. Must have worked up a sweat, especially after the "unstable" rope-bridge :lol:

Posted: 2008-03-23 23:14
by Spaz
It was fun to get up there, not really hard but still cool. I would love to do it on a battle :P

Posted: 2008-03-24 00:16
by Epim3theus
I ve been up there on my motorbike.

Posted: 2008-03-25 18:44
by Sabre_tooth_tigger
Everytime you post a png screenshot a kitten dies :p

I will have to check this out later

Posted: 2008-03-26 02:38
by Jarhead[NL]
Sabre_tooth_tigger wrote:Everytime you post a png screenshot a kitten dies :p

I will have to check this out later
Yeah right! What's wrong with .png files?

Posted: 2008-03-26 04:19
by Sabre_tooth_tigger
They are not very efficent and load very slowly for me during peak hours. The first page is a 5 meg download just to see 4 pictures
Try saving your sig as a png and see the difference in size

Posted: 2008-03-26 12:30
by Jarhead[NL]
I will do next time! :grin:

Posted: 2008-03-29 20:19
by STORM-Mama
Did that together with a whole squad yesterday. Imagine four to five guys packed up on one of these rocks... It's a freakin' miracle nobody got hurt!

Posted: 2008-04-01 03:26
by Alpha(r)
Once I drove a humvee straight down the rocks right from the top.
To my amusement I managed not to flip it over or wreck :)
That was fun

Posted: 2008-04-04 17:39
by snotmaster0
Once I first led two other guys to the top as USMC (was engi) Then we somehow got a commander truck and rode it down! And SURVIVED!