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Posted: 2008-04-06 17:10
by janh95
yeah the diemaco is the standard rifle of the Dutch Army.
most of the time with acog

Posted: 2008-04-06 17:23
by azn_chopsticks_boi
I think its going to be the same as the CF. ... -c7a2.html

Posted: 2008-04-06 18:17
by KP
Yeah, Katarn said he'd send me the PR C7A1 when he got his hands on it. It's a while ago, though, so I'll probably have to nag him about it again...

So, yes, there will be the C7A1 with the Elcan sight. And it will be good! :D

Posted: 2008-04-06 18:24
by Z-trooper
:) I'm still modeling, just not for PR. I do want to, really, but I seriously have no time what so ever.

Besides I have actually asked the CF people if I could do the C7/C8s before, but the DEVs are making them so I didnt end up doing them (well I have come rough WIP models of all the C7/C8s)

Posted: 2008-04-06 20:46
by Clypp
I thought all they needed yet was skinning. I don't know if that's started yet.

Posted: 2008-04-07 09:05
by Celica`
janh95 wrote:yeah the diemaco is the standard rifle of the Dutch Army.
most of the time with acog
What in earth's name are you talking about?


More like an Elcan.

And yes the C7 is the standard rifle,

C7A1, C8, or C8A1 is what you get depending on your unit, and function.

Posted: 2008-04-07 10:28
by Glimmerman
As far as i know the Elcan is the default sight on the Diemaco.

Posted: 2008-04-07 14:00
by Celica`
Soldiers in education get a C7 without Elcan.

Posted: 2008-04-07 15:25
by KP
But the deployed units in PR would get one with an Elcan on it. So we need the Elcan'd version, which is what I asked Katarn for.

Posted: 2008-04-07 15:28
by Glimmerman
Dont we need some sort of iron sighted version for example for the engineer?

Posted: 2008-04-07 15:32
by KP
Good point. I'll ask for that too when Katarn contacts me.

Posted: 2008-04-07 19:42
by janh95
Glimmerman wrote:Dont we need some sort of iron sighted version for example for the engineer?
well i don't think they acctualy use them they use most "Elcan" :roll: sights and will my opinion keep it realistich

Posted: 2008-04-07 20:44
by Celica`
Realisism isnt on top of the list is it?

Posted: 2008-04-07 21:01
by AfterDune
We have to keep it the same as all the other factions. Certain kits use iron sights, others use a scoped rifle. That is gameplay wise.

Posted: 2008-04-08 00:42
by Dylan
Apart from my faction (we all get uber sights), there should be ironsight versions to compliment the DEV's decision on the topic.

Posted: 2008-04-08 11:22
by Glimmerman
We will stick with the DEV's plan and use ironsights version for some classes like the engineer.