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Times You Felt Invincible

Posted: 2008-04-29 20:35
by Zeppelin35
When did you experiance times that you felt invincible?

For me it was the first time I was gunning in a tank. I took out about 4 chalengers and an APC before I got killed.

Another time was on Quai river when the US team was trying to take back Processing and I was being a marksman. I shot a guy who tried to take me out from behind and I took out another guy with a nade that tried to get close to me from the side. I then went up onto a roof and five minutes later a guy got on and tried to shoot me. During that time I was trying to knife him and he was trying to shoot me. By the time he emptied his clip I stabbed him in the head. Then the attack helo came. It spent about 30 seconds doing fly-bys trying to shoot me but kept on missing. It then came back for a second run when I got killed because I hid behind an explosive container (Didn't know it was explosive. Was my first month playing)

Who else had moments like these?

Posted: 2008-04-29 21:08
by =Romagnolo=
EJOD, a squad with two teams, alpha and bravo. Alpha stayed back with heavy covering fire and me, leading the bravo team, flanked and finished the enemy behind the conver.

Simple thing, but great feeling.

Posted: 2008-04-29 21:49
by CareBear
yesterday on jabal, defending west beach with my svd and others in my squad, US managed to get a firbase ontop of the mountain and were hailing down rockets and lead,

managed to sneak round to the south and climb up the mountain, came across a rally, took it out, carried on sneaking along the corrugated fence, see two americans running for me, managed to scope in and rapid shoot half a clip into them :-P

carried on sneaking around the edge and saw a HAT gunner and a LAT gunner about to shoot on the west flag, took them both down without them noticing. sneaked up and took the HAT kit, whilst loading up the HAT to take out the Firebase saw an american run up with a marksman kit and go prone to snipe. HAve no idea how he didnt see me just standing there with a HAT in hand, so i let him be while i loaded the HAT, but unfortunatly another spawned on the Firebase and saw me >.< managed to switch the pistol and pump a clip in him. Without the HAT loading anymore, decided i would go take out that marksman now, who was still oblivious to anything, and knifed him.

turned around to continue my job of taking down the firebase with their HAT. Took a bullet close to my feet and suppression kicked in, went down behind cover so no 1 could shoot me from the direction of the firebase, as the rest of my squad was still at West beach. took another round close to my head, and then a round to my head.... TK :( before the TK i was feelin uber1337sauce

Posted: 2008-04-29 22:06
by Sabre_tooth_tigger
Yea I wonder what the highest number of kills Ive gotten in a row, but its great when you wipe out a whole squad without dying.
Ive gotten like 60 kills with my gunner on ejod just by using cover and surrounding our close quarters with friendly infantry, that was pretty invincible. (That was 0.7 HAT accuracy)

I remember Cas got like 80 kills, zero deaths on old 0.5 basra in an A10. He was a 1 man squad and beat every other squad for score with 1600 pts on the old score system

Posted: 2008-04-29 22:20
by Leo
Me and Wolf in Cobra in Kashan

Posted: 2008-04-29 22:40
by Alex6714
One night on EJOD, I ran around the city ripping everyone apart. Never understood how that happened. Pulling of shots and reflex actions like never before.

Posted: 2008-04-29 23:20
by Darkpowder
It does happen alex, personally more often for me on EJOD desert myself. I had a round when i was untouchable ramboing with my old AK-101 Grenadier class, that and EJOD C4 in tournament when i lost count of the armoured wrecks i created on that round - end result 279-0.

though recently i remained unkilled for the round with a marksman rifle in zatar wetlands, using hit and fade tactics at variable ranges behind the lines.

Though squadwise, i usually feel untouchable when bond is flying overhead in an apache, dukemeister is wiping out columns of tanks with his A-10 in support of my squad, or rank and squidy are killing so quick you barely get the chance to raise your weapon to fire before the enemy are down. That and when wormeaten the legendary medic is -always- there when you need him without fail.

Posted: 2008-04-29 23:31
I try not to feel invincible, its about then you get over-cocky and get shot :P

Posted: 2008-04-30 00:26
by Ghostrider
I was once playing VIP Escort (xtract) in a 24/7 xtract server. We were prodiving pretty good escort to the VIP Vehicle (the chevy). We were gunning down many insurgents (it was in Mashtuur City).

Then I spotted an AT guy, pretty far away but close to the road we needed to use to get to the exit, and the guy shoots his rocket. I sort of yelled "eject! eject! eject!" (I know I was not in an aircraft, but thats what came out lol) and everyone jumped out. I was able to intercept the AT rocket with the HMMV and saved the VIP and won the round, at my expense. It was still one of the best played rounds I've been.


Posted: 2008-04-30 02:58
by <1sk>Headshot
Ghostrider wrote:I was able to intercept the AT rocket with the HMMV and saved the VIP and won the round, at my expense.
Ironic way to feel invincible :)

It's weird when you get those rounds where you end up pulling of incredible shots and being able to out-manouver, gun and waste all enemies in your path. Happens on all shooters, probably 1 in every 50 games or so. Although, when you start trying, that's when you screw up.

Kind of like you just go on auto-pilot.

Posted: 2008-04-30 03:20
by Sirsolo
I rarely feel invincible, but I definatly feel vulnerable a lot:

1) Everytime Im in a chopper. What can kill you in a chopper?
i) Small arms fire
ii) Machinegun fire
iii) Anti air emplacements
iv) Mounted machineguns
v) Jets
vi) Other helicopters
vii) HATs
viii) LATs
ix) Trees
x) The ground
xi) Landing at a slight angle.
xii) Landing too fast
xiii) Taking off too fast
xiv) Playing Project Reality.


I feel especially vulnerable the few seconds when I realize Im going to pummel into the side of a mountain/into a tree with a jet... =/

Posted: 2008-04-30 03:34
by Cyrax-Sektor
Basrah .7 as an Insurgent. My only friends were an AK-47 and two Molotov Cocktails against a British squad holed up in a hovel West of the City.

They were patching each other up and rearming from their ammo bags. .7 bags carried a lot of ammo. Kinda odd for a tiny bag to give so much, so the change in .75 was for the best. Back on topic, they were planning their next move. If dying was their plan, they performed perfectly.

The Officer had his rally set, watching the northern door, he was lying in it, the medic and automatic rifleman were occupied, a grenadier watched the southern door. The building had many windows, and they weren't being covered. I tossed a Molotov at the medic and auto rifleman. They sat around getting crispy before panicking. The Officer must have been chatting, because he did not react to the flames. The grenadier snapped his head however.

I'm a sucker for taking out the high priority targets. In my haste to send two bullets to the head of the officer, I suppressed myself by hitting the wall. :p Still, .7 suppression wasn't severe, so I focused my sights on the two healing and rearming. The grenadier was wise to my window, so he walks right to it. I'm a terrible shot, so I had to reload already. When I popped back up, I was greeted by the masked face of a British Grenadier. In a shock move, I just went full auto on him, making a few holes in the wall behind him. Heart racing, I slip into the house and knife the RP. I'm in the clear

I move in to nick the best kit. It was a tough choice. Self-healing medic, devastating automatic rifleman with unlimited ammo, long-ranged Officer with plenty of field dressings, or Grenadier and his GLs.

Before I got to choose, I heard some radio command noises upstairs. Company on the second floor. I hide behind the stairs, still armed only with my AK-47. A Spec-Ops guy comes down to examine the mess. He doesn't see the blaze of my gun as he hits the ground. Then I knew which kit I'd stick with. The all too special Special Forces kit, only two could exist in the game. And I had one of them.

Posted: 2008-04-30 09:08
I'm l33t, i'm always invinsible.

Posted: 2008-04-30 10:35
by Outlawz7
The time I gunned the PLA tank on Qwai the whole round without dying once in 0.6 and then in 0.7, driving it and also not dying once (although I had 1 death and 16 .50 cal kills prior that for being the engineer)

Posted: 2008-04-30 10:40
by SuperTimo
when i was in my Mig-29 on kashan, and got bored becuase i kept shooting the A-10 and F-16 down only a couple of minutes after they respawned (in the air of course)

i would fly over there base drop flares hear warning tone and nothing would happen.

also whenever im in a typhoon i feel pretty invincable!

Posted: 2008-04-30 13:34
by Dempsey
Lots of times really LOl only kidding, but yeah the occasional time... Last time was i duno 1 or 2 days ago....

was on jabal, MEC, we had to defend west beach, our squad and my APC (with driver) One guy had lookout over the sea for incoming Hueys and APC's, others dotted around giving harrasive fire into the hills, whilst i had a constant flow of kills, now i find APC guning very easy (how fast the turret moves) They thought they had the advantage, which inr eality they should have done...But one after the other they kept on silhoueting and trying to flank with no success, had about 5 rockets, although they had no way enough time to stabilise, so all you would see is a stray rocket firig random somewhere lol... fun times.

Posted: 2008-04-30 17:08
by com_kieffer
progressing in a three tank collumn on quinling, only got destroyed when we split up but a fair number of tanks, apc, trucks, infantry, cars, .... were killed at that point

Posted: 2008-04-30 18:48
by hall0
Yesterday it was such a invisible day on Ejod and Sunset.
First i was alone on West City on Ejod after my whole squad get killed while defending. So i took a enemy G3 and killed 10 guys in a row and the didnt noticed me :grin:

And the next map sunset we defended the construction and after a while i noticed i was the only guy left so i ran always from the ground to the top of the bulding and killed many of suprised americans :mrgreen:

Memorial Albasrah firefight that maybe a few know

Posted: 2008-04-30 19:13
by arjan
we had some guys online from squad holland.
took 2 landies drove to south west of the map. moved over the the corn field took control of a compound just outside the village putted the landies in the corner of the compound walls setted a Rally inside the building.

squad consisted of:

- Officer
- Grenadier
- Rifleman
- Rifleman
- Support gunner
- Light AT

soon after we operated abit outside our fortified compound :P .. the insurgents discoverd our FOB. and now we had to make ourselfes ready for an intense and immense waves of around ½ of the insurgents team. we blew up 1 wall where the support gunner could lay at to suppres the enemie and we had the guy with the AT4 with some ammo on the roof of our compound the rest was outside near the landies covering toward the village.

the first wave begun and the 50's begun to fire, and coordinating with us infantry to shoot at the Insurgents. in the first wave we got around 15kills and damn much TW points.

then the 2nd wave. came but now they decided to bring a technical up. afcourse we where good organized and the technical got shot bye AT4 when he did a drivebye on the main road towards the indestructible bridge. then when he blew up we gotted heave MG fire of PKM's followed by a assault of insurgents and peskie civie's the 50's took care of everyone in the corn field and on the road at the village. we asked for extract of a merlin when 1 of our landrover turned up to flames when he got hit by 2 well coordinated rpg's (first one destroyed the wall second one the vehicle) than their was a big hole in our defense, the walls. we kept on fireing when we got told bye the comm. that we had to pull back after the wave was finished. and the merlin would arrive. merlin came in with reinforcements to clear our path but abit above the ground a RPG shot straight to the cargo door into the cockpit and then it blew up after 20 seconds of smoking and burning a bit. we runned back quik to the compound.

and then the third wave started.
now we had rain of all kinds of gunfire coming in from SKS to RPG.
after a time one bye one got killed and respawned on the rally except the at4. at the time i respawned i saw 2 tiny red cars coming in on the road the at4 guy had a lucky shot and shot between them and they both blew up, at that time insurgent came from everywhere. we got killed, almost the whole round was about our compound and the rally. against the insurgents waves. the firefight was around 20 minutes long. in the main time mechanized infantry blew all the chaches in the cities up. and we won! :)

we had the feeling we were invincible till the first landie blew up.
we killed around 10 civi's an 60 insurgents, i got around 12 with my GL. and our squad had more than a few 1000 TW points. back at airport we had a big laugh. due to the stuff that happens.. closer than reality you cant get ! :D

Great times.. remined me off Coalition forces shooting at taliban forces on youtube.