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GamingSa Large Maps- Transport Chopper Squad

Posted: 2008-06-02 12:34
by Polden
Gaming Sa Large Maps...

I am relatively new to PR, but run a clan on vannilla bf2 and the other night myself (=FoE= Sean_Polden) and a few of my clan buddies from =FoE= (Forces of Evil) were playing on Gaming Sa Server (Larges Maps).

It was around our 5th map in the rotation and it came to the kashan desert... a kinda " :| OH GREAT HERE WE GO :? " thought flashes through my head as the server loads...

As myself and my clan buddie have loaded up... i invite him into a squad i have named "Air Trans"...

After a long battle... i had 800+ points... my buddy 600+... no deaths for the both of us... and the most fun ive had on bf2 4 ages... just by simply picking people up n dropping them off... WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT

Re: GamingSa Large Maps- Transport Chopper Squad

Posted: 2008-06-02 12:41
by PrivateJson
Welcome to the real world!

Nothing beats playing this game the way it was meant to played! Great fun!

Re: GamingSa Large Maps- Transport Chopper Squad

Posted: 2008-06-02 12:50
by +SiN+headhunter
Good to see mate.
Also is that the Australian GSA server?

See u out there if so mate. U can drop me at the nearest empty tank.

Re: GamingSa Large Maps- Transport Chopper Squad

Posted: 2008-06-02 13:09
by Polden
Sure is... :) played with and against u quite abit last week :mrgreen:

Re: GamingSa Large Maps- Transport Chopper Squad

Posted: 2008-06-07 15:23
by Smegburt_funkledink
I just finished my first ever round as a transport pilot online. I must say, it's very satisfying seeing the progress of squads you've dropped off that would have taken ages otherwise.

I made a few drops for different squads and picked up a few stragglers (lone wolfs lost in the desert), we soon had the insurgents surrounded and won the map!


Note to self: Don't take screen shots whilst flying... nearly crashed after taking this. :s

Re: GamingSa Large Maps- Transport Chopper Squad

Posted: 2008-06-07 16:33
by kevlarorc
Even better than just transporting is gunshipping!
Project Reality Blackhawk Gunship on Vimeo

Re: GamingSa Large Maps- Transport Chopper Squad

Posted: 2008-06-08 09:57
by Polden
I often work with my clanmate =FoE= Damo13579 in my chopper squad... as he communicates with my transportees... and also provides excelent cover with the mini gun if i hold the chopper still.

We often drop supplies to friendlies behind lines so that they are able to hinder the opposition with c4 etc.. 8)

i am hooked on "Air Trans"

Re: GamingSa Large Maps- Transport Chopper Squad

Posted: 2008-06-09 07:22
by Chanvlan
yeh transport is awsomeness

Re: GamingSa Large Maps- Transport Chopper Squad

Posted: 2008-06-09 10:09
by para_hjs
Welcome to the "real world"!

Good to hear that there are dedicated air transports out there :)