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[Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-02 23:24
by dbzao
Here is some work regarding the medics and healing dynamics we are working on.

The medics will probably get:

6 field dressings (up from 5)
4 smoke grenades (up from 2)
10 charges for defribilator (up from 6)

All good, but the next change is the big one here. In previous releases, in order to revive someone, you have to be extremely well coordinated and on the ball. Being able to identify when a squad member goes down, identifying what took them out, doing the right action (fall back, surpress the enemy, pop smoke & wait, then move in and revive) BEFORE the wounded time runs out is such a strong demand that it makes the class very very difficult, specially when more than one soldier is down at the same time.

The change involves bumping the respawn time to 60 seconds (for now) so the medics have a bigger interval to revive his team members. But wait, no need to panic. When down, the SUICIDE button changes to GIVE UP that the player can click to go from critically wounded to the killed state. The timer is then switched to the normal spawn time of 30 seconds (plus other penalties) minus the time the player has already waited.

Players who are killed straight out (headshot, died in a vehicle, died by explosion, etc) won't get the extended critically wounded time and will go directly to the standard killed time of 30 seconds (plus other penalties).

So if you don't have a medic around, you can bypass the extended time and go to the normal spawn time we already have today. But if your medic is still up, you may want to not give up that soon and that may save your squad from moving all the way from main base again or something like that.

Another change was to reduce the health after revived to the "black vision" state, so it won't be a good idea to jump up and run away. Let the medic get you the first aid and after your vision comes back to normal it's ok to move to a safer location. Just a more "realistic" behavior we want from soldiers coming out of a critical wound.

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-02 23:50
by Waaah_Wah
What are those other penalties your talking about? :)

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-02 23:57
by Raniak
Awesome, wasting defibrillator charges on dead soldiers was really annoying. It's also pretty cool that revived soldiers are going to get the "black vision", I almost never see it before dieing.

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 00:17
by =Romagnolo=
hum... different. From here, it looks ... I dont know, I wish I was a tester to play under these new circunstances to give my sincerly opinion. OK, let's wait for the new version.

I liked the "give-up" idea.

Great news so far, dbzinho.


Posted: 2008-06-03 00:47
by Oldirti
Waaah_Wah wrote:What are those other penalties your talking about? :)
Like for tking, or killing a civvy

I like these changes, i've been waiting for a good update, and here it is.
Oldirti wrote:Like for tking, or killing a civvy
I like these changes, i've been waiting for a good update, and here it is.

also, are the kits going to stay for 60 seconds now too?

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 00:51
by Tirak
Is it possible to make the "Give Up" button work just by pressing Pg Up twice rapidly?

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 01:57
by Antonious_Bloc
Tirak wrote:Is it possible to make the "Give Up" button work just by pressing Pg Up twice rapidly?
When you're 'dead', you can just right-click and you've got the spawn menu in your face. I just learned that the other day :)

And sweet change.

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 02:17
by Cyrax-Sektor
Amazing work with the engine! It'll give us medics a chance to help fallen fellows, without giving everybody a huge spawn time.

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 02:21
by Spectre
Sounds like a solid improvement! :)

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 02:23
by Sabre_tooth_tigger
Great, I play as medic in the tournament and it is very hard with ammo running out quickly even if you are successful.
Nicely done

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 02:53
by jaspercat444
The 60 second spawn time will really help Medics everywhere... finally, something that actually helps Medics!!! Hooraay! :D

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 02:57
by Ironcomatose
The one problem i see with this is that a lot of people are not going to know about the ability to "give up" and that leads to a lot of people being mad at the game.

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 03:35
by vfn4i83
Can it be a option to be left toggled off, all the time ??????

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 03:41
by Ironcomatose
Ghost1800 wrote:and just like every release the people who are used to PR's changing nature will either explain the situation in a polite and brief manner... or go "RTFM!!!"

You say that like its not a problem. Not to mention all the guys who will just give up. Not that im saying you cater to their needs but just an observation. Maybe at least you guys could make this change of the game VERY so we might be able to avoid the 2000 topics complaining about the spawntime. :roll: :D

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 04:10
by OkitaMakoto
Beautiful, seriously, this is a great compromise between what is in now and making medics a great asset.

If you want them, they will now be a force to be reckoned with, as you have more time to clear a combat zone before reviving. If you dont want a medic, your loss, but you'll have to walk from your rally :P

Good news!

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 05:33
by eggman
Brilliant change :)

I think you'll prolly see the spawn timer upped to 2 minutes, which is frankly not much time at all given db has figured out the "give up" thing. In fact, imo, I don't see why we wouldn't go to 3 or even 5 minutes. Could be a really meaningful ticket and also represents a discretionary evaluation the squad leader or members need to evaluate (eg: are they gonna get wiped reviving the guy, costing more than the ticket they could save).

This play element will also reward tactical players because they should *rarely* get burned by the timer expiring because a thoughtful, tactical play style should result in less situations where a guy is mandown in a completely unrecoverable circumstance (tho in the past it may have taken more than 30 seconds to get into a recovery position, 'specially considering the smoke takes a few seconds to build up).

Some folks will react poorly to a long spawn time when they don't know about the "give up" option, but any really decent game that people will eventually like is not something you make a decision on without some rtfm'ing.

Love this change - great work db!

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 05:50
by Spaz
Really good changes but just like eggman said there will always be someone who will complain beacuse he/she doesn't know about the "give up" option.

Re: [Gameplay] Medics and healing dynamics

Posted: 2008-06-03 06:14
by OkitaMakoto
black-wolf wrote:As a medic, I love this! :D
In addition to current medics loving this, Im sure we'll see an increase in squads using a medic. With this new system, youll have the time to focus on clearing the immediate area and then revive them... before it was almost a **** shoot as by the time the threat was dealt with the squaddie was dead[most often youre just a second late, too!], or you had to rush out amidst a hail of bullets and hope the smokescreen was full enough/hope you didnt get shot. :)

I cant wait!