team players on Texas.......teamplayers
Posted: 2008-07-05 06:04
I just had an all around great game on the Texas team players server, kashan desert, USMC. Our commander was very good. He had little to work with (poor squads and teamwork) but still did an exellent job. I forget his name (sorry) but I'd still like to give him credit. I was an SL. I had 4 SMs who were great. Joe (numbers), litkit, and kenaro. They were great, they followed orders and were smart in a pinch. Our squad got over 1840 points before I had to leave the game early. We had already, nearly songle handedly, taken north and south bunker, and we had successfully defended north village and when I left there was still well over 300 tickets to play. We saw limited combat, but it was still a fun game. Good job to my squad mates and the commander. Hell of a game.