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The Jabal Epic

Posted: 2008-07-23 14:42
by Sadist_Cain
T&T Server Jabal Al Burj 22nd july

You know the one :P

What a round that was!

Teething problems for USMC at west beach to begin with whilest my squad was split between keeping dam secure and causing disruption at the bridge.

Bridge fell to the MEC about the same time we took dam, a firebase built north was providing reinforcements for the MEC to begin their attack on dam. Luckily thanks to good intel from another squad my squad was in a good position to take it out.
As we moved out from dam another squad slipped into defense right behind us after some tense firefighting with our rally point just around the corner we destroyed the enemy firebase, dropped with C4, although at this stage the squad had been killed off and the rally down.

restart at our firebase northwest of dam we can barely move, pinned by a vodnik and an angry hornets nest of MEC that we'd stirred up our only decent option was to move further north, after a couple of attempts we managed to get out of the line of enemy fire. A SM braught a hummer from west al burj and so we made our way past MEC main and down through the city.

bridge is in a stalemate at this time IAJTHOMAS is leading a squad on the west side of it and is holding the line, though unable to advance and having a bit of a headache. As they held their ground it gave us a chance to gain the high ground and position ourselves on the east side after a few 5.56 pills IAJTHOMAS' headache was gone and both squads crushed in on the bridge from both sides

meanwhile [DM]Eddiereyes is taking his squad out to the 'burbs far east of the city, once the defense is in place at bridge we move out to the south side of the city.
We make it to the flag just before Eddiereyes' squad and so handover to them as we move southwest to that fenced off hanger type place thing (tactical coordination this is ;P) we make our way to east al burj. rally goes down by the rocks and we go to move in...

Oops, many hostiles north by water tower, bunker at east and a whole squad on the flag with another supporting from the north, we got massacred. Then the shit really hit the fan, 3 times we had enemies with 10m of our rally point, a lucky hole in the fence allowed us to dash west towards the small building which could give some cover... only after crossing the wide flat open tarmac of the gated entrance first which was a death trap from the MEC sharpshooters behind the wall, barely 30-40 metres away. we all made it.

New rally down we start giving back some fire, to the enemies north and at east al burj, support gunner (Loco_Kirra) holds down all advances from the flag to our position, whilest riflemen picked off shots.

The woosh of a H-AT rocket flew past our heads accompanied with the sound of a crumbling bunker (nice one eddies squad {I think}) :P ... there was a very very short lull in the amount of enemy fire coming towards us, but it was long enough "MOVE MOVE MOVE!! WERE OPEN LETS GO!!!" I bellow down my mic all 6 soldiers are up and running, we jump the wall and spread out like marmalade on toast, all hostiles on the flag are eliminated with no casualties on our side. there are no reinforcements as the bunker was destroyed and now the other squads are holding off any enemy advances at the bridge.

Jdam into the main base

/ Game Over

Your stories folks? sorry for the bad typing I've just blasted this one out before walking my dog lol

Tactics & Teamwork :: "Like Minded Gaming"

Re: The Jabal Epic

Posted: 2008-07-24 16:17
by thedoombringer0
That was a very amazing round exciting i even got adrenaline pumping as the commander holed up in bunkers away from the fighting except for the odd moving of support trucks.

All the squads were doing their jobs and following orders like a dream but two squads really stood out squad 4 sl IAJTHOMAS and squad 5 sl [DM]Eddiereyes they followed orders perfectly throughout the game and seeing the squads all snake in straight in the right order when a flag got capped was amazing the best ive seen.

Squad 1 is also worth a mention the sl changed alot (so i cant really remember who to mention) but it remained effective. Squad 2 is also worth a mention providing huey support effectively throughout the round dropping of crates for assets and transporting squads to great effect.

The best moment of the round had to be seeing squad 3 snake into west alburj and squad 4 snake into defenive positions at east it was amazing even on the co map then within 1 minute having sq 5 i think i was call the jdam down on the now cappable mec main.

All in all an epic round and to all those that enjoyed it hope to see you on the T&T server again.

Re: The Jabal Epic

Posted: 2008-07-24 20:28
by cyberzomby
Nice report! Sounds like an awesome battle!