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Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-06 22:36
by Tartantyco
...running through the woods 3-400 meters away? I'm just asking because it seems so many squad members are eager to try it out all the time when I'm trying to keep moving to the objective as a squad.


Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-06 22:57
by General_J0k3r
know the problem, do it myself from time to time...
it's annoying, yeah ;)

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 03:23
by TOME Malambri
Without a marksman rifle or a HAT rocket, not typically. I also am in constant battles to keep my squad from engaging targets that are not an immediate threat to our objective.

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 03:45
by Rudd
I generally get my guys only to fire on my attack markers, but if we're under fire I'll let them engage at will, but if we need to move a few well chosen commands will get the guys moving again

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 06:47
by davetboy_19
On the rare occasion when I'm having an uber round I can and will take him down. But normally leave it to the Marksman or just follow the mission at hand.

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 07:55
by Airsoft
somehow i find it i shoot more accurate if i pick up the enemy's kit.

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 09:25
by Outlawz7
Airs0ft_S0ldier11 wrote:somehow i find it i shoot more accurate if i pick up the enemy's kit.
Same, it sort of seems like weapons work the best against the faction that they belong to.

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 09:50
by Scot
See when I'm not SLing or Riflemanning or LATing, I like the Marksman, and I love just crouching and taking out the guy like 3-400 metres away... just me...though... Also USMC(soon to be US Army) Marksman rifle is the awesomest.

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 10:23
by Sadist_Cain
I hear what you're saying :P its the sound of the shots aswell that just show the enemy where you all are, esp in insurgency when theyre everywhere!

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 22:50
by Epim3theus
No, i can't say that i did but i keep on trying anyhow.

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 22:58
by strima
Give me a scoped rifleman kit and I can drop most targets at 300m even when moving but it takes several rounds and would never do it unless really necessary. Why compromise the squad for 1 kill?

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-07 23:59
by Sadist_Cain
strima wrote:Why compromise the squad for 1 kill?
I like this man, I like what he's saying

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-08 00:28
by Tomato-Rifle
I would let him go, and if i have a unscoped rifly i want try to bother anyone from 150 feet, unless they are still and i have a headshot. Because as soon as u shoot at sombody far waya, the most often dont know where its coming from and hide..

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-08 01:08
by Tirak
I think there's a hint on the PR loading screen that goes something like this "If you can't kill it, don't mess with it, or it will kill you"

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-08 04:55
by WildBill1337
you need an m16, m14, T-95, HAT or sniper rifle to hit that. If you have a MEC weapon, don't bother. even the dragunov wont get him

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-08 11:26
by cyberzomby
I cant hit shit without scope :P So it depends. The situation your describing: Probably not. Altough I tried sometimes. Now I wouldnt try engaging that guy.

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-18 11:08
by Tartantyco
-Also; when you see a Humvee with a guy on the .50 cal... DON'T GET IN THE CAR AND START DRIVING YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF ******* ******** ****** ****!

Re: Do you ever hit that guy...

Posted: 2008-08-18 23:46
by Sturnn
I love going up into high places with a sniper rifle and picking off enemy Squad leaders or people who are surpressing my squad or squad more of a marskman "riflemen" kinda guy...i still love my sub-machine guns and heavy stuff but mainly i love sniping and marksman kits the most...because my playing style is stealth and ambush pretty good in close quarters tho or room to room :P .