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Good ending to Basrah

Posted: 2008-08-12 06:09
by imhooks
Was playing on the battlearena server and someone placed the Merlin in a perfect spot at the end of the match.


Re: Good ending to Basrah

Posted: 2008-08-12 06:56
by Tartantyco
-Heh, I played that one as well. As a matter of fact I just finished another game there, Brits finally won!

Re: Good ending to Basrah

Posted: 2008-08-12 08:05
by Dunehunter
I prefer my endings to be a bit more...explosive. But to each their own.

Re: Good ending to Basrah

Posted: 2008-08-12 08:57
by VoXiNaTiOn
Haha, nice!

You can't beat vBF2 though where the planes tend to randomly fly past the camera, I think that's the best flying some pilots do on vBF2 :p .

Re: Good ending to Basrah

Posted: 2008-08-12 09:22
by Outlawz7
VoXiNaTiOn wrote: You can't beat vBF2 though where the planes tend to randomly fly past the camera, I think that's the best flying some pilots do on vBF2 :p .


Wasn't me btw and this screenshot is 2 years old now.

Re: Good ending to Basrah

Posted: 2008-08-12 16:44
by FuzzySquirrel
twenty bucks says it was Marine Maverick...hes done it before