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evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2008-08-22 09:49
by HAwkY
im a gd pilot the only thing is, when im being chased by another fighter i can never get him offf my tail so i was wondering i anyone knew some ways to get him off ur back, i have one way but it diesnt always work, i slow my speed down while going all over the place so he cant get a gd shot while realesing flares and he goes past and i fly away but his diesnt always work completely

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2008-08-22 10:38
by Brummy
Go down to an alt of 5 in the middle of nowhere.. then pull up to 700 and loop to the opposite direction :D

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2008-08-22 12:52
by SuperTimo
full after burners pull hard to the left and right whilst climbing, at high atlitude you go faster and the missiles can hit you very easily. if they are still on do a half barrleroll and pull back hard then dive for the ground.

another good idea is flying over friendly AA or your main base.

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2008-08-22 15:16
by Eagle345
pop flares then turn into ur flares then flares again except go in the opposite direction but you gotta do it fast then climb and stay out of sight for a while, maybe even land

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2008-08-22 15:39
by M_Striker
use the clouds to your advantage, and do a series of spins ,barrel rolls, and loops. If you do loops through the clouds, u will lose the enemy. Also faking a turn also sometimes helps. :D

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2008-08-22 23:31
by Comptons
Do a barrel roll! like in this vid! YouTube - Do a barrel roll !

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2008-08-23 12:32
by Tomato-Rifle
If your a good pilot you should have killed the other jets before they see u. Just kidding

I do all this crazy things and most of the times i survive.

Just be carefull when chasing another enemys jets, look where its going, it might be heading to an AA or something.

Or sometimes the enemy jets dive towards the ground, me of course following it. It cant make the turn and smashes into the ground and kills me too

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2009-04-09 02:48
by matthewm5
ive made it out of that kinda trap

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2009-04-12 00:39
by TF6049
M_Striker wrote:use the clouds to your advantage, and do a series of spins ,barrel rolls, and loops. If you do loops through the clouds, u will lose the enemy. Also faking a turn also sometimes helps. :D
Pretty much. Just keep randomly turning, spinning, and try to get on him. Also, never presume the enemy has bugged out unless you are absolutely sure. The same rules apply to vanilla.

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2009-04-12 16:54
by Cpl.Small
yer just get up high and pull lots of evasion a lot of diving and things, make him confused :)

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2009-04-12 18:23
by JohnTheRipper
find a dogfighting manual that a airforce might train off of and study it.
also for me i fly high up wait for a spotter below to see an enemy aircraft then i come down and use my guns since missiles tell them i there thus less time i get for that percise kill.

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2009-04-12 19:05
by Cpt. Trips
Fly in a flight of two aircraft and execute a Thach Weave when you get engaged.

Works every time ;)

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2009-04-15 14:40
by Elektro
Cpt. Trips wrote:Fly in a flight of two aircraft and execute a Thach Weave when you get engaged.

Works every time ;)

Really? When i jump in a plane, in a random server, my wingman is allways blank when i try to explain him, how to do a Thach Weave. Its a great way to avoid the enemy aircraft, and getting him down aswell

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2009-04-15 15:18
by 503
Cpt. Trips wrote:Fly in a flight of two aircraft and execute a Thach Weave when you get engaged.

Works every time ;)
When I fly the fighter, that's what I usually do. There's not much use in just flying randomly in a fighter when the bomber has all the goods so I might as well protect him. It worked pretty well once when an enemy fighter sneaked up on my teammates bomber and I was able to take down his ***. If you are going to do this, just keep your spacing or you might crash into each other, or you might just give the enemy more targets to shoot at.

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2009-04-15 15:35
by Cpt. Trips
Actually I was talking out my arse. :p
I've never tried it, but judging by how successful it was IRL I don't doubt that it's got some use in-game.

Re: evading enemy aircraft

Posted: 2009-06-12 21:16
Try going up at a 90 degree angle then helix to the left or right for me it works like a charm 8)