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Posted: 2008-08-22 22:37
by TF6049
I was on Ejod a couple days ago and defending a firebase by myself. I held off a few waves before being killed without enough time to respawn (actually I was teamswitched :-x ) but I liked doing that. I M16'd about 8 guys in the process. Just loooooove the ease of use and accuracy on that thing :)

This made me realize that the sniperkit is not the only effective weapon in my hands ;)

Re: ACOG <3

Posted: 2008-08-23 01:17
by TheGoldenElite
ACOG or any optics makes any rifle FAR more effective, If i dont have a scope then I usually limited to close range and avoiding fights. Optics are what seperates the rifleman from any other kit, in the right hands it can take on any infantryman comfortably.

Re: ACOG <3

Posted: 2008-08-29 15:06
by Jimmy_Smack
Acog's are nice, without them I tend to use the ironsights at long range for suppression alone.

Re: ACOG <3

Posted: 2008-08-29 18:28
by <1sk>Headshot
I love the QBZ the most <3

Re: ACOG <3

Posted: 2008-08-29 18:33
by Zeppelin35
The QBZ is l337. On Sunset City I kept on getting 3-4 kills before every death and I managed to single handedly kill a squad attacking our bunker. It's teh graetest rifle evar!!!!1!!11!eleven!

Re: ACOG <3

Posted: 2008-08-29 18:47
by Exec
QBZ kicks a$$, but L85 is good too.