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Tank stalker

Posted: 2008-09-05 00:59
by Sanke
I pretty much owned him. Stupid soloers
Sneaky Ninja - Xfire Video

Re: Tank stalker

Posted: 2008-09-05 06:30
by Polden

Re: Tank stalker

Posted: 2008-09-07 11:47
by CareBear
the best was me and jamyz parachuting into south village, i guided myself onto a tank just outside it

harrassed it with pistol and knife, the driver then got into the 50. 1 knife to the head =D

about 5mins later the gunner tries to get me the same way, another knife

disabbling a 2 man tank with pilot kit.... priceless =D

Re: Tank stalker

Posted: 2008-09-07 13:07
by HeXeY
Hah, I've done it as a civilian :P