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[AAR] Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-16 00:40
by Shadow51585
I normally play with my squad, but managed to join halfway through a round on the |TG| server. It was on Korengal, running good old Insurgency mode. I was placed on the Insurgent team and found a squad to play in. They were great, team-oriented guys, but were clustered a fair distance from the closest spawn point. As such, I choose the spawn closest to the cache that the US knows about and start walking towards my squad, who are holding halfway up the southern mountains looking down on the approaching Americans.

I was on a very close to a small tunnel on the road in the southern mountains through a rock outcrop. Frequent players will know what I am talking about. Just north of it is a house off to the side of the road where it curves to the west.

So I'm walking up, and I see an American rifleman about 80 yards in front of me. I prone out next to the side of the road with a fairly vertical hill on my left that you cannot climb. He did not see me, so I aim in, trying to decide to shoot or not.

Deciding against my rifle for the moment, I take out my only grenade, and toss it. It detonates about 3 feet from him as he is walking towards the house. Bullseye!

Now the fun started.....

A second rifleman comes up, and sighting in, I take him down easily. I think he may have been bleeding.

A medic came out of the house and revived the second rifleman, leaving the first, and running back to the house. I carefully took aim and shot the second rifleman again, killing him a second time. The medic ran out again and revived a second time. So I fire once more, taking the second rifleman out a THIRD time.

Now, I am expecting the medic this time, so I am sighted in with the SKS rifle. He walks up, and I pull off 3 shots on him. All 3 hit (I love that rifle) and the Medic goes down.

I carefully approach and take the Medic kit. As everybody knows, an American medic kit is GOLD to the Insurgents. :)

Right then, I hear pistol fire on the hill above me. I look up and see a fellow Insurgent there in a close quarters battle with an American officer. The officer pistols my comrade and takes him out. So I line up my fabulous new M4 rifle with sight and pick him off at a modest 30 yards away. I opted to hold onto that Medic kit over the officer one, because we all know how unprepared the Insurgents are to deal with injuries. ;)

So in about 45 seconds total, I managed to take out 4 people in a squad inclding the SL.

Best experiance of .08 ever. I didn't even take a bit of damage. Also, I met up with my squad quickly after that and put that medic bag to good use. I think the Americans were baffled as to how our guys kept surviving bullet wounds. :D

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-16 02:20
by Teek
reminds me of a round with Fuzzhead as insurgents defending Lanyal, for a good 3/4 of the round we all had American kits, including Officer, Grenadier, Spec-ops, Medic and Rifleman. We didnt die once the entire round. I was bleeding out and Fuzz with the officer kit gave me his dressings, but I was still bleeding slowly so I had to find a American kit asap, some friendlys in a technical where shooting at a Solider at the foot of our base, I got his kit and thankfully he was a medic.

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-17 03:39
by Caboosehatesbabies
A player I respect once explained insurgency this way.

"All the good players wanna be Insurgent because they like the tactics and setting ambushes, all the noobs want to be Coalition so they get body armor, scopes, armor, and aircraft."

It's not uncommon to see single or small groups of insurgents wiping out entire squads for this reason I believe.

You see several threads around here complaining that the INS is underpowered with now scopes, no armor, no revive ability, no air support. "The AK-47 sucks" is heard alot. What people don't seem to realize is that you can't play insurgency mode like you do AAS or Counter-attack, it's an entirely different conflict which requires an entirely different set of tactics.

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-17 07:19
by NL_van_Speijk
As insurgent, my tactic usually involves flanking the infidels, getting close, emptying entire clips into their precious "body armor", and then taking their kit.

The AK might be inaccurate, but it seems quite powerful...

I also think an important part of playing insurgent is realising it doesn't really matter how often you die; you can only lose due to loss of weapon caches.

(And yay! First post!)

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-17 07:32
by Seiran
Well I like the challenge presented by the Insurgent gameplay. I die a whole lot, but that's mainly because I suck royally at this game lol But damn if it's not fun at times. It can be frustrating sometimes like when you fall down a 1ft hill and start coughing up your internals, but other than that it can be insanely fun.

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-17 09:02
by Drude
Caboosehatesbabies wrote: What people don't seem to realize is that you can't play insurgency mode like you do AAS or Counter-attack, it's an entirely different conflict which requires an entirely different set of tactics.

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-21 18:44
by STORM-Mama
The AK-47 is in my opinion one of the best assault rifles in the game. Powerful and fairly accurate. But above all easy to control in fully automatic mode, making it ideal for ambushes.

Usually prefer staying with my Kalashnikov instead of picking up British and American kits.

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-22 21:39
by Scot
Drude wrote:Word!
See my post here:
Insurgents don't suck, you do!!

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-22 23:29
by akatabrask
Yeah, and let's not mention the rpg7. for me, that kit is waaaaay better than any brit/usmc kit in my opinion (except H-AT maybe, but if a Brit/USMC uses that he must be wumwuts or just stupid).
I have absolutely no idea how many squads i have defeated with two easy shots from it, and many of the best rounds i've had so far have been camping with my squad in the house the cache is just keeping those infidels far away.
If i get to choose whether playing in the conventional army or as an insurgent I'd choose insurgents big time.
That teamwork and epicness you get from playing like that is far beyond anything else, like when you get to the point where you don't care about if you die as long as you keep those enemys away.

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-23 07:25
by victor_phx
Reminds me of my adventures as an Insurgent at Operation Archer.

I had this hideout located at a hilltop about 400 or 500m from the nearest weapons cache (in that one village that has the mosque). Several helicopters were transporting troops to northwest of the village, so I figured: maybe I should try to head west and then north to flank them, since they will be going southeast from their position.

Results? Stabbed one squad member, shot another one from behind, destroyed a rally, supported my friends from the flank, stabbed a sniper, got his kit and hit a rifleman with a restrainer. So I spent the rest of the round supporting from a high spot near my hideout.

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-09-26 04:05
by panther501
yah i love ambushing in ramiel. So damn fun. I should post the time when i flipped a stryker with an IED lol.

Re: Wasting squads as a lone Insurgent

Posted: 2008-10-24 14:55
by Jigsaw
Yday on my clan server (ETU) on Al Basrah I was on insurgents and racked up 24 kills.

Highlight was when, while hiding in a building near the main crossraods coming into the city, a command truck pulled up with a fully loaded jeep following. I killed the SL as he got out with the RPG, reloaded and destroyed the truck.
The rover came back around firing wildly at my building and I destroyed it with another RPG.
Then I moved East towards the cache and came across a squad in a courtyard with one guy firing out of an arch at the end whilst another 2 were sat in the corner.
I RPG'd the guy in the corner and was now down to my knife as the medic ran around the corner, past my position without seeing me, and towards the downed men in the corner. I sneaked up behind him and took him out with my knife along with their RP. The guy who had been in the arch ran back through the courtyard and having picked up a Brit kit I shot him on the run :)

2 Squads, 8 men, a command truck and a rover all down in about 2 mins, by 1 insurgent :D