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[Video] Merlin awesomenss

Posted: 2008-09-21 02:13
by Sanke
So in training mode we thought we should do something awesome. Here was the result. Deploying the SAWs in the merlin was so cool. We also shot some HATS and GLs out of it. Sorry for low quality and no sound. Read xfire description for reason

Firing from merlin back door - Xfire Video

Oh and btw,

U can g3t teh fastr0pez with a grappeling hook from doing this

Re: Merlin awesomenss

Posted: 2008-09-21 15:30
by the other Steve

Re: Merlin awesomenss

Posted: 2008-09-21 16:34
by Sanke
And if you are wondering how to do this, you have to get in the F6 and F7 seats. When you jump out you still stay in the chopper. We found out it's better to do this on the side doors than the back as the back lags alot for some reason. I wouldn't do this in a real game though. Would be a technical/RPG/ and tones of AK fire magnet

Re: Merlin awesomenss

Posted: 2008-09-29 20:53
by GoArmy117
Hmm, that would be good to do in a video: have people running out the back instead of just jumping out.

Re: Merlin awesomenss

Posted: 2008-09-29 21:33
by Scot
Did it in NATO 2 propoganda vid, which is void due to being filmed in 0.75, but still we had it :p