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Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-09-25 01:15
by Rudd
Ramiel and Korengal are both examples of maps where firebases in the middle of nowhere = a very temporary spawn point without very major defence
A maximum of four concurrent Forward Outposts (either Bunkers or Firebases) can be deployed for your team at any time, no matter the number of CPs.
one of these being placed in teh MAIN base = two extra vehicles (with 50cal goodness) for very little cost.
And best of all, the CP is right there for you to reload the truck's supply boxes and go build another one almost straight away.
So, be smart and get a bunker down right at the start of the game.
This isn't a good idea for all maps, e.g. Mestia benefits from FB's placed in favourable defensive locations in the capping areas.
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-09-25 01:38
by CodeRedFox
good tip.
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-09-25 02:05
by LithiumFox
must agree. great tip =D
though... *thinks* i wish people would defend firebases slightly better....
sadly i wish we could spawn IN the firebase XD
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-09-26 07:07
by CodeRedFox
LithiumFox wrote:must agree. great tip =D
though... *thinks* i wish people would defend firebases slightly better....
sadly i wish we could spawn IN the firebase XD
? can spawn there. I dont get it.
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-09-26 08:02
by hx.bjoffe
He means you spawn outside it not inside
EditPSbytheway i totally agree, a bunker on main in all small-medium sized maps is a golden go.
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-09-26 10:52
by General_J0k3r
yap. it's perfect. if there weren't those pseudohardcoretacticians around that would bash you for building such a FB saying one can spawn in base anyway...
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-01 01:34
by CodeRedFox
On smaller maps I see no problem spawning one at the base. Anyone tells you different...I bet 100 bucks they will grab the jeep when it spawns
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-01 01:39
by Rudd
I remember back in 0.7 battlearena server on Al basrah I was trying to get as many bunkers set up as possible, its amazing how many people just drive past,
I was thinking...maybe if I feign a heart attack next to one of the bunkers they will stop and hopefully build the bunker while the medic heals me...
Anyways people, if you have a commander/spec ops kit you can get rid of the old ones (hopefully already having obtained the jeeps) and move that spawn point (but afaik the associated 50cals and jeeps will be counted as associated with the new bunker, so don't forget that)
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-01 04:23
by Cyrax-Sektor
It's a good tactic, one I've seen very few times. People complain about being able to spawn in the main already, but they don't realize the potential of more Humvees. Then they complain about no rides.
Let's hope more people adopt this!
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-01 10:23
by tlindy
aw ghost your still an origional! just wished you realized you dont have to kill everything LOL.
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-01 19:06
by Scot
Yes, Rudd you are epic. Always do this when I can.
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-01 23:22
by LtSoucy
great tactic rudd.
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-02 17:46
by Masaq
Another option is to build one slightly outside main base, maybe 100m or so.
1) The vehicle is still within a moment's run of the main.
2) If the enemy discover it and camp it, you can spawn at main rather than spawn on the camped FB.
3) If the enemy push you back to your main, they will either discover the FB and get caught up in attacking it, OR they won't find it and you retain an additional spawn rather than the one at main (which will be crawling with troops). Both options buy you a little bit of time and manouverability to counterattack before the Main Base gets overrun.
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-02 19:36
by Rudd
'[R-COMM wrote:TheScot666;815503']Yes, Rudd you are epic. Always do this when I can.
nice, and lovin' the Yellow name btw...I'm blind now...but I'm loving it
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-07 00:05
by NyteMyre
Dr2B Rudd wrote:
So, be smart and get a bunker down right at the start of the game.
I can confirm that this is a great idea.
Just came from a Korengal game where I followed this tip, and after a while (after I received a bashing from wasting a FoB at the main base from the entire team), the map was swarming with Humvee's.
I think that after 1 hour, there were 4 unused Humvee's at main and 3 abandoned on the map. (Laniyal Humvee + FoB Humvee + FoB (at E3) humvee + normal main humee)
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-07 07:05
by cyberzomby
yeah I dont understand why people dont use this more often. The added transport is handy right!
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-07 13:04
Used this one on Basrah alot in the last version, one bunker at the main spawn area, one FB by the exit near the multi-storey car park. Lots more transport for everyone.
Re: Be the first, get those 2 jeeps!
Posted: 2008-10-07 16:56
by Rudd
Glad every1 is enjoying it
remember, now that AT weapons aren't as frequent the Jeeps (especially the Brit landy :twisted
can put alot of firepower downrange, and remember that 50cals can go through certain things