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[How to]Land F16 Falcon

Posted: 2008-10-05 06:55
by FuzzySquirrel
Ok, This is mainly for those pilots who can't quite land this jet. It's not to difficult however, To a new pilot it can be a bit complicated. This is not going to tell you how land like. Go 700kmh and then flare at 200 meters away from runway. Reason why it's not like that is because in a real game you won't always have the option to place a marker and do a perfection landing. This will show you the BASIC way of landing. I hope this helps you.
YouTube - Project Reality 0.8 Jet landing
The heli at the title means this is one part of a series of videos.
Ok due to lack of info i'll explain how I usualy land
ALT Around 100-150feet
Speed 700-900
Throttle Hovering around 40%-60%
Throttle depends on If i'm keeping alt or losing if i loose to much i usualy raise throttle

After the touchdown Reduce throttle all the way and use the down arrow(default) to Flare, this will cause you to slow after you get bellow 300speed you taxi engines should replace the pitch up down this is going to STOP you and hopefully you completed the landing before the end of the runway. The main thing though is PRATICE you're NOT going to be an ACE pilot the first time out. Increse your skills in a training or LOCAL server. If you have a dodgy touchdown simple correct using AorD or your rudder if it starts to tip use <- or -> this should correct and if worst comes to worst Bail chances are the jet will stop before and damage ot too much damage is done. Yeah you'll die if you do this and someone might take the aircraft but it's better than standing in the hanger for 20mins.

And the video appers laggy because I have slow motion on. For some reason it was like fastfoward without it.
Good Luck

Re: [How to]Land F16 Falcon

Posted: 2008-10-05 13:07
by Taliban-IED
Ok, your video is laggy and doesnt have any information about f16 landing speed altitude. Your video show only that u made a who cares ? So guys dont watch it...

Re: [How to]Land F16 Falcon

Posted: 2008-10-05 13:42
by Drav
The problem is Fuzzy that new pilots NEED the 'fly at 150alt at 55% power' type instructions because they are easy to follow and they work. When they can do it over and over again, they will find they dont need the markers and can rely on instinct, and THEN they are ready for battle flying. Until then tho they just keep overshooting or hitting the wall without some instructions to follow.....

Your video is good with an excellent approach, but totally runs out of instructions at the critical point, close to the runway.....

I also can't help mentioning the er...dodgy touchdown?

Re: [How to]Land F16 Falcon

Posted: 2008-10-05 15:30
by McBumLuv
I've finally got the hang of landing all the planes perfectly/near perfect on all maps (yes, even quinling!).

To me, one of the bigger issues that I had to learn about trial and error is how to keep yourself on the runway while landing. Seriously.

The problem was, that I might sometimes have a dodgy touchdown, which can be fatal if you slip off the runway. Unfortunately, I would be trying to readjust my position, while trying to taxi backwards to reduce speed.

I don't think anyone has covered this, but even if your still going at ~300 Km/H, if you try to turn while holding your backwards taxi key, you will turn in the opposite direction most of the time. My solution is to hold the taxi forward key down while making minor turns, then slowing the plane down again with the taxi backwards when I'm in the right direction.

While this may sound noobish, you wouldn't believe the difficulties I've had with only this issue.

Anyway, hope it helps anyone

Re: [How to]Land F16 Falcon

Posted: 2008-10-12 23:22
by Cptkanito
Its pretty simple once you learn how to do it. before, i just crashed-bang-whallop all the time. Now its a breeze, all it takes is a bit of practice.