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[Video] PR v0.8 Al Fadshr II Trailer1

Posted: 2008-11-07 01:06
by V-Nessa

We´re working on a 2nd part of our machinima. "Al Fadshr 2 - The Break Of Dawn"

The movie will have 3 Parts at the end (45min - 1 hour) and i think we need the next 9-12 months to finish it.

But don´t be disappointed. Here are the first pictures from it:

Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8


Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Low Quality:
YouTube - AL FADSHR II Trailer1 PR 0.8

hf :wink:

Re: [Video] Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Posted: 2008-11-07 01:13
by LRB_M1A
Wow :shock: :smile:

That looks like its going to be great!

Re: [Video] Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Posted: 2008-11-07 03:45
by bigpimp83
what is it battle movie of some type?

Re: [Video] Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Posted: 2008-11-07 07:45
by Scot
Great trailer guys :)

Re: [Video] Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Posted: 2008-11-07 08:10
by cyberzomby
yeh some nice shots in there already :)

Re: [Video] Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Posted: 2008-11-07 08:13
by fuzzhead
looks great so far keep it up :)

Re: [Video] Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Posted: 2008-11-07 10:57
by LtSoucy
Looks great. Keep going. :D

Re: [Video] Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Posted: 2008-11-07 11:44
by =Romagnolo=
I applyed to be an actor !

Re: [Video] Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Posted: 2008-11-07 13:33
by V-Nessa
thx @ all

We will do our best ;)

@Romagnolo: added in our movie crew

Re: [Video] Al Fadshr II Trailer1 PR 0.8

Posted: 2008-11-16 04:34
by mp5punk
I could do something like that if i didnt have such a crappy computer.