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[List] dumb things that happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-10 21:37
by cat
This thread is for posting dumb, embarrasing and silly things that happened to you or your squad while playing. Pleas numerate.

Here is my stuf:

Getting hit by a diverted friendly AA rocket that was supposed to hit an enemy helicopter flying over me. Killed my whole squad (5).

Getting rammed to death in a humvee by aa MEC truck after a long car chase through muttrah. After some evading maneuvers I lost track of the truck chasing me, then suddenly it appeared from a small side street and hit me from the side.

3. Accidently instructing my squad to attack muttrah "dicks" instead of "docks".

Climbing on a unreachable roof on mutrah with the hook. Then using fire1 instead of fire2 ( which throws it basically away), effectively trapping myself on the roof.

Trying to kill a rifleman with marksman rifle 300m away. AFter like 3 magazines of aimed shots, the other guy is like over global chat:
"Who is the MEC trying to shoot me on the roof?"
"Stop it, its pointless for both of us!"

We both tried to hit each other until the sun set on muttrah. Without success.

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-10 22:03
by =Romagnolo=
someone "HOW DO I GET A KIT?"

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-10 22:12
by Jigsaw

7. Riding in a LB over muttrah, AA rocket goes through the center of the LB killing all the passengers but leaving the pilot and helicopter completely unharmed.
LB touches down and pilot asks "why arent you guys getting out?" lol

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-10 22:41
by Fishbone
I had a laugh about point 5, good story!

8. As SL repeatedly ordering your tank to move to the marker. Taking a minute to realize that you are the driver.

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-10 22:58
by CodeRedFox
Calling artillery on a village only to watch two friendly squads move right into the village.

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-11 00:32
by Cptkanito
The classic...both jets flying over the airfield in different directions at the same time, one expecting the other to move out of the way. Crash-bang-wallop!!

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-11 00:37
by Dude388
11. Getting a little bit to tense on a map after a long time without combat....and blasting a squad leaders head clean off when he comes around a corner.

12. Having a SL tell you to get to a certain postion a long way away and have you wait there for him to place a rally.....only to have him get there and realize he forgot the OFFICER kit.

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-11 02:03
by daranz
13. Watching a JDAM marker suddenly pop up on top of two friendly squads. And then watching one of the squadleaders say, in text, that he meant to request build order. Then, hearing a surprised MEC spotter exclaim over global that a JDAM just hit his laser spot.

14. "Ok, guys, I got them all. It's all clear. I'm gonna come to you and heal you up so hold your fire, ok?"

5 seconds later


Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-11 07:18
by GeneralNorth
17 some pilot on muttrah that dropped me off at mec main and i got kicked for it(my destination was docks lol!)

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-11 10:38
by victor_phx
21) I'm with the militia team, Assault on Mestia. The british are attacking the Storage Bunker, my squad is entirely dead - I'm the only survivor. The other squads retreat, everybody is running to the hills. I'm running back to north and see a parked technical, I thought "maybe I could drive it and give everybody a lift to safety".

So, there I am, approaching four friendlies who are by the side of the road when I get the warning "There is a problem with your connection". Okay, I was already giving up, since the message stayed onscreen for like 5 seconds, but then the game comes back... unfortunately! Guess who are these four bodies under my vehicle?

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-11 13:56
by ZaZZo

Basejumping on Ejod Desert from the US main base. Someone jumped on my parachute and it collapsed. I feel to the ground and died, but got revived.

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-11 16:28
by LtSoucy
Bored at training and starting a mass base jumping on EJOD

Driving head-on into smoke filled area on muttrah with my APC only to find a Firebase and a HAT waiting for me.

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-11 17:07
by Solid Knight
25 - Speeding down Muttrah I spot an enemy helicopter landing in front of me. I intentionally ram the enemy for making such a stupid maneuver... then I realized I was on the US team.

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-11 17:11
by Dude388
Solid Knight wrote:25 - Speeding down Muttrah I spot an enemy helicopter landing in front of me. I intentionally ram the enemy for making such a stupid maneuver... then I realized I was on the US team.
I've had moments like that soooo many times. I play a long round as the MEC and when the round restart I'm switched to US and I forget and panic a bit when I hear an Attack-Heli do a fly-by near us.

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-12 01:26
by daranz
26. I was sitting in the back of a Merlin on Al Basra, with little view of the outside. Suddenly, I hear somebody use the "Go go go!" option on the commo rose. So, I get out. Only the Merlin was in mid air over the western part of the city, south of the VCP. I land on the ground still alive, manage to heal myself up and then manage to walk to my squad actually killing an insurgent along the way (he didn't expect me to come up from behind).

The second time I had to jump out of a helicopter that round was when a really twitchy pilot took off as soon as I got out... inside the helicopter. Fortunately, I survived that leap as well. Who said you need fastropes?

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-12 01:51
by Robbi
27: Driving through muttrah, enemy is putting a firebase up at the back of hotel[mec], driving in a humvee with the rest of my squad, I hold down X to get the radio as you do, to secs later bang, we are hurtling into the air, fly about 100 feet maybe?? then crash into a house and blow up :P

After that i had the Humvee radio sound bugging all match

Later found out the mec lads were building a firebase and had just deployed barbed wire as we drove past :S

Re: Top 100 list of dumb things happened to you

Posted: 2008-11-12 02:40
by LudacrisKill
HAHAHA 20...