![Razz :p](./images/smilies/imported_icon_razz.gif)
Core 5762:6666
HUD: Uxxxxxd gxxxxxxxr kxt ixxn axxxd to cxxxxs ixxxs fxxxxx (chuc)
HUD: Txxxxxd bxxxk on txe cxxxxxs to be a gxxxxxr 7x% gxxx (chuc)
HUD: Txxxd dxxn rxd sxxxxn oxxxxxy in txe hxt bxxxd txxxxxx (chuc)
HUD: Fxxxd 3d hxd mxxxxxs nxt uxxxg nxw rxxxxr axd dxxxxxy mxxxxxx (chuc)
HUD: Rxxxxr oxxxr ixxn cxxxxxd to a sxxxxl (xxxxs nxxxs to be uxxxxxxx (chuc)
HUD: Mxxe oxxxr ixxn cxxxxxd to an exe (xxxxs nxxxs to be uxxxxxxx (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd hxd ixxn fxr 9xxxx (jaymz)
HUD: Axxxd nxw hxd fxr bxxx3 at mxxxxxx (falkun)
HUD: Uxxxxxd axxxs wxxh nxw cxxxxxn axd lxt ixxxs (xxxxl nxxd sxxxxxe exxe to pxt in nxw hxx, rxxxx, axd ixxxxxxxt vxxxxxt ixxxxx (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd nxw kxt ixxxx (chuc)
HUD: Txxxxxd axxxxk ixxn fxxm a sxxxd to a cxxxxxxxx (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd cxxxxt exxxxxxr to kxt rxxxxxt lxxt in pxxxe of txe sxxxxxxx (dbzao)
HUD: Fxxxd axxxs fxxe (xxxxt fxxxxt to axd txe .xxi fxxe axd axxo cxxxk fxr mxxxxxg fxxxxxx (dbzao)
HUD: Rxxxxxd axxo cxxxxxr bxxxxxxxxx (ancientman)
HUD: Rxxxxxd ixxxs axxxe nxxxxxxs on 3d mxx (ancientman)
HUD: Uxxxxxd hxx, lxx, cxxxxxn axd exxxxxxr ixxxx (chuc)
HUD: Bxxxxxd in txe pxxxl on txe exe fxr txe mxxe (xxxs hxxx) cxxxxxx (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd nxw axxxxxxxc rxxxxxxn ixxx (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd axd txxxxxd sxxe vxxxxxe mxxxxxp ixxxx (chuc)
HUD: Uxxxxxd oxd lxxxxxxxxr hxd fxr sxxxxxr (xxxxxxd cxxxxn txxxx (falkun)
HUD: Rxxxxxxxd kxt rxxxxxt lxxt to pxt txe exxxxxxr nxxt to txe oxxxr ixxxxxxy kxxxx (dbzao)
HUD: Axxxd nxw lxxxxxxxs txxxk mxxxxxp ixxxx (chuc)
HUD: Axxxd nxw lxxxt axc ixxx, fxr txe sxxxxxr axd bxxx0 (xxxxd mxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
HUD: Axxxxxxxd to mxxe txe dxxxh sxxxxxxxxd ixxn txe sxxe as txe 'xxxxxxxn mxxx' sxxxxxxxxd ixxn so yxu cxxxt txxl vxa sxxxxxxxxd wxo is dxxd on txe oxxxxxxg sxxx (chuc)
MATERIALS: Fxxxd 1xxxxm dxxxxe vs txxxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPIONS: Fxxxd exxxxxs fxr txe zxxx (rhino)
ASSETS: Axxxd sxxe wxp mxxxxs to txe rxxo fxr sxxe kxxxxxxx (rhino)
ASSETS: Axxxd nxw lxxx axd xx mxxxl uxxxxxs fxxm fxx (rhino)
ASSETS: Nxw kxt ixxxs axxxd to cxxxxs ixxxs fxxxxx (chuc)
ASSETS: Cxxxxxxa (xxxxxxxxxxx) axd txxxxxn (xxxxxxx) fxxg ixxxs axd pxxxxxxs axxxd in cxxxxs fxxxxx (chuc)
ASSETS: Cxxxxxd rxxxxxn cxxxxxd pxxx (fuzzhead)
ASSETS: Sxt fxxxd bxxxxxs to hxxe txxs of hxt pxxxxx (jaymz)
LOCALIZATION: Fxxxd sxxxl gxxxxxxxxxl exxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Axxxd ru lxxxxxxxxxxx (ancientman)
LOCALIZATION: Uxxxxxd mxxu to vxxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Uxxxxxd fxr mxxn mxxx (ancientman)
LOCALIZATION: Axxxd sxxxxxxxxt rxxxxxxn axd cxxxxxd oxd rxxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Fxxxd sxxe mxxu hxd kxt nxxe rxxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Uxxxxxd cp nxxxs fxr fxxxs rxxd axd axxxxxt on mxxxxa to ixxxxxe rxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Sxxxl uxxxxe to pxxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Uxxxxxd sxxe rxxxxxxxxxxxxxn rxxxl mxxu hxd lxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Sxxxl txxxk in txxt in txe mxxu / bxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Sxxxl uxxxxe to kxxxxn dxxxxt cp nxxxx, sxxxl uxxxxe to txxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Uxxxxxd sxxxd lxxxxr cxxxxxxs wxxh txxxxx, oxxxxxe axd bxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Uxxxxxd sxxxd oxxxxs nxxxxx (ancientman)
LOCALIZATION: Fxxxd txxxxxn nxxe on sxxxn sxxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Txxxxxd sxxe cp nxxxx (fuzzhead)
LOCALIZATION: Uxxxxxd kxt rxxxxxt mxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
PYTHON: Rxxxxxd hxxh cxxxxs as it wxs txo lxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Fxxxd txxxxxxg mxxe wxxh tk oxf on pxxxxc ixxxxxxt sxxxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Rxxxxxd sxxxxxg hxd exxxxs to pxxxxxs on cxxxxxt in axxxxxt to axxxd cxxxxxxxxn pxxxxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Fxxxd ixxxe wxxh ixxxxxxxt hxxxxxxs lxxxxxxxxn of 2 ixxxxxd of 4x (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxd cxxe to dxxxxe uxxs exxxy 1xs txxt mxy hxxe sxxxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Fxxxd ixxxe wxxh axxa axxxxxs txxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd kxt rxxxxxt fxr rxxxxxxs axd txxxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Fxxxd exxxxxxr kxt rxxxxxt lxxxxxxxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd ixxxxxxxxy to nxt cxxxt ixxxl pxxxxs if axl axxxxe cxxxxs axe axxxxxy rxxxxxxx. axxo ixxxxxxxd to 1x0 sxxxxxs txe ixxxxxxl txxt it txxxs fxr txe axxxxxxxg txxm to rxxxxxe txe ixxxxxxxxxn axxxt a rxxxxxxd oxxxxxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Rxxxxxd kxt rxxxxxt fxxm mxxn bxxe fxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Axxxxxd kxt rxxxxxt of axl kxxs fxxm axxs (xxxxxt pxxxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Fxxxd sxxxxxt txxxxs oxxy dxxxxxxe by cxxxxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Rxxxxxd exxxxxxr kxt rxxxxxxxxxn fxxm txe sxxxxxt jxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd txe lxxt of axxs fxr kxt rxxxxxt lxxxxxxxs fxr txe nxw fxxxxxxxx (dbzao)
PYTHON: Uxxxxxd txe sxxxxxxg dxxxxxxe of txe sl mxxxxxs to 1xm fxxm 6xxx (dbzao)
MENU: Fxxxd bxg wxxh cxxxs at rxxxs bxxxw 1xxxxxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Axxxd ru fxxxs (xxxu axd ixxxxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Axxxd ru axxxs fxxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Uxxxxxd cxxxxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Uxxxxxd mxxn mxxu fxr 0xxx (ancientman)
MENU: Cxxxxxd mxxxxxp cp fxxt cxxxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Rxxxxxd dxxxxxxxn axxxxs on mxxxxxp sxxxxxxs (xxxxxxe wxxl hxxe to axd txxs to txe axxxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Rxxxxxxd txe sl axd cxxxxxxxr rxxxxxxxxxk mxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Cxxxxxd txe sl txxxxxxxxxe to hxxe dxxxxxxxt oxxxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Rxxxxxd cxxxxxxxxxxxxk fxxm mxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Rxxxxxd "xxxxxe sxxxx" oxxxxn fxxm cxxxxxxxr sxxxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Nxw axd rxxxxxxxd axxxxn ixxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Uxxxxxd mxxn mxxx (ancientman)
MENU: Uxxxxxd mxxn mxxu axxxx (ancientman)
TEXTURES: Mxxe pxxxxxxk txxxxxxs cxxxxxxxxy wxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Axxxd axxxxxe hxxxxe ixxxxxxr rxxxxxs fxxm txxxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Txxx1 axxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Bxxxc dxxxxe cxxxxg fxr txxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Txxx1 cxxxxg fxxm fxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxxxr uxxxxxs to txxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd txxk fxxxh exxxxt fxxm txxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Lxxxxxd dxxxxxxxn on sxxxxr 5xxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd pxxxxxxxxxn fxxm bxxxxxy txx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt txw hxxxv to uxe a dxxxxxxxt wxxxxn txxxxxxe wxxh lxxs dxxxxe (xxw 2 to txxe oxt a txxx, 1 fxr an axxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Nxw mxc txxxxxe fxr txxx1 fxxm mxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Mxxe mxxxr cxxxxr axd sxxc mxp txxxxs to txe bxxx2 axd tx2 wxxxxxxd sxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Mxc vxxxxxxs axxxxxxxd cxxxxr mxxxh to tx2 cxxxxr pxxxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd txe fxxt txxt txe bxx3 hxd hxxf txe hxxxxxxxs of axy oxxxr axc (xo wxxxxr it bxxw up in oxe sxxt cxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Txxxxxxx, gxxx9 axd mxc txxxk txxxxxxs cxxxxr mxxxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Axxxd axxx0 mxxxxxxs to bxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxd mxt rxxxxd & sxxxxh dxxxy txxxx. 6 sxxxxxs rxxxxxxxxxxxh fxr bxxxxr mxxxxl lxxxxxx. 8 sxxxxxs rxxxxxxxxxxxh fxr oxxxr axxo lxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Cxxxxxd mxxxxxxl of bxxx3 fxxm txxxxxx) to axxxxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd txx2 cxxxxa cxxxxa (xxxxxxxe vxxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Sxt dxxxxxxxn on mxt sxxxxs to axxxxt nxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd at mxxxxxe cxxxxxxg gxxe ixxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Sxxxxxxxxxxd rxxxxd txxe of hxxxxxxe mxxxxxxs to 5 sxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxxxxs to fxx rxxxe fxxxxr ixxxxs on sxxxxxl vxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxxxt to mxxe axx0 pxxxxxxxxe lxxxe fxxm bxxxxl of bxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt 9xxx7 mxxxxxxs on bxx3 to fxxe fxxm txe bxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd nxw lxxx fxxxs to txe rxxxx (rhino)
VEHICLES: Axxxd nxw lxxx fxxxs to txe rxxxx (rhino)
VEHICLES: Axxxxxt to fxx lxxk txxe nxt pxxxxxg on sxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd lxxk dxxxxxxe on sxxxxxr mxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxs to txe hxxxv axxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd txe rxxp fxxm txe mxxxxn to txy sxxxe lxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt axx0 mxxxxxe cxxxt to exxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd txxxx5 axv cxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt txxxx5 axxxxxxxxxs dxxxxe to rxxxxxt txxt of txe m6 lxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt bxx3 3xxm rxf to 5xxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Wxxxx1 cxxxxn rxf sxt to 3xxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt bxx3 cxxxxn to oxxxxxxt axxxr txn cxxxxxxxxxe rxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd bxxxx0 (xxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Addxd Fasxxropxxes (xxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd at wxxxxxg fxr sxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt axxxxk hxxxxxxxxr cxxxxn rxxxxs to cxxm fxxm txe bxxxxx. nxt txe cxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt hxxxv axxxxxr 5xxxl to sxxxt fxxm bxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt pxxxxr dxxxxe axd rxxxs on kxxt 1xxxxm mxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt 16 sxxxxd rxxxxd txxxr on hxxxv axxxxxr mxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Bxxxxxd dxxxxe of bxxxx0 cxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt hxxxv txw to uxe ixxs oxn txw vxxxxxt wxxh a lxxxxr rxxxxd txxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt rxxxxd txxe of 9xxx7 mxxxxxxs to 16 sxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd hxxxv axxxxxr 5xxxl fxxxxg rxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Bxxxx0 exxxxe txxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Hxxy exxxxe txxxxs (xxxd txxxxxg pxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd mxxxxxxs kxxxxxg pxxxxe ixxxxe axxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt wxxx1 rxf to 2xxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd txe un vxxxxxn of txe mxxxxn axd axxxd txe un vxxxxxn txxxxxxs of txe sxxxxxp to txe rxxxx (rhino)
VEHICLES: Axxxd mxxxxxxxxxr 3p axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd axxxxxr cxxxxxt gxxxxr to uxe nxw mxxxxxxxxxr 3p axxxxxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Axxxd cxxxxxt sxxxxy dxxp to ru sxxxxxt txxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd bxxx3 gxxxxxxs hxd to dxxxxxy hxi rxxxd ixxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd ru vxxxxxxs txxxxxxx, bxxxx, bxxxxx, txxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd mxxxxn cxxxxxg cxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd bxw mxxs to bxx3 (xxxs axxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd txe exxxxt mxx sxxxe of txe bxr 60 to txe rxxo fxr cxxc fxxm txxxxx (rhino)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd ru bxxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Sxt bxxxxs to uxe pxxxxr pxxxxxxxxxs wxxh uxxxxxd dxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxxxt to fxx bxxx3 bxw mg axxxxxxy ixxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd wxxh fxxxxs dxxxxxxe cxxx (fuzzhead)
VEHICLES: Lxxxx5 axxxr nxw pxxxxxxxxe by 1xxxxm rxxxxs (xxxxxx, bxxxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxxd cxxxxe to lxxxx5 (xt axxxxxy is fxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt sxxxxxx, lxxx5 axd bxxxx0 to hxxe lxxxxxr axxxxr txxn oxxxr axxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Lxxxxxd sxxxxxxr hxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd up sxxe mxxxxxxxs axd hxxxxxxxs on jxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd bxx3 gxxxxr rxxxxxe fxxm gxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Ixxxxxxxd axxxxxr mxp mg rxf to 1xxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axd bxxxx2 (xxxxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Axl axxs axe nxw axxe to dxxp fxxr sxxxl axxo bxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Axxxd cxxxxxxxr to bxxxx2 sxxxxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd axxxxxxxxxr axxxxxy fxxm bxxx3 bxw mxxxxxxxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd wxxxxxs fxxm sxxe pxxxs fxr bxxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Axxxd rxxxxxxxw mxxxxxs to us axd rxxxxxn sxxxxxt txxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Sxt gxxxxn to dxxw at lxxg rxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd bxxxx0 axd bxxxx2 hxxs to dxxxxxy axxo cxxxxxxs fxr sxxxxy bxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd bxxxx0 pxxxxxxxr ixxxx; exxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Axxxd bxw mxxxxxe gxxs to ru bxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Axxxd pxxxxxxxxs to axl bxxxx2 vxxxxxxx; axxxd (xxxx) sxxxxy bxxxs to axl bxxxx2 vxxxxxxs sxxs gxxxxn mxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Bxxxd sxxxxxxg nxw bxxx0 sxxn axxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Axxxd mxc mxxxxxg to txe bxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Axxxxxxxxn axd oxxxxxxxxxg txxxxs to hxxxv axxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd mxc fxxg axd rxxxxxd sxxe sxxxxxe ixxxxxxa on vxxxxxs txxxxs axd sxxxxxt jxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Uxxxxxd a lxt of vxxxxxe ixxxs to be sxxxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd wxxxg oxxxxxxxxxn mxc fxxg on txe bxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Axxxd exxxxxxd cxxxs hxxxxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Cxxxxxd sxxxxxxe gxxxxr axd dxxxxr pxxxxxxxs fxr sxxxxxr hxx (falkun)
VEHICLES: Axxxd lxxxxxxxs vxxxxxt of oxxxr txxxk fxr txxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Lxxxxxxxs txxxk axxxd fxr axl cxxxxxxxxxxl fxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Mxxe txxxxxe rxxxxxxxe pxxxxxxxxxxs fxr txe txxxk lxxxxxxxs vxxxxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Gxxe pxxxxr lxxxxxg dxxxxxxe to cxxxxxe axx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd sxxxxxl uxxxxxxxxxy dxxxxxxxxs of txe cx2 cxxxxxxxxr cxxxxa mxx (egor)
VEHICLES: Txxxxxd dxxxxxxxn on bxx3 mxxxxxn rxxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Mxxxxxd hxxxxe axd axxxxs wxxxk txxxxxe wxxh txe nxxxxl cxxxxr txxxxxe to mxxe axxy fxxm txe txxxxxy cxxxxxd bxxxk wxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Cxxxxxd axl vxxxxxxs to uxe exxxxxxg cxxxxr txxxxxe rxxxxr txxn bxxxk wxxxk txxxxxe fxr wxxxk mxxxxs (xxe dxv fxxxm pxxt fxr mxxe ixxxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Sxt bxxxx0 to uxe oxd bxxxx0 hxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Axxxd pxxxxr us lxxxxxxxs txxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt c4 sxxxxxe cxr bxxb to uxe xxxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Rxxxxxd txe ixxxxxxr us lxxxxxxxs txxxx (fuzzhead)
VEHICLES: Sxt hxxxv cxxxs uxxt to rxxxxr at lxxg rxxxx (jaymz)
VEHICLES: Sxt us lxxxxxxxs txxxk to uxe sxxxxxxe lxxxxxxc txxxk txxxxxxs axd mxxx (chuc)
VEHICLES: Fxxxd bxxx2 cxxxxxxg dxe to ixxxxxxxt txxxxxe rxxxxxxxe pxxx (chuc)
BUILDS: Rxxxxxxxxxd sxxxxxs fxr txxxxxxs axd sxxxxxxxx (egor)
STATICS: Axxxd a bxxxh of nxw sxxxxxs to txe rxxo ixxxxxxxg txe nxw txxxk txxxxxx, sxxxl vxxxxxn of txe vxx2 bxxxk wxxl axd txe fw txxxxxn cxxxxx (rhino)
STATICS: Rxxxxxd rxxxxr axd sxxxxy axxxxxy fxxm cxxxxxxxr pxxxx (falkun)
STATICS: Axxxd lxxxxxxp sxxxxxs fxr txe axxxxn nxxxh sxxxxxs fxxm cxx (rhino)
STATICS: Rxxxxxd sxxe uxxxxxxd sxxxxxxx (rhino)
STATICS: Uxxxxxd txxxxt sxxxxc wxxh cxxl rxxxxs of 6 to sxe if it wxxl dxxw fxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
STATICS: Axxxd a bxxxh of mxxxxxa sxxxxxs axd oxxxr nxw sxxxxxs as wxxl as txxxxxxs rxxxxxxd fxr wxxt fxxxxxxxx (rhino)
STATICS: Ixxxxxxxd cxxl dxxxxxxe on txe txxxxt axd mxxe txe mxt on it wxxd txxxx (rhino)
STATICS: Sxt dxxxxxxxxxh to dxxw at lxxg rxxxx (jaymz)
STATICS: Axxxd mxxxxxg txxxxxe fxr fxxxxxxxxs txxxxxn cxxxxx (rhino)
GENERAL: Vxxxxxxs axxxd a nxw vxxxxxn of txe lxxx mxxxl to txe rxxxx (rhino)
GENERAL: Axxxd nxxxxxxs ru axxxxx (jaymz)
GENERAL: Rxxxxxxd lxxx (jaymz)
GENERAL: Axxxd bxxxd sxxxxxs (xxxxxt uxxxxxxd vxxxxxxxxx) axd ixxxxxxxr axxxxxx (egor)
GENERAL: Vxxxxxxs axxxd a nxw vxxxxxn of txe lxxx mxxxl to txe rxxxx (rhino)
GENERAL: Vxxxxxxs axxxd a nxw vxxxxxn of txe lxxx mxxxl to txe rxxxx (rhino)
GENERAL: Vxxxxxxs axxxd a nxw vxxxxxn of txe lxxxxs txxxxxxs to txe rxxxx (rhino)
GENERAL: Fxxxd txxo in at 3p axxxxxxxxx, wxs cxxxxxg cxxx (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxxg txe bxxxxx (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxd bxxxx0 bxxxxxg ux (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxd a bxg pxxxxxm wxxh wxt txe mxxxxxv fxx (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxd cxd rxxxxxxxg rxxxxxn bxxxx (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxd cxd wxxh bxx3 gxxxxx (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxd cxd wxxh bxxxx (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxd mxxxxxxxxxs cxd wxt gxxxxx (jaymz)
GENERAL: Fxxxd pxxxxxxe cxxxe of cxxxs on axl rxxxxxn mxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd pxx9 zxxm cxxxxh fxxxxxxxxs (xxxt in bxxxxe txe rxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxd qxxx5 sxxxxs rxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxxd dxxxxxxg dxxxxy txxe to 2x6 sxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxxd dxxxy to txxxw fxr cx, sxxxx, cxxxxxxxs axd axxo bxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Mxxe wxxxxn rxxxxxs fxr axxxxxt rxxxxs mxxe "xxxxxxx, axd axxxxxxxg txxxr rxxxxd txxxs to axxxt 6x7 sxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd txe dxxxxe pxxxxxg of axxxxxxxxs fxr sxxxe gxxxxxxx, sxxxxl gxxxxxxx, fxxg gxxxxxxs axd fxxxd dxxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd mxx in wxxxd to 10 fxx: mxxxx, cxxxxxxxx, txxxxxxxxx, ixxxx, cx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd txxxxxxxe axd axxo bxg txxe in wxxxd axxxr dxxxh to 10 mxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd txxe to lxxe fxr gxxxxxe to 10 mxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Uxxxd fxxe dxxxy to 1 sxxxxd to hxxe txe fxxl exxxxn sxxb axxxxxxxn pxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd gxxxxxe dxxxxy txxxs to 2 sxxxxxs fxxm 2x5 sxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxxxxxxd zxxm in dxxxy to 0x6 sxxxxxx, wxxl be txe nxw rxxxe zxxm in txxe as wxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Bxxxxxt axxxx, axxxxxxxx, axxxx1 axd bxxxn sxxxxs cxxxxr to txe vxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxxd bxxxn rxxxxd txxe fxxm 6x8 to 5xx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxd axx5 sxxxxs rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs (xxxxxt fxr txe lxxxxx, wxxxh is bxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw txxxxxxxe mxxxl fxxm txxxa wxxh axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Mxxxd sxs ixxxxxxxt cxxxxr to txe cxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd hxxd sxxy on sxs dxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd sxs exxxxxxg txo sxxxxs pxr sxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd fxxxd of vxxw dxxxy fxr bxxxxxxxxx, gxxd axd txe mxxx3 as a txxx, sxxxxxxxxxxy bxxxxxe it lxxxs cxxl fxr 2 zxxm lxxxxs (xxxl ixxxxxxxt fxr axl 2 lxxxl zxxm sxxxxr rxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: As a txxx, rxxxxxd mxxx4 axxg zxxm in dxxxy to 0xx5 sxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd c4 bxxxg txxxxxd wxxn txxxxxs no axxo fxr it lxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxd dxxn cxxxxa bxxe mxxxxxxt on vxxxxxs wxxxxxs axd ixxm dxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd cxxxxa sxxy wxxn mxxxxg zxxxxd in on txe mxxx4 as a txxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd bxxxxxxxxs hxxxxg txe 'xxxx' zxxm exxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxd dxxn sxxxxl dxxxxy cxxxxa bxxe mxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxd dxxxxxs axd sxxe fxxe axxxxxxxxs fxr gxxxxxxx, sxxxxxxx, axxxxxx, mxxxxxxs axd txe wxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: M2 sxxm 1p rxxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Bxxxxd gxxxxxe dxxxxy txxe up to 2xx5 sxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxe gxxxxxe txxxxxxs exxxxx, sxxxxl sxxxe gxxxxxe nxw hxs a gxxxn bxxd axxxxd txe txp axd bxxxxm rxxxx, axd is cxxxxxxd txe sxxe as a rxxxxxr sxxxe gxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: C4 exxxxxxxxs 1p rxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixd to uxe oxd .xx9 c4 axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxl dxxxxy axxxxxxxn exxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd bxxxxxa axd bxxxxxa nxt hxxxxg pxxxxr sxxxd axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt exxxxxxs to uxe 7xxxxxxxm rxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd pxxh dxxxg txe bxxt axxxxxxxn axxxr fxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd lxxxx1 rxxxxd sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd axl sxxxxd rxxxe axd ixxxxxxxt mxs zxxm in txxxs to 0xxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd wxxxxn oxxxxn fxr axl mxxxxxxn rxxxxs so txe sxxxe ixxxt txxxxg up so mxxh sxxxxn rxxl exxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd cxxxxa mxxxxxxt wxxxe sxxxxd in fxr axl sxxxxd wxxxxxx. ixs a sxxxxxy txxxd dxxn lxxxl cxxxxxxd to txe hxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd qxx, mx4 axd sxd rxxxxd sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxxc fxxxd dxxxxxxg txxt rxxxxxxxn to be a bxxxxr txxxxxxxxxn of txe exxxxxh txxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxr rxxxe dxxxxxxd sxxxe sxxxxxxxxn sxxxxxx, mxxx3 dxxxxxxd axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axl dxxxxxxd vxxxxxxs of txe sxxxxr rxxxxs hxxe bxxn axxxd (xxxx, mxx, sxxxx, lxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axxxxxxxy ixd fxxm exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd cxxxxa bxxe to vxxxxxs sxxxxr rxxxe axxxxxxxxs axd axxxxxxxy ixx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw rxxxxd axxxxxxxxs fxr txe g3 sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd sxxxxr rxxxxs to .xx9 vxxxxs axd axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Mx8 axxxxxxt txxxxd 3x (chuc)
WEAPONS: Exxxxd g3 sxxxxs dxxxxy axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxxxd axx7 axd axx7 gxx5 dxxxxy axxxxxxxxs fxxm txe axx4 sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Mxxxr txxxxs to rxxx6 dxxxxy axxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Bxxxxxt axx4 sxxxt sxxxxxxy cxxxxr to txe exe axd fxxxxxy mxxe txe rxxr axxxxxe axxxn wxxh txe fxxxt pxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxxd pxxx9 zxxm in txxe to 0xx5 to mxxxh sxxxxd rxxxxs axd oxxxr lxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxxxxxxxxy fxxxxt to cxxxxt txe nxw lxxxxxxs txxxxxe fxr txe mx8 axxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxt txxxk to txe qxz ixxn zxxm fxxe axxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd lxxx2 sxxxxs rxxxxd axd fxxe axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd axx7 axd sxd dxxxxy axd rxxxxd sxxxxs rxxxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxx, axx4 sxxxxd axd axx4 uxl axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Mxxe axxxm ixxxs to hxxe nxxxxxl zxxm wxxn sxxxxxd ix (chuc)
WEAPONS: Bxxxxxt axx7 axd axx7 gxx5 sxxxxs exxn cxxxxr to txe cxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd axxxm ixxxxxxxt zxxm axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt axxxm cxxxxxg rxxe to 6x0 rxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxxu fxxm uxi axxxd axxxg wxxh nxw axxxxxxxxs axd sxxxxd sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd 5xxxxxxm pxxxxxxxxxs a bxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Sxt axx4 sxxxxs to uxe 5xxxxxxxm axxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Sxt 1xx9 mxxxxxxxxxxxn lxxxxs (xx) fxr axxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Sxt axx4 sxxxxs to uxe cxxxxxt txxxxr ixxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxy txxxxxd ar sxxxxs rxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxxxxd sxs zxxm axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd sxxxt dxxxy to axx4 axd axxxxu sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw axx7 mxxxxxxxxxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd axx7 wxxh fxxxxs nxw txxxxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Nxw axx7 axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axx7 bxxxxxt axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxv bxxxxxt dxxxxy axxxxxxxn exxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd axxxm axd axx7 rxxxxd sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd mxxxxxn mxxxxe exxxxt fxxm nxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxy lxxxxxd cxxxxxl mg dxxxxxxxn bxxxd on uxxxxs axxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd dxxxxxxxn fxr axl rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Sxt ixxxxxxxt rxxxe rxxxxl to mxxxh sxxxxd rxxxe rxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd dxxxxxxxn fxr lxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd sxxxxxxy of txe g3 ixxn zxxm fxxe axxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd up fxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr zxxm in txxxxxxxxxn on txe sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Bxxxxxt g3 ixxxxxxxt sxxxxxxy cxxxxr to txe cxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Bxxxxxd vxxxxe axd txxxxxd gxxxxxxs dxxxxy sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt pxxxxr dxxw dxxxxxxe (xxxl rxxxxx) fxr nxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Gxx3 hxx9 3p axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxn uxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd cxxxxa bxxe axxxxxxxxs in sxxe rxxxxd axd dxxxxy axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt pxxxxr mxxxxxxxs on bxxxxxy & hxxxv txw mxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Fxxxxxr axxxxxxxxxs to txw dxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxn fxx fxr dxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxn fxxxd dxxxxxxg axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxd mxxxxi cxxxy hxxxxe oxt of txe pxxxxxxs dxxxxt vxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd sxxe 3p fxxe axxxxxxxxs on sxxe rxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Hxxxxxxxxxxxxg wxxh txe mxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd mxx9 cxxxxxg cxxxxxxg bxxxxxe of mxxxxxg fxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxe mxx in wxxxd fxr ixd to 1x (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxe mxx in wxxxd to 10 fxr axxy ixx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Axxy ixd pxt to wxxxxn sxxt #x (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Sxt mxxxxxs to uxe a dxxxxxxxt mxxxxxxl to pxxxxxt hxxe axxxxxxxy sxxxe ixxxxt exxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxy txxxxxd axx5 sxxxxs rxxxxd sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd axxx5 uxxxxxxd fxxe axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxd bxxxxxt axxxxxxxxs on txe sxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd lxxxxxxg axd cxxxxxs on txe axx7 txxxxxe to be lxxs bxxxxt hxxxxxr sxxxxxxy mxxe rxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axx7 bxxxxxt 3p axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Nxw sxxxxxv 3p axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw sxxxxxv bxxxxxt axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Exxxxxd axxo cxxxxxr axd fxxe sxxxxxxr sxxxxxg fxr txe axxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Pxx8 axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd bxxxd nxw ar sxxxxs dxxxxy axxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Bxxt is nxw mxxxxg wxxn fxxxxg txe ar sxxxxs wxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd ar sxxxxs mxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd axxxxxxxy ixd mxxxxs axd axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd dxxxxy sxxxd rxxxxxxxe fxr txe sxx0 sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd uxxxxe ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe txxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Gxt rxd of uxxxxxxd cxxe fxxm ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Mxxxd gxxxxr cxxxxa on axl 5xxxl dxxxxxxxxxs to txy axxxd zxxxxxxxxg ixxxxx. nxxxs txxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd dxxxxe fxxm ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd 3xxm hxxi rxxxxs to bxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd c7 cxxxxt fxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Axxxd c7 sxxxxr fxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd up 3p zxxm axd zxxm fxxe axxxxxxxxs fxr txe axx4 sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: C7 axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd txxxxxxg axxxxxxxn fxr txe ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe txxt wxs lxxxxxxr fxxm txe oxxxr gxxxxxxs bxt ixxxt uxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd sxxxxxxt bxxxxxxxg bxxxg exxxxxxxy dxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axxxxxs (xxxg mxxxxxxx, lxxg bxxxxl axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Exxxxd cxxxxxxxxe mxxxxxxxs fxr mxxxxxe gxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axxxxxs axxxxxxxxs axd sxxxd rxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd axx4 bxxxg sxt to axxxxxxxc fxxe by dxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxxxxxd dxxxxxxd mxxe txxxxxs by 1xxxxx5 sxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxxy mxg sxxxs sxt to 1 axd 2 (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axx4 gxx5 gxxxxxe lxxxxxxr fxxxs (xxxxxxxxxs on hxxxxs txxl nxw mxxxxs axxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Pxxx8 axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Mxxxd g3 sxxxxd axd g3 hxx9 dxxn a bxt so txe sxxxe ixxxt so oxxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxd g3 ixxn axd g3 sxxxxd hxxd pxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd qxxxx5 sxxxxd axd qxxxx5 uxl sxxxxxxg axxxxxxxxs so txxt txe sxxxe is lxxs oxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxxxxy axxxa on txe g3 sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxe sxxxe oxxxxxxxxxn rxxxxxxxn txxxxxxxt to txe gxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd axxxxxxxs dxxxxy axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: 3p fxxe axxxxxxxxs axxxd fxr vxxxxxs wxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd c7 sxxxxx, mx6 sxxxxs wxxxxxs wxxh sxxxxs to be lxxxxxd so txxt txxy dxxxt oxxxxxxt so mxxh of yxxr vxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ax4 3p axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd hxxd gxxxxxe dxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Hxxd gxxxxxxs gxxxn lxxxxr wxxxd rxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd pxa fxxg gxxxxxe (xxxe 8xx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd txxe 86 gxxxxxe bxxxk txxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd txe gxxxxxe txxp to txe rxxx, nxxxs sxxxxxxg axd fxxxl cxxe txxxxxxxx (rhino)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd sxxe 3p axd 1p axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd cxxs bxxxt fxxe to axxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd vxxxxxs sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: M4 rxxxxd axxxxxxxn sxxxd fxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd mxxxxxg sxxc mxp on txe mx6 sxxxxs rxxxxxxr txxxxxe mxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd bxxt hxxxxe mxxxxg wxxn fxxxxg txe mxxxxxxxxxi as it dxxxxt axxxxxxy mxxe wxxxe fxxxxg
![Mad :x](./images/smilies/icon_mad.gif)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd lxxx2 sxxxxs rxxxxd sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt axl cxxxxxl mxxs to uxe rxxxxxxxc mxxxxe fxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd up kxt gxxxxxxxxs sxxp mxxxxg wxxn fxxxxg axxxxxxxn is pxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxxxd lxg rxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd ixxxxxxxt nx. 4 exxxxxd to fxxe sxxxxxxy fxxxxr (xx5 sxxxxd sxxxt dxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd axy wxxxxxs uxxxg a sxxxx, so ixs lxxs oxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Lxxxxxd exxxxxxxn rxxxxs of kxxt rxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Sxxxe oxxxxxxxxxn rxxxxxxxn txxxxxxxt to axl sxxxxr rxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxd lxe exxxxxd rxxxxd axd oxxxr axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw lxe exxxxxd fxxxxg sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd zxxm fxv dxxxy on lxe exxxxxd sxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axx4 wxxd fxxxxh vxxxxxt axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd hxxxxxxd dxxxxxxxn (xxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Rxxxd gxx3 hxx9 rxxxe 3p axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd mxx9 zxxm axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd a fxw zxxm in axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxxd hxx1 ixxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxn uxxxxe to axl dxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxn uxxxxe to axl sxxxxr rxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxn uxxxxxs to axl lxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxn uxxxxe to sxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Rxxxd sxxx1 3p axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd gxxxxxe txxp ixxxx to 5 so it cxn fxt on sxxxxr wxxh ixx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Pxt ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe x2 to wxxxxn ixxxx 5 so it cxn be uxxd wxxh txxp fxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Nxw sxxxxxv 1p rxxxxd axxxxxxxn axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axxxm vxxxxxxs fxr 3 mxxs axd 7 mxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd sxxxe to wxxxxn ixxxx 5 so cxxxxxxxxxxr cxn uxe a mxxxc kxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Mxxxd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxxs to wxxxxn ixxxx 6 (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd mxx9 zxxm axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd kxt sxxxxxxg wxxh txe axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt axxxm sxxxxs to dxxxxxt to sxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxxxr uxxxxe to rxxxe dxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxn uxxxxxs to dxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: At mxxxs lxxxxg axxxxxxxn exxxxxxd to 4x5 sxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxxxy fxxxd txe gxxxl sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Gxxxxxe txxp 1p axxxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd 3p gxxxxxe txxp axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd gxxxxxe txxp txxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd txe sxxxd bxxxg pxxxxd in txe lxxxxr zxxm in sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd axxxxxxxy ixd ixxxx to 8 to pxxxxxt cxxxxxxg wxxh txe ap ixx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd up bxxs of txe ap ixd cxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd txxe 86 gxxxxxe cxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd lxxxe exxxxxxxn exxxxt to cxxxxxxxxxxxx (falkun)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd sxxe wxxxxn ixxxxxs so txxxe is no cxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxd vxx2 axxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxa axxxxxxxk kxt to 3 rxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd axxxm 3xxg axd 7xxg sxxxd ixxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Mxxxxxa rxx7 axxxxxxxx, rxxxxxd txe axxo txxxxxxg wxxn wxxxxn is exxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxd txxxw rxxxe on ixx, lxxxxxxx, txxxxxxxx, fxxxd dxxxxxxx, cx, sxxxx, cxxxxxxxx, gxxxxxe txxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxxd txxxw rxxxe on gxxxxxxxg hxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Mxxxr txxxk to txxxw dxxxxxxxs fxr cx, sxxxx, ixxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd mxxxxe exxxxt fxxm sxd wxxn sxxxxxd ix (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd ixxxe wxxxe yxu hxd to rxxxxd txe ixxxxxxxt rxg txxxe sxxxxxxxs wxxn yxu dxxt lxt txe axxxxxxxn pxxy axl txe wxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd mxg cxxxt fxr exxxxxd ixxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxxd wxxxxn ixxxx ixxxxxxxxxxxxxy wxxh gxxxxxe txxp axd ixxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd dxxxxe axxxxxxxxs pxxxxxg wxxh txe xxxxe wxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Axxxxxt to fxxxe gxxxxxe txxp axd axxy ixd to oxxy be dxxxxxxxxe wxxxe pxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd axxxxxs (xxxg mxg rxx) cxxx, wxxh dxxxxxxxx, rxxxxl vxxxxs (xxxxxd fxxm axxx) axd mxxxe sxxxxxxxxxy mxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axxxm sxxxxr fxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axxxm cxxxxt fxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd vxxxxxa axxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Axxxd wxxxxn axx4 vxxxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Axx4 cxxxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd mxxxxxe cxxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd mxxb rxf fxxm 4xxxxm to 5xxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxe to rxxxe dxxxxxxxn (xxxxxxxxd sxxxxe txxe rxxxxxxd fxxm mxxxxg to 5 sxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd pxx8 txxxxxe cxxxx (katarn)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd up cxxe on txe axxxm axd axxxm wxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axxxm 7xxg axd 3xxg vxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd zxxm dxxxy fxr bxxxxx, bxxxxx, axd bxxx3 bxw mxxxxxxxxxx (falkun)
WEAPONS: Axxxd sxx9 mxxxxxx (falkun)
WEAPONS: Dxxxxxxd txxxxx sxxxe on txe axxxm sxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxt mxxxxe exxxxt to nxt pxxy wxxn sxxxxxd in fxr txe axx4 sxxxxd vxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Mxxe sxxe axl hxxd hxxd wxxxxxs axe rxxxxxxxg at lxxg rxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd rxxxxd ixxxxs wxxh rxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Txxxxxd sxxxxxv rxxxxd axd fxxxd up axxxm gxx5 rxxxe axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Cxxxxxd wxxxxn ixxxx fxr sxxxe sxxxxl gxxxn axd fxxxxxn sxxxe so oxxxxxxs cxn hxxe bxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Mxxe sxxxe gxxxxxxs sxxy on txe gxxxxd fxr 60 sxxxxxs ixxxxxd of 3x (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Axxxxxt to rxxxxe mxxxxxv bxxxxe sxxxxr uxxn ixxxxt wxxh gxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxs to exxx fxxm dxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd txxxxm wxxxxxd vxxxxxn of rxx7 fxr rxxxxxn hxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxm gxxx5 rxxxe 3p axxxxxxxxs exxxxd to uxe a pxxxxl gxxp in txe fxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw cxxxs txxxxt wxxh uxxxxxd 50 cxx (falkun)
WEAPONS: Sxt pxx8 to uxe a hxxxy at pxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axxxxg dxxxy fxr hxxt pxxxxxxxxxs (xxm axxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd ixxxxxxxt fxxe sxxxd rxxxxxxxe on txe axxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Mxxxr txxxxs to txe mx5 axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw hxx1 1p rxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Ixxxxxxxd sxxxd of gxxd pxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd hxxx, mxx9 axd qxxx5 lxg 1p axxxxxxxxx, mxxxxy ixxxxxxxg txe dxxxxy axxxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Nxw pxm 1p rxxxxd axxxxxxxn axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Rxxxd hxxd pxxxxxxn on txe pxm dxxxxxxd mxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd ixxxxxxxt pxm pxxxxp wxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Sxxxt dxxxy on axl sxxxxxxxo rxxxxs axd pxxxxxs lxxxxxd fxxm 1xxxs to 5xxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd nxw pxm uxxxxxxxxd dxxxxy axxxxxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Exxxxd sxxxd rxxxxxxxxs axd sxxxxs fxr txe c4 pxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Bxxxx, oxxxxx, pxxxxe axd yxxxxw sxxxxs gxxxxxxs sxt to uxe bxxe sxxxe gxxxxxe sxxxxxxxn ixxn (xxxxxxxxy fxx to pxxxxxt cxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Sxt zxx3 cxxxxn to rxxxxr at lxxxxr dxxxxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd cxd on rxxxxxn mxxs wxt txxxxm rxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Rxxxxxd uxxxxxxxxy axxo cxxxxxr fxr sxxxxe fxxxd dxxxxxxxs axd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe (xxxxl nxxd to axd axxxxxxxxxe qxxxxt mxxu cxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Sxt mxxxxe txw lxxxxxxxs to rxxxxr at lxxg rxxxx (jaymz)
WEAPONS: Axxxd axxxxu fxxe sxxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd wxxxg mxg cxxxt on axxxxxxxy kxxs uxxxg txe axxxx (chuc)
WEAPONS: Fxxxd axxo cxxxxxr on sxxxxe fxxxd dxxxxxxg axd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
WEAPONS: Uxxxxxd a cxxxxe of rxxxxd sxxxxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxxy txe gxxxxxxxr ixxn on txe axxxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd axxxs wxxh nxw ixxxs axd fxxxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd to ixxxxxe rxxxxxd dxxxxxxxn axxxxs on ixxxxxxy sxxxn on txe mxxxxxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd wxxh nxw axxo cxxxxxr hxd exxxxxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd wxxh nxw ixxxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd wxxh nxw mxxxxxe gxn ixxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd fxr nxw axxxxn ixxxx (ancientman)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd wxxh nxw vxxxxxe ixxxx (chuc)
ATLAS: Uxxxxxd wxxh nxxxr mxxxxxp ixxxx (chuc)
KITS: Axxxd cxxy of mxc kxxs to be uxxd fxr "xx" fxxxxxx (jaymz)
KITS: Axxxd fxxxxr fxr rf mxxxxs axd txxxxxxx (jaymz)
KITS: Bxxxxxa pxxxxl ixxxxd to mxxxxxa sxxxxxx (jaymz)
KITS: Rxxxxxn fxxxxs kxt lxxxxxxs axxxx, mxxxxxxxxxa mxx (chuc)
KITS: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxa wxxh nxw axxxxm wxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxa wxxh nxw rxxxxxn fxxxd dxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd axl rxxxxxn kxxs wxxh rxxxxxn fxxxd dxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd axl rxxxxxn kxxs wxxh axx7 bxxxxxt (xxxxxxxxxxr fxr axxxm bxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Fxxxd rxxxxxn kxxx, wxxe uxxxg vxxx5 lxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Txxxxxn kxxs axxxx (chuc)
KITS: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxxt ixxxs to be cxxxxxt (xxxxe axd ixxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axl ixxxxxxxt kxxs wxxh axxx7 nxw hxxe axxx7 bxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Rxxxxxxd axx7 bxxxxxt fxxm rxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd txxp axxx1 uxl fxr mxxxxxa gxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd txxxxxn mxxxx, txxxxxd txxxxxn kxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd axxy ixd to axxxxxxx, txxxxxd ixxxxxxxt kxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Fxxxd bxxxxxxxxh txxxxxe rxxxxxxxxxg cxxxxxg cxxxxxxg if txxxxxn wxxe pxt ixxo a mxx (chuc)
KITS: Fxxxd cxd wxxh mxxxxxxxxxx (egor)
KITS: Axxxd rxxxxxn kxt txxxxxxx (chuc)
KITS: Uxxxxxd axl fxxxxxn exxxxxxr kxxs (xxxxl nxxd to cxxxxe txxxd c4 wxxxxn axd mxxxxxk wxxh rxxxxe dxxxxxxxd cxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd nxw sxxxxxxxxt rxxxxxxn to axl fxxxxxxs (xxxxxxn sxxxxxxs sxxxl nxxd to be sxxxxd oxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd axl cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn mxxxxxa kxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe x1 to axl fxxxxxn rxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Ixxxxxxxd sxxxe cxxxt on mxxt lxxxxxd kxxs to 2 (xxs 1) to hxxp wxxh axxo pxxxxxm wxxh oxxy 1 in wxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd txxxxxn kxxs (xxxxl nxxd to axd lxxxxxd kxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd ixxxxxxxt kxxs (xxxxl nxxd to cxxxxe nxw sxxxn kxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd mxd kxt to cxxxxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd nxw ixxxxxxxt g3 axd ixxxxxxxt sxs cxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Ixxxxxxxt oxxxxxr gxxxn sxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Cxxxxxd up mxxu hxd fxxxs rxxxxxxxxs a bxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Fxxxd mxxu hxd nxxe axd ixxn fxr sxxxxxxxxt rxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Rxxxxxd sxxxt fxr mxxxxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Rxxxxxxd mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxn wxxh mxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Mxxxxxa mxxxc nxw hxs axx7 axd bxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Mxxxxxa sxxxxr uxxxg pxxxxr hxd ixxn nxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Mxxxxxa sxxxt gxxxn ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe xx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd txxxx6 fxxg gxxxxxxs to pxa kxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxxxxt nxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Ixxxxxxxt cxxxxxxxxxxr fxxxxxxe rxxxxxxd to cxxxxxxn (xxxe uxe oxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd sxxe mxxxxxa kxxs to txy to sxxxe cxxxxxxg ixxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd kxt ixxn axxxxxxxxxx (chuc)
KITS: Rxk pxxxxp to uxe nxw lxxg mxxxxxxe rxx (chuc)
KITS: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxa kxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd rxxxxxn kxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxe to mxxxxxa kxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe to mxxt ixxxxxxy kxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Rxxxxxd mxxxxxxxxxr exxxxxxr vxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd sxxxxl to cxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Rxxxxe gxxxxe sxxt fxxm axl sxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Gxxe pxa rxxxxxxn axd oxxxxxxs cxxxxxt fxxg nxxe cxxxt of 4 (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd pxx8 to pxa axxxxxxxk axd exxx to ru axxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Us axxy mxxxc no lxxxxr nxxxd "xxxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd gxxd to sxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Fxxxd mxxxxxxt nxt uxxxg rxxxt kxt ixxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd zxxxxe axd nxg vxxxxxxs of sxxxxxxxxt rxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Rxxxxxxd sxxe wxxxxn ixxxx ixxxxs wxxh cxxxxxxn axd mxxxc kxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd nxw pxxxxp ixxxxxxxt kxt "xxxo exxxxx" wxxh txe axxy ixx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd mxxxxxa axd ixxxxxxxt sxxxxr kxxs wxxh txe nxw hxr txxp (xxr txxp nxxxs sxxe wxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Gxxe dxxo exxxxt cxxxxxt dxxp kxt gxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Sxxxl uxxxxe to sxxxxr kxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Fxxxd rxk pxxxxp kxt uxxxg oxd vxxxxxa rxk dxxp gxxxxxxx (chuc)
KITS: Gxxe cxxxxxn rxxxxr axxxxxy (xxr sxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Rxxxxe axxo axxxxxy fxxm sxxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Fxxxd kxt gxxxxxxy fxr sxxxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Gxxe ixxxxxxxt rxx, sx7 axd sxxxxr kxxs sxxxe wxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd axl kxxs wxxh nxw rxxxxxxxxs to axxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Gxxe mxxxc 1 x ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Gxxe exxxxxxr 2 x ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Uxxxxxd sxxxe gxxxxxxs fxr oxxxxxxx, gxxe oxxxxxxs ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Gxxe mxxxxxa mxxxc ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Gxxe sxxxxxs gxxxn sxxxe axd fxxxxxn sxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: - gxxe mxxxxxa sxxxxr 2 x ixd ixxxxxd of 1 (fuzzhead)
KITS: Fxxxd sxxxn mxxu nxxxs fxr txxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Axxxd txxxxxn lxxxxxd kxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Txxxxxn rxxxxxt kxxs uxxxxxx (chuc)
KITS: Axxxd gxxx5 axxxm gxxxxxxxr to txe axxxxxxxxxe kxxx (chuc)
KITS: Rxxxxxd mxxxxxa axd txxxxxn sxxxxr so it wxxl wxxk pxxxxxxy wxxh rxxxxxt kxt pxxxxx (fuzzhead)
KITS: Fxxxd txe gb kxt cxx, nxg vxxxxxn of txe gxxxxxxxxxxxt kxt wxs uxxxg txe sxxe cxxxe nxxe as nxxxxxx (rhino)
COMMON: Axxxd ru rxxxxxxxxxx (ancientman)
COMMON: Axxxd rxxxxxn axd txxxxxn rxxxxxxxxxxx (dbzao)
COMMON: Sxxxl fxx to rxxxxxn cxxxxxd pxxx (fuzzhead)
COMMON: Axxxd txxxxxn cxxxxxd pxxt axd sxxxxxxx (fuzzhead)
COMMON: Txxxxs to rxxxxr dxxx (jaymz)
COMMON: Axxxd wxxt fxxxxxxxxs sxy txxxxxe to txe rxxx (rhino)
MATERIALS: Mxxe hxxt mxxxxxxs sxt axxxs on fxxe ixxxxxd of ixxxxxxxxxxxxxxg txxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Dxxxxxd lxxt dxxxxe vs sxxxxxxx. txxxe as exxxxxxxe axxxxxt bxxxxxs axd exxxxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Dxxxxxd lxxt dxxxxe vs dxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Cxxxxxd dxxxxxt mxxxxxxl on bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxs axd hxxxxxxs fxxm cxxxxxxe to sxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Axxxd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxe mxxxxxxxx (katarn)
MATERIALS: Fxxxd up ixxxxxxxxy dxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Cxxxxxd dxxxxxt mxxxxxxl fxr dxxxxxxxxe 5xxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Sxt kxxxe to do 0 dxxxxe to fo rxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Txxxxxd gxxxxxe dxxxxe vs fxxx. txo gxxxxxxs sxxxxd nxw dxxxxxy oxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Rxxxxxxd gxxxxxe dxxxxe vs fxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Ixxxxxxxd gxxxxxe dxxxxe vs cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Ixxxxxxxd dxxxxe of lxxt pxxxxxxxxxs vs lxxxt axxxxr sxxxxxxy (xo axxxw oxe to sxt an axv on fxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Sxt kxxxe to dxxxxe rxxxxs axxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Axxxxxt to mxxe sxxxxl dxxxxxe lxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Sxt 1xxxxm to do vxxy lxxxxe dxxxxe axxxxxt axc axxxxr (xxxxl exxxxxxxe axxxxxt sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Bxxxxxd aa mxxxxxe dxxxxe axxxxxt jxxs by 5xx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Sxt axxxxk hxxxxxxxxxs to uxe jxt mxxxxxxl fxr axxxxr (xxxxxe rxxxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: C4 axd ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxxs wxxl nxw dxxxxxy axxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Gxxxxxxs nxw do vxxy lxxxxe dxxxxe to axxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Axl pxxxxxxxxxs 5xxxl axd lxxxr wxxl nxw do no dxxxxe to txe sxxxxxxx, nxr to txe dxxt pxxxs of axy dxxxxxxxxe axxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Cxxxxxd axc dxxxxxt mxxxxxxl to pxxxxxt txxm bxxxg dxxxxxxxd by ixxxxxxxxy gxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
MATERIALS: Pxxxxxxxd 5xxxxxxxxxxxm fxxm dxxxxxxxxg ixxn fxxxxx (jaymz)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd cxxy of mxc sxxxxxxs to uxxd fxr "xx" fxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd fxxxxr fxr rf sxxxxxr mxxxxs axd txxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOLDIERS: Txxxxxn sxxxxxxs axxxx (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Exxxxd 1p cxxxxxe sxxxxxr txxxxxx (chuc)
SOLDIERS: Axxxd nxxxr txxe 07 dxxxxxl cxxs fxr pxa fxxxxxx (chuc)
SOUNDS: Dxxxxxd txe mxxxxxxxxxe on hxxxv exxxxxs axd ixxxxxxxd axl oxxxxs by axxxt 5xx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxxxt to rxxxxc hxx3 fxxxxg sxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxm fxxxxg sxxxd axxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Gxxxxxl sxxxd oxxxxxxl of axxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Rxxxxd vxxxxe of axx5 dxxxxy sxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Rxxx6 dxxxxy rxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axl txxk exxxxe axd txxxk vxxxxe dxxxxxxxs ixxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw 3p cxxxxxl mg fxxxxg sxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxxxt to axd in "xxxxxt exxxxe sxxxx" sxxxd to mxxxxxe pxxxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxd ru vxxxxs axd wxxxxxxxe mxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxt pxxxxr dxxxxxxe dxxxy as sxxxxxxxd by zxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Lxxxxxd vxxxxe of axx5 rxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Txxxxs to txxk rxxxxd sxxxxs to mxxxh nxw lxxxxxg txxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axc fxxxxg sxxxd oxxxxxxl pxxt 1 (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axc fxxxxg sxxxd oxxxxxxl pxxt 2 (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Ixxxxxxxd vxxxxe axd dxxxxxxe of txxxxs on vxxxxxs txxxxxd vxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Ixxxxxxxd vxxxxe axd dxxxxxxxs on cxxxxxxn vxxxxxe exxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxd up sxd fxxxxg sxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Mxxxr txxxxs to cxxxxxxxxxxe gxxxxxg gxn fxxxxg sxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Lxxxxxd vxxxxe of mx5 exxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Lxxxxxd vxxxxe dxxxxxxxs on axl jxxs axd hxxxxxxxxxs to hxxp mxxk txe dxxxxxt cxxxxxxg sxxxd bxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Lxx2 axxxxxxxxn sxxxd rxxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxd hxxxv axxxxxr exxxxe sxxxd dxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxxxxd 1p fxxxxg sxxxd fxr bxxx3 fxxg sxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxxxxd 1p fxxxxg sxxxd of kxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Vxxxxe txxxxs fxr hxxxv axxxxxr 5xxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxt 5xxxl sxxxd on hxxxv axxxxxr to cxxe fxxm txp of bxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw cxxxxxl mg rxxxxd sxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxxxxxxc rxxxt pxxxxd 5xxxl fxxxxg sxxxd fxr axxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw axv 1p mxxxxxe fxxxxg sxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Txxxxs to axv 3p mxxxxxe fxxxxg sxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxd lxxp mxxxxr on axxxxxr 5xxxl 1p sxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Rxxxt pxxxxd 1p cxxxxxl fxxxxg sxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxd 1p axxo dxxp sxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Rxxxxd 1p sxxxxxr mxxxxxe fxxxxg sxxxd vxxxxe fxr fxr mxxh wxxxxxr cxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Txxxxxg nxw sxxxc cxxxk sxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw 1p fxxxxg sxxxd fxr bxw mxxs on bxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Mxxxr txxxk to lxxx2 rxxxxd sxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxd nxw "xxxm ix" sxxxd fxr oxxxc rxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxxxxd lxxxxr "xxxm ix" sxxxd to axl oxxxc rxxxxx, lxxxs axd dxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxd gxxxxxe txxp sxxxxs (xxxxxy sxxxd nxxxs to be lxxxxd ax, nxxxs a "xxxxx" sxxxd wxxxe txe gxxxxxe gxxs ixxo txe cxxx (chuc)
SOUNDS: Nxw axxx5 fxxxxg sxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxxxxxxc 1p cxxx sxxxxs fxr gb axxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw exxxxxd fxxxxg sxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxt 1xxxxm kxxt to uxe a rxxxxd sxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Gxxe jxxxd mxxxc to axl cxxi cxxs as hxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Cxxxxxl mg vxxxxe oxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Txxxxs to mxc sxxxt cxxxxxr sxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxxxxxxd axl "xxxe hxxx" vxxxe cxxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxxxxxxd "xxxxxxg lxw on rxxxxxxxxxxxxx" vxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Rxxxxxd cxxxs fxr "xxxe hxxx" axd "xxw on rxxxxxxxxxxxxx" vxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw rxxxxxn sl axd gxxxt vxxxxs fxxm nxxxxxxxu & cx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Vxxxxe mxxxxxxxg on rxxxxxn vxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxxxd rxxxo sxxxe fxxxxxxxg to rxxxxxn sl rxxxo cxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Axxxxxd rxxxo sxxxe fxxxxxxxg to rxxxxxn gxxxt rxxxo cxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Nxw axx5 1p axd 3p fxxxxg sxxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxd a fxw sxxxd pxxxxxxs wxxh txe hxxxv cxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Sxt cxxxs sxxxxxs to uxe cxxx mg rxxxxd sxxxx (jaymz)
SOUNDS: Fxxxd nxw rxxxxxn sl & gxxxt vxxxxs nxt pxxxxxxx (jaymz)
SPAWNERS: Uxxxxxd sxxxxxr fxxxs wxxh nxw kxxs axd rxxxxxd uxxxxd vxxxxxe sxxxxxr fxxxxx (fuzzhead)
EFFECTS: Axxxd axxxxxxxy ixd exxxxxxxn exxxxx (chuc)