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[Video] PR v0.8 last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-11-29 21:36
by Royal Marine StaffSgt Joe

Re: pr video from last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-11-29 22:05
by mp5punk
ya it was ok, maybe a little bit more action and up close, not so high up, and the music started to get on my nerves, good graphics though.

Re: pr video from last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-11-29 22:56
by Portable.Cougar
This was a 1 life event at One of many specical rounds we played during Black Friday PW night.

Lots of fun Joe, glad you guys spotted that cashe

Re: pr video from last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-11-29 23:46
by Mj Pain
Looks like you had a great round there, Joe.
Good video but the music wasn´t that great.
Anyways..keep them coming :smile:

Re: pr video from last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-11-30 19:01
by Japub
Very nice armor teamwork! This is how PR should be every round! :)

Re: pr video from last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-11-30 19:05
by Spec
---> Tales from the Front

The game looked good, however, the camera could have used a bit more action^^ Sometimes felt like watching some security camera or so... Music wasnt too good either.

Re: pr video from last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-11-30 19:22
by Outlawz7
Portable.Cougar wrote:during Black Friday PW night.
Glad you're celebration recession... :P

Re: pr video from last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-11-30 23:59
by xatu miller
ohhh look at my warrior firing at the cache!That was a dame awsome round... so was the pick em C&C qwai before it

Re: pr video from last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-12-01 03:06
by Water_Is_Poison18 didn't include me taking out a whole British squad crossing the bridge in a technical.

Re: pr video from last nights tg sever

Posted: 2008-12-01 07:55
by cyberzomby
Yea I got bored and skimmed trough it to see if the camera angle kept so "boring" and it did. So I just skimmed the rest. Looked as an awesome game though!