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[Gameplay] Insurgency updates

Posted: 2008-12-07 15:59
by dbzao
Here are some updates to the Insurgency game mode we are working on.


1. If all 3 caches are revealed, the coalition stops gathering intelligence points. The gathering continues once a cache is destroyed and a new one is available. This will stop the instant revealing of caches we have seen in v0.8, that didn't give a chance to the insurgents to organize a defense.

2. Once the coalition receives enough intel to reveal a new cache, the insurgents will know it 3 minutes in advance. This change in addition to the first one will give enough time to insurgents to move and prepare for defense.

3. Civilian collaborator squad leaders can deploy hideouts.

4. Coalition soldiers that kill collaborators outside of the ROE will get their positive score zeroed out + the current penalties. Same thing will happen if an insurgent destroys a weapon's cache.

5. The new Al-Quds RPK will be available at the caches in addition to the RPG and PKM.


6. More kit variety for the insurgents.


7. If the coalition loses a vehicle, the team loses tickets. This was already in v0.8, but updated to be -10 tickets to tanks/apcs/jets/helicopters, -5 tickets to jeeps/trucks and -3 tickets for static defenses hmgs/aa. This was standarized and added to all game modes. Insurgents don't have these penalties.

In v0.85 the Taliban faction will be properly added, being a faction on its own. It will be closer to the Militia then to the Insurgents in terms of rules and gameplay dynamics: deployable assets, rally points, kit request, etc. This faction will be featured on Afghan maps (Korengal Valley, Operation Archer, etc) leaving the more urban maps in Iraq to the Insurgents (Al Basrah, Ramiel, etc).

The main game mode for the Taliban will also be Insurgency, but allowing more flexibility and deployment to other game modes like AAS, Command and Control, etc.

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:02
by Outlawz7

I declare this the most awesome thread of the month!

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:03
by Outlawz7
Forgot to ask: will there be a separate journal thread on the Taliban faction?

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:03
by Rudd
yay, love every word :D

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:04
by Rangu
Woot! :D

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:04
by pclipse_teh_owner
Is that an AKS-74 i see??

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:06
by chimpyang
IS that a claymore with the sapper kit?

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:09
by motherdear
woot woot, my decryption was right, hell yeah. and great work devs. but can we get a comment on how the new ticket loss works for the gameplay, i guess you guys have tried it but it would be interesting to know. also how much damage does grenades and similar do to machinegun nests and hmwwv's at the current moment (in regards to being able to gain the tickets by destroying them) it takes ages to destroy a nanjing with handgrenades for example at the current time.

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:13
by motherdear
great work devs.

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:13
by Benvoilio99
Nice! Looking forward to playing with those new toys now :D

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:14
by sakils2
THIS made my pants sticky... :(


Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:15
by masterceo
devs can't hear you guys over the sound of how awsome they are

just one question: no underslug GL for cell leader anymore?

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:15
by McBumLuv
Now, THIS is insurgency!

Awesome work, I'm suddenly having a huge craving sensation to play insurgent.

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:16
by sakils2
sakils2 wrote:THIS made my pants sticky... :(

But, this is AWESOME!

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:20
by gazzthompson

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:22
by Spec
CLAYMORE!? Explain. Pls. Or is it that booby trapish ammo boxish thingie?

Great job anyways.

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:23
by =Romagnolo=

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:24
by Scot
Hmm, not sure about the G3, but will have too see how it plays :)

Re: [Gameplay] Insurgency

Posted: 2008-12-07 16:29
by sakils2
I think that G3 was added to give some opportunity for the INS at long range firefights. (DOOOH)
QUESTION(a silly one). Will claymores and IED's have a different detonator? (I know it is a silly question)

And again- THIS IS AWESOME! Luv ya DEV's!