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[Video] Infantry v0.8 style

Posted: 2008-12-10 07:03
by X3DChris

Re: little infantry video .8 style

Posted: 2008-12-10 11:55
by =Romagnolo=
Good, not bad, but nothing extraordinary.

I liked the sneak insurgent :)

Re: little infantry video .8 style

Posted: 2008-12-10 17:23
by dbzao
Like always 3DChris goes on his own to fight the enemy :p

Make some more... :)

Re: [Video] infantry video v0.8 style

Posted: 2008-12-10 22:47
by X3DChris
Hey the little prick murdered my whole squad what else could i do but hunt him down .I was never more than a 100 meters I swear :D