No, it's not a claymore, thou its kinda like a claymore. It is in fact a "Grenade Trap", inspired by our member EOD_Security-2252's "Wire Trap" Project that never really took off, our MAs where very keen to see this in so myself and other team members got onto making it.
The weapon acts more or less like the claymore in vbf2, BUT there are some differences, if you move slowly though the wire, you can go over it without triggering it and it is "mag linked" to the F1 Hand Grenade in the kit, so the Sapper needs to decide, if he wants to throw the nade at the enemy or set it up on the ground as a trap. There are other small tweaks too but we will let you find them out once v0.85 is out
Model: Rhino
Texture: Chuc
Export: Rhino
Animations: Chuc
Coding: Rhino, Jaymz, Fuzzhead and dbzao