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[AAR] Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-01 14:06
by Scandicci
Having played Korengal just a handful of times I decided to join another squad instead of forming my own. I had just run a good squad on Bi Ming and a few of my squad members were hoping that I would start another one. I choose an SL that had experience and who frequents this forum quite a bit. Off we went straight up into the hills checking caves near the red marker on our maps. We took out some spawn points and took down a cache and were doing very well. We started to get overrun and our presence in the area was in the hands of a guy with no mic that picked up our medic's kit and was trying, unsuccessfully, to rez the SL. Having lost everything the SL locked the squad, kicked all of us and left the game in a huff while spouting off about ineptitude and other nonsense. WTF? Take a chill pill, dude! It is a game. And, the squad was working pretty well together. Sheit happens, things go sideways, you just start over at main and work back to where you were. 8-)

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-01 14:13
by Scot
What a ****** ;)

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-01 14:17
by Ondskan
Agreed. People need to take a chill pill.

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-02 15:13
by Gore
Yes. There were a guy in our squad once who got kicked for taking a sniper kit. He harassed us the rest of the game by destroying our firebases and stealing the hummers. Good job mate.

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-02 16:13
by Tartantyco
-That was me, and you guys used 5-7 minutes getting up a 5m elevation. Then you kept yakking on about irrelevant **** while being unable to navigate a damn rope bridge. We did not take out any caches, only two spawn points, which you guys seemed to confuse with caches(Which is not a good sign). The amount of effort I had to put in in order to make the squad stay together and not go off on their own useless tangents was not paying off. As a Squad Member might have certain expectations of his Squad Leader, so the Squad Leader has certain expectations of his Squad Members. These expectations were not met by the majority of the squad and as such I did not feel like wasting my time after a string of failures that I do not expect from people who have any experience with vBF2, much less PR.

-What I expect of my Squad Members is that they do what I say when I say it(Trust me, it will save your life), that they shut up if they don't have anything relevant to add(I do accept light banter but when it approaches full-fledged dialogue it's a bit too much), that they stay close to me at all times unless events or orders dictate otherwise, that they are at least somewhat familiar with whatever kit they use, and that they don't get distracted by every little shiny object they come across.

-The reason why I lock/kick squads is because what usually happens once the SL leaves is the complete disintegration of teamwork within the squad as SMs leave/join for an extended period of time, after which time some people leave and some people stay, most being of little use to the team for the rest of the game. By kicking them from the squad they will more quickly assimilate with the rest of the team and any potential SL has the ability to make a new squad instead of sitting around in the squad to see if he gets the spot. The only time I deviate from this is if the squad is reliant on the Rally Point. I rarely do this though because most players are more than adequate Squad Members.

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-02 16:36
by UncleSmek
Amen to that, Tartantyco.

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-02 17:31
by Scandicci
Tartantyco... I disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment. It is a public server. If you expect locked-n-cocked hardcore gamers then don't play at 11AM central European time. Most of the US players have gone to bed and the really dedicated Euro players are not on line.

I understand now why you locked the squad and kicked everyone.

However, instead of writing off all the players as inept just bow out, say good-bye to everyone and find something else to do. If the squad fails it is on the SL 90% of the time, imo. You have to teach people, especially at 11AM in Europe. They will be mostly newbies, or players that should have gone to bed hours ago and are on autopilot.

The annoying guy that kept talking could have been kicked. Then, you would have seen how quickly the rest started falling in line.

Climbing up those hills in Korengal is about 10% luck, 24% skill, and 66% time.

Hope to see you on the battlefield again and squad up with you!

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-02 18:12
by PFunk
Tartantyco wrote: -The reason why I lock/kick squads is because what usually happens once the SL leaves is the complete disintegration of teamwork within the squad as SMs leave/join for an extended period of time, after which time some people leave and some people stay, most being of little use to the team for the rest of the game.

I've actually had some of my best experiences SLing people when the SL left and we were suffering for a leader. It depends on who's left in the squad, how good they were to begin with, and how long it takes for the group to stabalize again. The other thing about it is that there are always a certain number of refugees on each team trying to find somewhere. Sometimes there just aren't enough squads. At least a group that's already playing together might be better than seeing another 2 useless squads get created where everyone just uses it as a kit farm with another 4 unassigned with nowhere to go cause the real squads are full.

I guess you take those into account though when you did that. But I also tend not to bail once I've made that decision to form a squad. I take it seriously. I think hard if its late whether I want potentially 2 hours of committed play.

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-02 19:59
by Tartantyco
Scandicci wrote:Tartantyco... I disagree wholeheartedly with your assessment. It is a public server. If you expect locked-n-cocked hardcore gamers then don't play at 11AM central European time. Most of the US players have gone to bed and the really dedicated Euro players are not on line.
-No, if you play on a PR server then a certain amount of maturity and teamwork is expected of you. If people want to f*ck around and act retarded then they should play a different game for that. You are proposing that you want to play chess, but because it's early/late/you're bored you're going to play it like checkers instead.
However, instead of writing off all the players as inept just bow out, say good-bye to everyone and find something else to do. If the squad fails it is on the SL 90% of the time, imo. You have to teach people, especially at 11AM in Europe. They will be mostly newbies, or players that should have gone to bed hours ago and are on autopilot.
-No. If you can't get up a 5m incline, cross a ropebridge, or discern the difference between a cache and a spawn point then you are, by definition, inept. This is not about teaching anyone anything, the players were not new to the game(I've had far better experiences with complete newbies), it's about attitude, and I'm not going to waste my time correcting them.

The annoying guy that kept talking could have been kicked. Then, you would have seen how quickly the rest started falling in line.
-The problem was not just one guy babbling on VOIP.
Climbing up those hills in Korengal is about 10% luck, 24% skill, and 66% time.
-No, it's actually quite easy if you understand the game mechanics(It's not as if double-jumping is some radical invention of PR...)

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-02 21:52
by Outlawz7
Congratulations Tartan you just joined my list of 'hardcore Scandinavian PR players' along with Emnyron, MOB-24 and a group of Swedes from PRT. ;)

Re: Disappointment at Korengal Valley

Posted: 2009-01-02 22:25
by Scandicci
I am bowing out.