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SL - Be The Best

Posted: 2009-01-11 16:17
by cocobutter333
The is Project reality so i try and play as real as posible (but with fun in mind), so heeres my top tips 2 be #1 SL

1. Name ur SQ accordingly e.g VOIP/INF etc, this should iliminate any ppl without mics joining or jumping into a tank, just ask for a "mic check", theres nothing worse than a player without a mic on PR.

2. Be firm, when i ask "who wants 2 be medic" more often than not it goes silent, so i if no does i issue it to a player and all the other kits e.g grenadier, HAT and get them 2 stick with it

3. Have a plan B4 the round starts and explain it to your sqaud in detail, eliminating room for error and keeps u all 1 step ahead. Also if there is no comander inform other SQ's where u are going so u don't have the whole team on 1 flag

4. speed at the start of a round it paramount ftw so i tell my sqaud "do NOT request and kits" jump in the vehicle and get to the objective and request them when we reach the objective.

5. Keep your sqaud happy, such as when a player takes out a technical and the whole sqaud congratulates them, it makes every one play better and improves moral

6. U are 1, stick together (if i got a £ for everytime i had said that :-P ).When all tegether you are much more intimidating to others and they are less likely to ingage. Use covering fire its the best way of not getting shot at! and i usualy tell my sqaud to not fire unless they are not getting fire apon or spotted

7. DONT give up FTW you need tickets so ustillise ur medic, i always tell my sqaud to not give up when downed, drop smoke and "wait for a medic" so many tickets are wasted by ppl just giving up and spawning .

got bored, anything i missed?...2 be continued...... : D

Re: SL - Be The Best

Posted: 2009-01-21 18:50
by flem615
great guide. as for being harsh we all must remember not to be afraid and kick the problem player. overall good job. also just remember to enforce what you say goes.

Re: SL - Be The Best

Posted: 2009-01-22 07:04
by GrimSoldier
Very nice i hope more squad leaders will follow this as im tired of squad leaders not doing a lot of these things and it makes the game not fun.

Re: SL - Be The Best

Posted: 2009-01-22 23:34
by [SAF]stal20048
One thing i would want to add to this is a very important point especially in PR.

Ok your in the squad leader spot, so evidently you have some experience, or at least some knowledge, else you shouldn't really be there. One thing that the squad leader NEEDS to remind the people under him/her, especially if they are public players, is to keep spacings big enough so as to not get multiple people blown up by grenades. Looking at squads, the thing that really does fuck up squads a lot of the time is that of grenades destroying the entire squad, because the squad leader might know what he is doing, but then the rest of the squad pile up and cluster fuck themselves behind him.

Really getting totally wiped out is the worst thing to happen in PR, what with the large (ish) maps and lack of respawn points.

Really important now with 0.85 coming in and the subsequent flow of new players.

Also, as was said, troublesome player....use the kick button, what its there for, especially in the light that a lot of the servers have a mandatory 'join-a-squad' rule.

Re: SL - Be The Best

Posted: 2009-01-23 08:22
by cyberzomby
Yep! even when Im not SL'ing and I see this happen I alert them. Usually get no response though. Its very important! One grenadier or LAT guy can take out half the squad.