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[AAR] Russian maps

Posted: 2009-01-25 01:10
by flem615
hey i just noticed that the militia/russian maps OWN now! i look forward to playing these all the time! i have so much fun going on patrols through the woods and engaging enemy patrols. ambushing the enemy is also a blast. these maps got really fun in .85 and there are more of them! i like how the brits dont fight the militia anymore personally, and i think that they shouldnt in future releases. they should be fighting on similar battlefields as the US.
on Kolosev (IDK the map name, something like that) i joined the game a bit after it started and was cut off from my squad. i helped another squad fend off a russian flank attack. it was so cool. we defended, and then drove them out of the section of woods. later on i was with my squad and we were hiding from 2 T72s. we kept joking and shooting the tanks, and they were firing randomly trying to hit us. it was really funny, and fun.
hope more maps like this come in the future!!!

Re: Russian maps

Posted: 2009-01-25 01:37
by pclipse_teh_owner
I'm not to surprised with the russian faction and maps really. I thought it'd be better. Plus the SVD scope is kind of badly modeled.

I am just looking forward to Canadian and Polish Forces :D

BUT GUYS! Fallujah West and Asad Khal are AMAZING!! LOVE THEM!

Re: Russian maps

Posted: 2009-01-25 06:26
by Cobhris
I think the Russians will really make their mark in .9 when we have Russia vs. Germany (and hopefully other NATO countries).

Re: Russian maps

Posted: 2009-01-25 09:38
by HughJass
im over 9000 percent sure the russians will shine in urban combat. there just isnt any highly urban maps for them yet.

Re: Russian maps

Posted: 2009-01-26 07:13
by duckhunt
HughJass wrote: yet


Re: Russian maps

Posted: 2009-01-26 07:25
by SocketMan
[R-DEV]duckhunt wrote:-------
I hope it's a hint? There are many "desert settings" in the former USSR
republics. You never know when a local conflict may arise. :wink: