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[Video] quick video of .85

Posted: 2009-01-26 01:48
by bigbossmatt
YouTube - Project Reality 0.856 gameplay

I made this based on my first night of playing this game. in it is an IED, some squad work at the start, a knife, motorbiking, some mistakes etc

nothing fancy about my video, just if some one enjoys it, im happy

Re: My quick video of .85

Posted: 2009-01-26 02:44
by CanuckCommander
bigbossmatt wrote:YouTube - Project Reality 0.856 gameplay

I made this based on my first night of playing this game. in it is an IED, some squad work at the start, a knife, motorbiking, some mistakes etc

nothing fancy about my video, just if some one enjoys it, im happy
So much funny stuff in this video. Lol at the AT guy at 2:20, EPIC FAIL.

AT guy: "OMG full squad on roof, EASY kill with my leet ROCKET!"

*BOOM! Dead 60s

"****! Shot too close to wall!"

Re: My quick video of .85

Posted: 2009-01-26 03:21
by bigbossmatt
CanuckCommander wrote:So much funny stuff in this video. Lol at the AT guy at 2:20, EPIC FAIL.

AT guy: "OMG full squad on roof, EASY kill with my leet ROCKET!"

*BOOM! Dead 60s

"****! Shot too close to wall!"
hah yeah, i think he was too scared to be standing for long. plus to be honest he SHOULD have been scared because four guys prone looking your way means you will be picked off in about 2 seconds.

Re: [Videp] quick video of .85

Posted: 2009-01-27 06:39
by mp5punk
lol like the IED part on the karabal map.

Re: My quick video of .85

Posted: 2009-01-27 18:06
by Dude388
Engineer wrote:Loved the AT guy and the biker, who got pwnd with incoming humvee :P
I was surprised he wasn't run over or even shot by either HUMVEE during that clip. Your video proves just how lucky a person you are :wink:

Nice video.