as of 0.85 they have Removed the Spec Ops kit and replaced it with Combat Engineer(which again has been Replaced with Rifleman Specialist) and i wondered, maybe you should make the Rifle man kits in a Way that can make you choose your weapons of preference(AG3F2 or HK-416)
YEa Norway ordered aimpoints for around 50million so we haz 1337 aimpoints
People don't realize that autism doesn't mean they're "stupid". Just socially inept. Like rhino... > > or in a worst case scenario... Wicca. =)- Lithium fox
I found this sentence quite funny and since this is a war game forum I will put it here. No offense to the french just a good laugh.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. All you do is leave behind a lot of noisy baggage."
Hmm, as PR is set in the close future, I'd say it would be more right to use the HK416 only... but that just my thoughts.
(BTW, is it possible to use the unlock switch to have both HK416 and the AG3 on all kits. Just wondering about the possibility, not saying you should )
The Hk416 looks so plain and boring, while the AG3 looks like a freaking hand-cannon - probably the biggest (in lenght) assault rifle in service (+ it's HK as well ).
It would probably best to have half-and-half, besides they have already modelled and textured both the 416 and Ag3, it would be a shame to see them go to waste.
HeXeY wrote:Hmm, as PR is set in the close future, I'd say it would be more right to use the HK416 only... but that just my thoughts.
(BTW, is it possible to use the unlock switch to have both HK416 and the AG3 on all kits. Just wondering about the possibility, not saying you should )
i dont know but i think it's more G3's then 416's in afg.....
++ag3f2 is the sexyest ever
AS of PR, all of the so called "Allied forces" use weapons with little stopping power(5.56mmx45mm)
i think its about time we have Both guns actually since those who likes stopping power picks the AG3F2(7.62mmx51mm), those who like M4/M16/L85/Ak-74 etc(5.56x45mm/5.45mmx39), can pick the HK-416. that will make this faction a faction the everyone likes
so i want both guns, not one or the other
AG3 has certain technical upgrades as well that reduces recoil and gives it a higher rate of fire. PR is set in the near future but they still give outdated weapons to all of the factions such as the US and British.
"Cluster bombing from B-52s is very, very accurate.
The bombs are guaranteed to always hit the ground."
-U.S. Air Force
ReaperAce712 wrote:AG3 has certain technical upgrades as well that reduces recoil and gives it a higher rate of fire. PR is set in the near future but they still give outdated weapons to all of the factions such as the US and British.
BUt though norway has given out h&k 416 too oversea soldiers for nearly half a year now . THough the AG3F2 is still in the army in the national guard and as far as I know some soldiers from the national guard is in A-stan because of lack of other soldiers.
EDIT: Typo
Last edited by Zimmer on 2009-01-30 17:04, edited 1 time in total.
People don't realize that autism doesn't mean they're "stupid". Just socially inept. Like rhino... > > or in a worst case scenario... Wicca. =)- Lithium fox
I found this sentence quite funny and since this is a war game forum I will put it here. No offense to the french just a good laugh.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. All you do is leave behind a lot of noisy baggage."
Rangu wrote:Yep, but they're probably issued the 416 anyway...
I'm all in for the option to choose between the 416 and AG3 though!
We definalty need that.
i would be mad if not, from the first day i heard about the army i heard everyone was talking about the AG3, because it was so goddamn powerful
and some guy in my class said the US didn't like that we used that gun because it could punch a big hole in their vest
Actually the power to the 416 isnt as bad as you would believe as the norwegian rifle is a 16" not the normal 14" so longer barrel means that the Gas can push on the bullets for alittle longer. And after test shootings it seemed that 416 did penetrate alot nearly as good as the ag3.
People don't realize that autism doesn't mean they're "stupid". Just socially inept. Like rhino... > > or in a worst case scenario... Wicca. =)- Lithium fox
I found this sentence quite funny and since this is a war game forum I will put it here. No offense to the french just a good laugh.
"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion. All you do is leave behind a lot of noisy baggage."