This is a compilation of some PR gameplay videos that demonstrate the kind of gameplay PR has to offer. This thread will be used as a good reference for those unfamiliar with PR to see what the gameplay can be like.
Feel free to post videos here if you think the video demonstrates excellent gameplay in PR, keep in mind the following when posts up a video nomination:
Must be real gameplay and not "faked".
Must not have real life footage or audio overlapped, this should be 100% PR
Must have in game sound effects and VOIP, preferably with little or no music.
Cannot simply be a frag video, that can be posted elsewhere.
Must be non-retarded / no stupidness, can have some funny moments but overall tone should be quality gameplay with teamwork and tactics.
Must be reasonably good quality video encoding - preferably HD.
Do not post on Vimeo as your video will probably be deleted since vimeo is anti gaming.
Must be posted as a YouTube link using the following vbb code (without spaces):
[ youtube ] video code [ /youtube ]
or for HD:
[ youtubehd ] video code [/youtubehd ]
Enjoy fellas!
Last edited by fuzzhead on 2009-05-04 23:00, edited 12 times in total.
[youtubehd=nS6qHVG2IO4&fmt=22]PR v0.85 - Operation Archer - 5 infantry squads convoy (part 1 of 2) by dbzao[/youtubehd]
[youtubehd=_LqXu9-lswY&fmt=22]PR v0.85 - Operation Archer - 5 infantry squads convoy (part 2 of 2) by dbzao[/youtubehd]
[youtubehd=hdNZRDJWzyA&fmt=22]PR v0.85 - Operation Archer - infantry action by dbzao[/youtubehd]
[youtubehd=hyTGL7prEGY&fmt=22]PR v0.75 - Sunset City - Gameplay (1 of 2) by dbzao[/youtubehd]
Air Calvary Infantry (AIRINF, AIRCAV)
TommyDoesArcher - PR v0.85 - Operation Archer - T&T Tommy Does Archer Part 1 by MadTommy
TommyDoesArcher2 - PR v0.85 - Operation Archer - T&T Tommy Does Archer Part 2 by MadTommy
[youtubehd=XvsAsvSGnZw&fmt=22]PR v0.8 - Kashan Desert - Airborne Infantry by dbzao[/youtubehd]
[wegame=Blackhawk_Insertion_and_Free_Assualt_on_North_Bunker]PR v0.75 - Kashan Desert - Blackhawk Insertion and Assault on North Bunker by scandicci[/wegame]
[youtubehd=dmQSw0sN-CI&fmt=22]PR v0.75 - Qwai River - Air Transport Squad Gameplay by dbzao[/youtubehd]
Mechanized Infantry (MECINF, M-INF)
[youtubehd=hKUIezmjBbo&fmt=22]PR v0.85 - Al Basrah - Mech Inf by Reedible[/youtubehd]
[wegame=Tactical_Gaming_Al_Basrah_2]PR v0.75 - Al Basrah - Mechanized Infantry: APC Component April 4th 08 by Civie[/wegame]
Light Mechanized (L-MEC)
[youtubehd=qhUCFqlXOjc&fmt=22]PR v0.85 - Asad Khal - BRDM2 by dbzao[/youtubehd]
[youtubeHD=GknNWmK8swY&fmt=22]PR v0.8 - Kashan Desert - Tank squad (Part 1 of 5) by Reedible[/youtubehd]
currently need more videos involving tanks, jets and attack helicopters, keep in mind we want mainly videos that have lots of VOIP useage showcasing the teamwork involved in PR - not simply just frag videos
music is alright but any copyright music will get removed eventually, its best to use music as intro or in slow moments, but keeping no music for the good stuff i think is the way to go to show off best parts of mod, but each their own i guess
Nice kills, although i would think the gun would have overheated after that many rounds.
Actually, I've noticed that the BMP-3's autocannon tends to overheat more when firing HE ammo than AP, the latter being what I used here. Not sure if that's a glitch or not.
1080p what do we need more? Its just a little video, that shows that VOIP and communication are essential parts of PR gameplay, unfortunately you can't hear what I said to the rest of my squad.