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[Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 00:52
by WeeGeez
I just Had to upload this brilliant and somewhat amusing PR Gameplay Experience. :razz:

Justplay[1991] as Squad Leader (Driver)
Myself as ME (Gunner)
MSgtCherokee as MEDIC
SchaebigerLump as "BACKUP" HAT

Enjoy :) :wink:

Link: YouTube - Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Recorded @ 6:14PM GMT on 14th Febuary 2009
ABC German Clan Server

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 02:35
by Mora
LOL! better stay behind a tow humvee.

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 03:06
by charliegrs
HAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHA that was great i would have loved to see that in person

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 03:32
by Gore
Funny stuff ; D

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 07:53
by Galliruler
Refresh the page.

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 07:59
by WeeGeez
Yeh, No, Sorry Youtube was being gay and Audioswapped it?? :?
Anyway, just uploaded it again, all fine now. :)

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 13:29
by CareBear
cainy cainy cainy.... what a noob! :p

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 13:48
by LtSoucy
LOL, good thing youi had that HAT, could of lost the whole squads heads, and not just the SL. :p

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 14:23
by NyteMyre
Drinking orange juice thinking that it's milk :p

Yeah, had something like that too...only i thought it was water but it was vodka

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 15:18
by Scot
Lmao, nice vid :D

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-15 19:24
by V3N0N_br
I lol'd

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-02-19 03:08
by mp5punk
Loved the movie!

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-07-25 20:01
by HappySoilder =)
thats hilarious

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-07-27 00:49
by StrkTm_Leopold
How unlucky for the SL.

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-07-27 09:30
by Raufbold
I shot my SL too once, when he was standing on top of the Hummvee scouting for targets and i was TOW Gunner. Lots of laughter.

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-07-27 09:54
by DrugKoala
Good Lord... Cain, you crazy sod. :D

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-07-27 12:50
by AnimalMother.
comical genius!

as for cain, i understand your pain, too many times whilst hungover have i had corn flakes with orange juice rather then milk, bad times.

and if the above situation occurs don't try to remedy it by adding milk later, it just makes things worse, like deoderant to cover a fart

Re: [Video] Boom Headshot TOW Squad

Posted: 2009-07-27 16:48
by YamSoldier
Yeah you have to feel sorry for Cain at the end. Nice shot though! :)