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[Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-21 18:22
by Liquid_Cow
While not my first vid, it is the first one done the way I wanted to...

Its a story vid of a disgruntled American who's unit is stations in a quiet, abandoned city (Karbala) with a tragic ending.


Re: Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-21 19:00
by Salah ad Din
woot, thats me taking out the cache and observing from the FOB (and being blown up)

Re: Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-21 19:21
by Aquiller
Nice one!

Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-21 20:29
by ReadMenace
Really well done... Is the monologue adapted from somewhere else?


Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-21 20:50
by Keeper-of-Styx
Nice video.
Is that background music from LOTR? Or am I just crazy?

Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-21 22:29
by McBumLuv
Nice :)

Only possible critisism on editing would be that the explosion was a bit more like a *pop* than a BOOM, and that a slight camera shake would've been cool when the Hummvee and logistics truck rolled out, though just slightly, more like a vibration.

Otherwise the narrating was great, I'd love to see you make a longer one, with the more detailed story of a single battle, rather than the telling of the entire story. One chapter at a time you might say.

Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-21 22:53
by CareBear
really nice =D

and loved the use of the Lord of the Rings music :D

Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-21 23:28
by Incomplete Spork
I think there should have been a abit more action

Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-22 00:46
by M_Striker
Good narrating and good video, but I don't think the Lord of the Rings music fit the movie one bit...

Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-22 01:44
by Liquid_Cow
Thank you for all the feed back...

The narration is an original script read by me. To be honest, when I started the project I had no intention of making it so "dark" in its tale, it just went that way.

That is LOTR sound track stuff, Aragon's Theme, Two Tower theme, Riders of Rohan, it was the best orchestral music I had on hand which suited the video as it developed.

Luv, I agree, the problem is that sort of stuff is incredibly difficult to get in BR w/o it looking cheesy. I didn't have access to that sort of an effect in post production with the software I was using. As for the sound, if you've ever heard a real military grade explosive, that's actually pretty close to how it sounds. The explosion of the cache was a "Hollywood" explosion.

All the video was shot from a partial BR file, the reason there was no good battle scene was the damned insurgents were hiding and wouldn't come out and play. Later in the match there was a hell of a battle and a great scene where my Hummer got popped by an RPG, but I didn't DL that part of the BR before the 24 hour timer ran out and the file was cleared from the server.

Don't worry though, next movie will be more of an action flick! ;)

Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-22 02:01
by McBumLuv
Liquid_Cow wrote: Luv, I agree, the problem is that sort of stuff is incredibly difficult to get in BR w/o it looking cheesy. I didn't have access to that sort of an effect in post production with the software I was using. As for the sound, if you've ever heard a real military grade explosive, that's actually pretty close to how it sounds. The explosion of the cache was a "Hollywood" explosion.
Aw well, You + Sony Vegas or something like that would be amazing :p

I know explosions aren't as pronounced as they are in hollywood, but are they really that quiet sounding? There goes my previous assumption :|

Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-22 03:00
by Priby
Really good!
But like Luv said the hmmvee explosion (and the pkm) sounded weird.

Edit: Im slow.

Re: [Video] Cow's First "Real" Video

Posted: 2009-02-22 03:45
by Liquid_Cow
Here's a couple of real IED videos, ADULT LANGUAGE WARNING lots of swearing, but you get to hear how dull the explosion sounds.

YouTube - Failed IED Attack
YouTube - IED in Afghanistan

The actual sound of an explosion depends on the setting, echoes are a big part of it, and remember, this is a "movie" I didn't use the in-game sound, I wanted a sharp punctuation to the tension of the scene. A longer echoing explosion would have also made editing issues, as the echoes would still be going on when the 2nd shot detonation occured.

Having actually witnessed live ordinance in use, I've got to say its kinda a let down after growing up on Rambo and Red Dawn.