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[Video] Having fun tree trick

Posted: 2009-03-07 04:21
by Overchicked
I tricked a friend of mine after realizing the consequences. This is fun to play on people.

Tree Trick - Xfire Video

I hope you liked it

Re: Having fun

Posted: 2009-03-07 04:28
by McBumLuv
Tree Trick - Xfire Video

You can't wrap Youtube code around Xfire vids :p

Heh, I wonder why he didn't just hop back onto the grapple :D ?

Re: Having fun

Posted: 2009-03-07 04:33
by Overchicked
McLuv wrote: You can't wrap Youtube code around Xfire vids :p
Thats because its not a direct link.
McLuv wrote: Heh, I wonder why he didn't just hop back onto the grapple :D ?
You cant get back on because you fall too far away from the tree. The grapple just hangs over the tree.

Re: [Video] Having fun tree trick

Posted: 2009-03-07 09:08
by luckyhendrix
As civilian I was so bored that i tried to get on the top of tree with my grapple and i succeded once. :mrgreen: