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[Video] Operation Phail

Posted: 2009-03-08 16:39
by Galliruler
Project Reality: Operation Phail - Xfire Video
Here is my epic phailure with the Huey... please rate and comment.

Re: [Video] Operation Phail

Posted: 2009-03-08 19:45
by HughJass
"shitty" huey?

It is not the best chopper but you my friend just fail.... i stopped watching after the first crash.

Re: [Video] Operation Phail

Posted: 2009-03-08 20:00
by Galliruler
Lol, I know. I put another video up of another flight, this time a LB. And it was going good, until the music really kicked in, and I could't really hear the AA lock on signal...

Re: [Video] Operation Phail

Posted: 2009-03-08 20:12
by Galliruler
Yeah, that's what messed me up. It fell as I lifted off, and it hit my tail, causing me to swerve.