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The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-08 22:49
by Expendable Grunt
As with mathematics, I have a love hate relationship with the BRDM-2. On one hand, it's a quick and versatile bit of equipment capable of ruining anything in the sub-APC range with ease. On the other hand, it's a fiddly piece of shit that makes me want to choke a baby.


The BRDM-2 (Boyevaya Razvedyvatelnaya Dozornaya Mashina, Боевая Разведывательная Дозорная Машин&#1072 ;) is an armed and sort-of armored combat recon vehicle. It is a scout car capable of traversing both water and land, making it an amphibious vehicle. It was designed in the Soviet Union, and produced in numbers beyond 7,000 in the mid 1980s by GAZ.

Developed as an upgrade to the BMP-1, it features an enclosed turret, sights, and NPC protection. It mounts the 14.5 mm KPVT heavy machine gun and 7.62 mm PKT coaxial general purpose machine gun. It was designed with belly wheels to better help it cross rough terrain.

In game. the BRDM-2 is used by Russia, the MEC, and the Chechens. Given that the real vehicle was deployed world-wide and has a variety of uses and upgrade packages, it is no surprise that more than one faction finds use for it. If I had to design an army from scratch, I would include this vehicle.

The armament is the exact same as the ones found on the BTR-60 used by the MEC and Russia. The machine gun fires the same round used by the PKM and HK-21 infantry support weapons, though the 14.7mm gun is only featured on the BTR-60 and the BRDM-2. This gives the BRDM-2 an interesting mix of the lightest and heaviest vehicle MG's in the game. It carries 500 14.7mm rounds and 1400(?) PKT rounds. It does not have smoke countermeasures.

The vehicle suffers from HORRIFIC off road handing, requiring some skill to prevent it from flipping over. It also suffers from limited deflection, preventing it from being able to fire on infantry in close order. The driver also has a difficult time with tiny windows. Although an optional scope view overcomes this, it is limited to a 90* traverse.

The turret has 360 degree traverse, and can fire both of its weapons simultaneously. The KPV HMG is limited to AP rounds, which while more powerful than a .50, yield no splash damage and are ineffective against infantry in cover. The weapons are capable of destroying logistic trucks in a mere 10-20 rounds, and are equally effective against lighter vehicles. It is also damaging to firebases and similar assets. The 360* shielding prevents the gunner from being killed directly. It can kill other BRDM-2's and their variants very quickly, but seems incapable of destroying AT guns.

The vehicle seats a grand total of four players, but requires two crewmen to operate, making it the least efficient troop transport in the game. It carries a single ammo resupply crate, placing it between the humvee and APC categories in terms of utility.

The hull is poorly armored and susceptible to .50 fire and up, though rumor has it that rifle fire can eventually erode it away. A single AT round of any form will completely obliterate this vehicle.

Because it can float, it has special utility on the maps featuring rivers or other water features. Examples include Asad Kal and Kozelsk. Kozelsk is a particularly good map for these vehicles, as the wide lake or ocean in the left portion of the map gives it plenty of "alone time" to flank and move behind forces to hunt down key assets. With a skilled driver and attentive gunner, this vehicle can last a very long time (My top record in a single BRDM-2 being 8-1).

Tips for usage:
* Stay away from direct combat situations, especially when other vhicles are present. A 2 man crew carries heavy anti-infantry support weapons, and is ideally used hull down along a flank to rip into soft targets.

* Search and Destroy. 2 crewmen, 1 HAT and or 1 AA can become a highly mobile specialist squad. The BRDM-2 can destroy logistic and transport trucks with ease, while the HAT/AA takes care of their targets. Incendiary grenades present on HAT/AA units can destroy already built assets while the BRDM-2 covers. A variety of other kits can be used, including plain riflemen for the asset hunting role. You are also not a particularly large or technically powerful vehicle, so you take little direct combat ability away from your team if you combine a fully crewed BRDM-2 and a combat engineer to ruin defenses and destroy bridges.

* Capture flags. With your speed and water mobility, you can easily push on poorly defended flags. If your team thinks they're tying up the bulk of the enemy between flags, then you may be able to seize one from behind their line of defense.

How to fail:
* Charging at things. A single LAT or .50 can end you. A fully crewed BRDM-2 is worth 7 tickets, 9 if you're a full house.

* Idling. Your engine is loud. If you're staying in one location, have th driver exit the vehicle and act as a pair of "ears" for your gun.

* Rushing off road. You tip easily. Take it carefully and slowly or you will score no kills and end up wasting 5-7 tickets.

* Shark your foes. By this I mean wait for them to enter open areas / patrol open areas and circle around them while firing. Do not approach and allow them to easily use AT/Incendiaries against you. Withdraw if you think they're packing something; suicide is for sheep, not sharks.

* Wolf-pack your BRDM-2's. Travel in wide-spread groups. When you encounter an enemy, come together to create interlocking fields of death. How do you defend against a BRDM-2? You blow it up with the LAT. How do you stop 2? 3?

* Supply runs. If you're close to your teams defense, you and or your wolf pack should dump all your ammo boxes near them to provide extra firepower.


Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-09 02:22
by Solid Knight
The Wolf-Pack idea is something I like to do when playing armor but yet people insist on having the armor bunch up. Being a bit spread out lets you get multiple angles making it difficult for the enemy to retaliate or retreat.

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-09 08:08
by cyberzomby
Nice guide and tip! Im almost never in these because like you said: You either have a love or hate relation. Mine's hate :P

Didnt knew they could be destroyed by '50 tho!

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-09 11:00
by PFunk
cyberzomby wrote: Didnt knew they could be destroyed by '50 tho!
Ive blown one up with a Technical. It was only like 2 or 3 seconds of sustained hits too. Not very impressive armor.

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-09 11:26
by Polka
On kozelsk me and a buddy would patrol around in a BRDM2 while waiting for the chechens to come, we took out most of their arsenal of vehicles I am certain. By doing this we delayed them heavily and leaving them unable to reinforce the front, thus the battle was easily won by the Russians.

Pretty epic thing to do.

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-09 11:53
by Mack Impact
Exellent post, I would like to see more like this one..

BRDM-2 = my favorite of the current line of vehicles in PR.

The nature of the vehicle provides much needed versatility in the battlefields of PR and the weak armor/firepower guarantees that it is almost never the first choice of anyone in terms of normal PR APC-usage, and therefore its always at your disposal.

I have no idea, how have I managed with out this wonderful piece engineering history. The person who came up with the idea to add BRDM-2 to PR is nothing short of a genius. Thank You!

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-09 13:28
by LeChuckle
i love it off-road

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-09 13:44
by Mack Impact
If only there was a way to apply the chain-driven belly wheels and operate the centralized tire pressure regulation system in-game...

Oh well, I am a happy camper with out them..

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-09 13:57
by McBumLuv
Very good guide, Choe. I only fully realized their usefullness as "recon" cars after playing with them on Jabal. Never thought of using them with AA/AT kits, but it seems logical, especially when they also hold an ammo crate, and can hold two passengers. Not enough for a deicated squad transport, for sure, but excellent for the purposes you've outlined.

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-09 14:00
by arjan
The brdm can get killed by a m249 SAW too.
Ive killed one on kashan, its a agile vehicle!

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-10 02:05
by Expendable Grunt
Thanks for the replies. Hopefully this will make people a tad better at using this underrated vehicle!

I'm out of comision for the moment (LCD died, using a tiny crappy CRT right now), but I will likely post up a few guides on various other things when I get a chance.


Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-10 04:25
by rangedReCon
Hehe I like em' but their armour is hella weak. I remember one time where me and my squad cornered a BRDM, then proceeded to throw grenades and fire at it till it blew up.

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-10 04:56
by Expendable Grunt
Best bet is to think of it as a jeep with a large gun.


Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-10 12:39
by McBumLuv
Jabal's probably a great map to see this used best. Its failry narrow roads constrict the enemy's movement, though it's possible to get hull-down positions if you know how and where to drive.

Plus, you can load up the AA and HAT guys in the back and have a good youse for them, versus helicopters and APCs. That, plus the fact that you can shoot a huey down after continuous fire from the main gun, especially if it's been damaged from the AA.

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-10 17:11
by DesmoLocke
Jabal is indeed the best when it comes to using the BRDM-2.

I had one particular round where we took it directly to the Dam flag and scouted ahead of the team. I was reporting helicopter positions to the commander while I was outside listening for LAVs. My gunner was still in the gun in the very bottom of the Dam complex. I heard one LAV-25 approach and I thought for sure it was going to stay topside. Nope. By that time, we had a log truck and supply truck there trying to set up a FOB. The LAV-25 went up around around and took one of the north roads to make it down to the FOB position. It came too close however and turned its backside towards us. I hopped back in the drivers seat and inched forward and my gunner did the rest. We used 50+ rounds into the back of the LAV-25. It was too busy raping the FOB to notice getting shot in the *** I guess :roll: :lol: . We took it down and I guess it was reported to the other LAV because it came down as well. We didn't win this time with it firing back! :wink: But, we did manage to disable it with one of its sides crippled. But, we came back in with a BTR-60 to finish him off and the rest of the round went smoothly after that.

In total: Killed 4 LAVs, 4 Hueys, and multiple Infantry.

So, it's possible to take on an LAV-25 but it is NOT recommended!

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-10 18:25
by nathanator8811
Offroading with the BRDM and the spandrel version is the absolute best, but takes practice. Most people have flipped it enough over nothing that they think it can't take a hill, but this thing is actually almost as mobile as the technical, you just have to be careful with it. Small amounts of gas. Ever seen one above the the footbridge on kozelsk? It can be done, and it can cover both bridges and the only approaches to the south as well.
And because most dont know how to offroad it well, no expects it either.

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-03-15 02:49
by thedoombringer0
I find the BRDM the most versitile thing in game.

If used right it can be an utter pain for your foe.

I find Wolfpack and ambush tactics work best.
And the fact it can cross rivers leads to some very interesting suprise attacks.

I have my best rounds with this on fools road

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-04-14 06:04
Good tips. I generally try to use armor is an intelligent manor. I hate seeing people rushing up with APCs and other assets simply to waste them. Stay back and hammer targets. You goal is to cover INF squads and support the attack. Not attack and die.

#1 Use your weapons range to full advantage, no need to close.

#2 Multiple units need to cover each other, fuster clucking wastes assets. Also having differing lines of fire makes it mighty hard to not kill em all.

#3 Stay in areas the give you the advantage, period. Don't flip your damn rig, don't get stuck in trees...don't forget what floats and what doesn't.

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-04-15 00:24
by JohnTheRipper
On muttrah we used the wolf packs to hunt down enemy apcs that were alone then go to base for repairs and rearm then back towards the other. after the APC's were down we used our cannons as AA guns which proved extremely effective.

But something that just popped into my head was using those cannons to fire upon the carriers deck. once the skys are clear and the armor is burning.

Re: The BRDM-2 and You

Posted: 2009-04-15 03:18
by SocketMan
KPVT 14.5 is also used on ZPU-4 (the "quad aa cannon")