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Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-03-10 19:00
by JohnTheRipper
Now this i've done in an older version (forgot which) in Al Basrh where my squad would have like 3 or 4 civilians in it running around the high grass causing British soldiers to try to capture them. Then once in range Me and another guy or 2 pop up and spray automatic fire into the British troops then quickly going back down and move to another part of the field.

anyone still see or use this tactic?

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-03-10 19:16
by sakils2
Haven't use this tactic with civilians noir in Insurgancy. Used something similiar on Fools Road. Set up 2 IED's near the bridge, asked SM to atract it, he shoot a few round on the BTR-60, APC started moving to the IED's and KA-BOOM.

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-03-16 11:48
by Ace42
JohnTheRipper wrote:
anyone still see or use this tactic?
Nope, the civvies get shot up and enjoy a 2 minute respawn timer before the troops get close...

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-03-16 11:52
by Tirak
Not so much with Civis anymore, but I still use it on Korengal and Fallujah.

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-03-16 13:44
by thedoombringer0
i used to but now they just shoot civies anyway and the civie comes off worse with a 200second respawn.

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-04-08 14:05
by Masterbake
Being civilian now sucks a hairy pair of danglers, getting shot as soon as you go near a Brit and waiting over 3 minutes to respawn is not fun.

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-04-12 21:24
by Cpt. Trips
I think it'd be better if your spawn time was dependent on the kit you want to spawn with, so if you died as a civilian you could spawn as another class with a shorter spawn time and still be in the game without having a civvy spam.

Whuddya think? Hardcoded?

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-04-25 06:19
by TF6049
Did this with a bomb car - shot the original driver out of the car and people kept coming, and I'd snipe them. I am amazed they didn't react whatsoever.

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-04-25 06:53
by SkaterCrush
Baiting really works...I was set up close to the british FOB (on al basrah) and I just ran around a corner, made sure I caught the eye of a brit than ran around where they came into a deployed PKM and a AK47

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-04-28 16:04
by Rissien
I fell for a bait once, chased a civi into a crowd of them. Needless to say I was stoned to death pretty quickly.

Vehicles are also good bait if you are Coalition though. I was one of two snipers on Bashrah ont he hotel roof, we were for the most part camping the Mosque since the Insurgents stopped getting on the rooftops. A few technicals were at the spawn and we just waited for them to get in, a few moments later and a pile of bodies littered the ground and the inside of the technicals.

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-06-26 02:29
by ma21212
lol i was on albasrah and i walked in middle of the raod with my hands up and started walkin toward an APC. so the APC just looks at me for about 10 seconds and right then some 1 killed it with RPG in the bak

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-07-03 23:45
by Stokes52
I saw a squad doing this on Fallujah once, but they kinda failed at it. I was playing as a US squad leader. Anyways, my squad is down the road, a guy is getting healed by the medic and the rest are covering the road and firing some rounds to where some civilians are to keep their heads down because we know they have some regular insurgents there too.

Meanwhile, while my squad is covering me, I go through a building around to the other side and start moving up to where the civilians are. I pop out of the building, go around the corner, and see no less than three civilians, and two gunner insurgents... one of the gunners is keeping his head down but looking towards where my squad mates are, so he's looking the other way, one civvie is healing the other gunner who had just been shot by my squadmates, and the other two civvies are looking the other way, either behind the insurgents or looking at my squadmates with their hands in the air. I run up, shoot the gunner on the ground who had just been revived, quickly I smack the healing civvie with the handcuffs. The other civvie runs around the corner to where the other gunner is so I pull out my gun, blast the other gunner on the ground as he's turning around. And then, for some unknown reason, the civvie who ran just stares at me, while the other civvie I mentoned still seems oblivious to the carnage behind him, even though everyone around him is dead. Anyways I run up, smack the civvie thats looking at me and then sprint towards the other civvie who is STILL looking in the wrong direction and get him too.

3 civvies and 2 insurgents down in less then 10 seconds. Needless to say, intel found the next cache ;)

With that in mind its a mixed bag. Civilians are excellent when supported and have often been the cause of death for whole squads or even sometimes APCs and Tanks. They really are incredibly useful but it takes lots of brains and patience... and 2 minute respawn times. Its a gamble, because loss of two or three civillians to capture is horrible, but at the same time, killing a squad or getting your civillians killed by rifle fire is even worse for the BLUFOR.

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-07-04 13:33
by Claymore
I used to see baiting a lot more in the previous versions but the long spawn times probably discourage people from getting civies. But dying once as a civillian is a lot more acceptable for me than dying 8 times as a sapper. And there are times when losses are inevitable, like when an APC is coming to one of the solo buildings at Fallujah.

I think baiting is a good tactics for the insurgents as it represents what should be the preferred tactics for the insurgents - making ambushes. There is never a fair fight in insurgency. Using scoped M16a4 vs Ak47 isn't fair, so is luring a single guy into a bunch of guns. You have to even the odds so I hope to see this kind of tactics more :)

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-07-04 19:52
by Jazz
Today I set an arty IED by some vehicle wreckages on Al Basrah. A civilian stood their as bait. An apc pulled up and the driver ran out to capture him. Unfortunately the civy was captured, but I blew the IED, killing the driver and severely damaging the apc. It made the round for me.

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-07-06 11:11
by wookimonsta
this is why i usually play "man with shotgun who shoots civilians in the face"

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-07-06 20:10
by ma21212
meh! i got bunch kills the other day (one poor basterd craped his pants when he turned around the corner and saw 4 insurgergents all armed with AKs and shotguns)

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-07-09 02:04
Al Basra, my squad set up a FOB inside the palace. They moved out to attack a cache the spawned on the isle. I stayed back at palace to over watch the area. I had grabbed a sniper kit to engage some ins across the river.

Some time after my squad moved all the way to factory.

I was left alone and bored. So I styped in all chat "Hey! idiot sniper! Their's no one on the isle any more WTF are you doin watching it from that roof! Go cover Factory!"

Sure as the sun rises in the east...a few minutes later an insurgent start going up the ladder...I waited till he was just about to hit the top and I put a shot into his back.

It was pretty classic.

Baiting is awesome. It's like fishing. You cast the bait, you wait, and you get to bite some one!

Good bait for ins

Against the insurgents. Example. Ramiel. We Had a sniper set up in a building, and a Saw covering the stairs from a ways away. The rest of the squad scattered and watched the area. We had the sniper fire off shots, and we watched from where the ins where coming from. Ofcourse we killed them as they searched for our sniper.

We located 3 caches that round using this method. They'd just come running like cats to catnip. We know where their main spawns are. If we got more coming from one way or the other..we knew their was something there.

Good bait against Blufor? Caches, are the best. Spawning on unexposed caches and set up IEDs into a massive kill box. Pick a direction you think they will come from. Get your IEDs out. You can normally wiped out a good chunk of a squad this way. Civis can be good bait, providing they just don't get shot.

In conventional maches. Baiting is less important. How ever the engi kit is under used...and highly underestimated.

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-07-09 11:06
by Duma
Last night, Basrah on the UKWF insurgent server. Challenger investigates trouble at the outpost and spots a civilian near the bridge, trundles over trying to make civvy pate. Artillery IED takes out the bridge, when the smoke clears the Challenger's learning to swim.

He only got the one lesson :)

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-08-07 18:26
by Roborob
My friend had the best baiting story...

We were playing on Ramiel a while back, I wasn't in his squad but we were chatting over X-fire. He tells me that they see a little-bird coming round and they happen to have an AA kit, so they shoot it down right near them (this was back in .85) It was low, but the pilot bails out anyway and SPLATS on the ground. My friend goes up and takes the kit..... and formulates a plan.

He gets the Sapper in the squad to put an IED in the middle of the road, They wait till they hear another helicopter in the area and then.... pops a signal smoke on the IED. There is a FULL blackhawk that comes to drop a squad on the smoke, thinking its a safe place or something (who know?). As soon as the wheels hit the ground BOOOM! Blackhawk and squad down and out.......

Re: Who still does baiting?

Posted: 2009-08-07 20:25
by flem615
baiting is still a very effective tool. if anything, use civilians as scouts. ive also seen them used as human shields, where the insurgents will go prone behind a civilian and fire thru their legs. (lol)