How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

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How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by Cavazos »


Ever join up with a teamwork squad, only to find out the SL isn't even communicating or organizing the team? Matter of fact, you look at the map and notice that your squad isn't even within a 200m radius of each other. Ok, maybe its a recon squad.. wait.. so how come everyone in the squad is in the middle of the street and dying not using binocs to recon?

Ok, there goes that optimism. Welcome to a squad that isn't using teamwork. Where either the squad leader is AFK or the SL has left and now there is a war of people leaving the squad to make someone else squad leader but they just keep leaving and rejoining the squad. Just keep in mind your best chance for taking control of a squad is if you become the squad leader.


Uh-oh, so 3 people have left the squad at the same time and now your squad leader!

What do you do squad leader?

Do you leave and hope someone else sticks with the squad leader position and magically start giving out orders to everyone?


If you want to get things done, your going to have to do it yourself.

Maybe you don't want to lead. Maybe you don't feel like leading. Maybe you don't want your leadership skills be associated with a squad that wasn't using teamwork before, and now that your squad leader, you refuse to lead it as you fear the members themselves will ignore your orders and the squad will continue along the route it was upon before, or that you want an effective squad from the start.

It is easier to take lead of a squad from the beginning of a match in which the squad is named "teamwork" and the members who have joined are all in the teamwork mindset.

But don't be scared. Just because you joined half an hour into the match, and the only squad open was a squad named "TITTIES" and has the lowest score of all squads, and is in the negative for teamwork score, doesn't mean you can't turn that around.

Matter of fact, it is now your responsibility to take control of that squad. You are squad leader. It doesn't matter who is in it. As soon as you take that squad leader position, you have a few things you are going to need to do.

Establish Your Presence

I don't care if you were silent for 10 minutes just following squad buddies who seemed to be doing something. Your going to have to make a psychological mind shift change from silent squad member following others to a loud talking squad leader that takes care of his virtual buddies.

Psychology plays a big factor in squad dynamics. If you join a squad using VOIP constantly and working together well, your going to want to do the same to help out everyone as well. But if you join a squad that is dead silent and is not doing anything, you don't want to be the only guy trying to organize a squad that doesn't even want to work together.

Well, its time to change that. You now have the authority to kick people and basically, that is your leverage. But your real leverage is how you communicate with your team. Your a people person. Not a dictator.

Communicate your intent: "Ok, well i'm squad leader now. So we have to turn things around here. I'm going to need to know who wants to work in a team and win this mission!"

Communications Check

You are going to need a team that works together. Even if the other 5 people have been quiet the whole time, doesn't mean they don't want to work together. Believe that there are other people in there that do. But they don't want the responsibility of squad leading.

You need to establish communication from all squad members. VoIP or text. VoIP is not a requirement, and they just need to acknowledge your presence. Here is an example of the squad leader leaving the squad and your appointed squad leader by the game system. The squad name is "TITTIES" and is left with the players JohnnyBlue77 and Savi0r. You have communicated your intent and now must do a communications check.

SGT 22.SAS|Maxsom[UKSF]: Johnny, you read me?
JohnnyBlue77: rgr

- He is good -

SGT 22.SAS|Maxsom[UKSF]: Savior, you copy?

*no response*

SGT 22.SAS|Maxsom[UKSF]: Savior, you copy? Over.

*no response*

SGT 22.SAS|Maxsom[UKSF]: Savior, you there? WTF man.

*no response*

SGT 22.SAS|Maxsom[UKSF]: Ok savior, if I am going to be squad leader you will have to acknowledge me either by VoIP or text. I need a team that will work together with me in killing these insurgent ********. So are you there or not? If not, i'm going to have to kick you.

- Wait a moment for any response -

*no response*

SGT 22.SAS|Maxsom[UKSF]: Hasta la vista, baby.

- Kick Savi0r from squad -

Player Savi0r was kicked from the squad.

So if they don't respond after you've done everything above, kick 'em and continue down the line. Also, make sure to refer to members by name. It is a requirement you know everyone by name. You also want to give reasons for your actions if you have the time to do so, as well as motivate everyone into a killing but controllable frenzy. :smile:


Once you have the troops that are teamworkers, and gotten rid of the ones who are not, rally at a common location and reorganize your weapon loadouts if needed. Be mindful that not everyone is able to rally at your move location as some may be pinned down or are hiding from any enemy squad. Ask for status reports and why someone may not be moving.

Sometimes you will have to reissue an order as they might not have heard it due to gunfire. So all in all you only need to do three things to take control of a squad. That is to establish your presence, do a communications check, and reorganize. Once you do that, your ready to go player! 8)
Last edited by Cavazos on 2010-05-08 23:14, edited 36 times in total.
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by Scandicci »

Some of my best rounds as SL have been when I inherited the position during a match. I think these moments are when you can really single-handedly sway the battle in favor of your team. If an entire 6 man squad was headless and not communicating for the first 30 minutes of a round, imagine what kind of impact to the outcome of the battle it is to have that same squad begin to work together and cooperate with the rest of the team.

Beginning a round as SL is decidedly easier in terms of organization. When I inherit the SL role I am usually a little more lenient for the first few minutes than I would be if I had begun the round as SL. As the squad gets us to me then, my leniency fades and I start to demand more and as a last resort I kick. SLing takes a lot of patience.

If it's worth shooting once, shoot it again.
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by Razick »

Great post. Lots of useful tips and hopefully people read and take some initiative to become leaders.
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by cyberzomby »

Great post indeed! I'd like to say that it might better to not let them acknowledge you as a squadleader or make it as official as that. Mainly just dish out some orders like move here to defend this guys. If they listen great, if not ask them to come over to the marker. If still nothing than kick 'm out.

by letting them acknowledge you first you might get something like: who does this guy think he is. attitude
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by thecoolj85 »

I will think twice before posting rude comments.

Last edited by Dunehunter on 2009-03-21 17:34, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by PFunk »

I've done this many times. I've found that almost universally 3 or 4 out of your 5 guys will always follow you if you have the appearance of having a plan or of knowing what you want done. If you're always saying 'I want this' and 'I need someone to do that' then people will feel like there's an organization there, theres a group and there's a mission and you can take part in it.

Most people want that, I certainly do. Give it to them and they'll follow you on foot across Kashan 64. :P
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by bull3rome »

Thanks for the tips :-) i know now how to reinforce the Team work in my squads now thanks a lot m8

IGN: |101st|BloodRaven
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by Cavazos »


There is a part where I put dictator, that is absolutely not how to lead a squad.

Your welcome bull.
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by bishop_smith2 »

Great guide, man. Now get back on the battlefield. Haven't seen you in at least a week.

I have turned squads around many times before. The key is to just forget what happened before and push the squad to function correctly.

And this advice can be used at any time, not just when you take over a squad that was struggling. There might be 2 or 3 really good squad members who were just waiting for a good squad leader. Sometimes you have to be really good to bring them out of the woodwork. Making good tactical decisions like watching choke points, using fireteams and using dslyecxi tactics. The more experienced you are as a squad leader, the more likely you will be successful.

Squad leading is great because it is an interesting challenge for newbies and veterans, alike. There's always something new to learn, something to improve on.
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by robnobrobnob »

Some Great tips!! I think we have all been in the position of taking on a Squad that's scattered all over the map and a lot back away from the responsibility to take control of the Squad.

It is actually quite a lot of fun turning a squad around and brinring them together as a team, It is scary the first time you do it, that initial 'hi, who here has com's' can take some courage when there has been silence for the last 10 minutes of play.

Follow this guide though and you will have fun and be respected on the field as being a good SL!!
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by Cavazos »

Thank you all, i'm glad the guide will help the present players as well as the future!
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by SXTS »

I've never led a squad before, since I only got the game 3 days ago, most people can't understand me due to my accent and I don't know how to actually lead a squad in the first place, but I can tell that this guide would work. Good job writing it up!

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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by Ca6e »

Great manual for becoming a SL Miamiheat!
I try to be SL many times, but only few times was unforgetable couse of great squad mates who listen to me and try to achive goal.

---->But one thing Could dev-s integrate Manual into PR, that u cannot play if u didnt read it<----

This is becouse when i put down observe marker they just run into PKM fire like in WW2, then i put a marker to mark our way and they just run to it like Usain Bolt, no looking right or left and then "WoW, i am down". Second one when they get revived i told them to retrive to safer position and wait 1 min, they just stand up and shooting and get killed.
Conversation with one of my SQ member for a short time. hehe

He take snipers and says: "this is shit i cant hit anything",
and i say: "afcourse u are shooting with sniper as u were shooting with LMG" bang, bang, bang in instance.
Then he says: "this game sucks i cant hit anything."
Than I say: Did u read a manual.
he says: What manual? who read it!
I say: Go play BF2 vanilla and jump and shoot.---> then KICK from SQ

I read manual, i dont have everthing in my mind, but i know most important things (rules).
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by goguapsy »

cyberzombie I have to disagree with you. if u put random markers in an unorganized sqd thats normally its normally just the SL marking some random stuff for himself.
I'd like to say that it might better to not let them acknowledge you as a squadleader or make it as official as that. Mainly just dish out some orders like move here to defend this guys. If they listen great, if not ask them to come over to the marker. If still nothing than kick 'm out.
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by Danger_6 »

i disagree with the fact that you said not to be a dictator.

If your squad is a democracy decisions will take time and people start getting annoyed, which leads to power plays between you and your men.

An autocratic approach to squad leading is best as you establish your authority. You are the alpha male, you don't like the decision that the sl made: TOUGH, its what you are going to do. This way discipline is not a problem and things get done quickly. :)

Otherwise top notch guide well done mate.
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by goguapsy »

Danger_6 wrote:i disagree with the fact that you said not to be a dictator.

If your squad is a democracy decisions will take time and people start getting annoyed, which leads to power plays between you and your men.

An autocratic approach to squad leading is best as you establish your authority. You are the alpha male, you don't like the decision that the sl made: TOUGH, its what you are going to do. This way discipline is not a problem and things get done quickly. :)

Otherwise top notch guide well done mate.
i totally agree. That's called Chain of Command. You are the SL so you are SLeading. What I do with my sqd sometimes is this: which way you guys wanna go? or which of the caches do you guys wanna go? the decision I already made: we are going through ONE OF THE PATHS or to ONE OF THE CACHES, doesn't matter which one but WE ARE GOING! if I dont like the answers I give an order to wherever hell I want to go. If someone disobeys my orders, I send them to Court Martial (other words, kick them from the sqd)
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by Danger_6 »

Cheers goguapsy. Of course its nice to make your men feel involved, so yea just confirming trivial decisions with your squad is good. If they think otherwise, just explain for why you are doing that.
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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by goguapsy »

Danger_6 wrote:Cheers goguapsy. Of course its nice to make your men feel involved, so yea just confirming trivial decisions with your squad is good. If they think otherwise, just explain for why you are doing that.
that's exactly what I do.
Of course, people that don't follow my orders never get to the first question, they get kicked before.
Guys, when a new player comes, just answer his question and go on your merry way, instead of going berserk! It's THAT simple! :D

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Re: How to take command of a squad, when it wasn't using teamplay in the first place.

Post by Cavazos »

Danger_6 wrote:i disagree with the fact that you said not to be a dictator.

If your squad is a democracy decisions will take time and people start getting annoyed, which leads to power plays between you and your men.

An autocratic approach to squad leading is best as you establish your authority. You are the alpha male, you don't like the decision that the sl made: TOUGH, its what you are going to do. This way discipline is not a problem and things get done quickly. :)

Otherwise top notch guide well done mate.
You want to be charismatic, not a dictator. I will tell you though that the easiest way to command is to be a dictator and look like you know what your doing.
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