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[AAR] dominating with the blackhawk miniguns

Posted: 2009-04-10 02:35
by JohnTheRipper
Now i don't know if this is really dominating with the miniguns on the blackhawk but i think it is.

I was playing on the RRF clan server in Ramiel on the US side right at the start i made blackhawk squad, so i got a pilot and a gunner for the right side. the round started of we got the blackhawk took of followed a supply truck for a short bit then went to the western part of the city were or guys were taking fire when my blackhawk got there we saw a roof full of like 9 insurgents my gunner on the right opens fire kills 3 of them the chopper turns to avoid some light fire comes back it's my turn i open fire mowed down 6 of them in 2 passes. After that we move north were a new cache has shown plus on one below us was taken out. we get north over the slums and see the insurgents i open fire kill 1 and keep possibly like 10 others down. the choppers turns so the right gunner get a turn in a few passes he kills 2 (note they were taking cover so it was hard to hit them). Then we start taking heavy machinegun fire and i see the technical open fire and fail to kill the gunner but we weren't staying around to die, so we go to base for repairs and ammo come back open fire on the insurgents in the slums and me and my right gunner open fire i get another kill then i see the technical again open kill and put a good number of rounds into it but i don't know if i got it or not because we lost the blackhawk. Well waiting for it to spawn back my gunner and pilot leave but thankfully a new pilot shows up blackhawk spawns we get off get killed because the pilot didn't know blackhawks are made out of wet paper. It spawns again we go off i get another kill then we get hit with an rpg strait in the passenger seats which causes me and my pilot to bleed out so we land away from the city just east of the airfield i fix him and me since i was medic. And a new guy joins the squad and becomes the new right side gunner we pick him up head out and kill more people loss the blackhawk to the most common pilot mistake of moving forwards without altitude but we head out and it's near the end we see a technical go after it hover infront of it it shoots off kills the engines we are falling i'm still firing and a split second before we crash i see it explode from my minigun hitting it so much.

In total my first gunner got 5 kills my seconds got 3 and i got 11 kills making it 19 kills total :mrgreen:
But the number of insurgents we slowed down from setting up was a lot i bet because we had rounds landing within feet of them the whole time keeping them hiding until we got into the city more were they had cover every foot and were we could spot them to open fire. plus they started getting better with the rpgs. But the US did loss the round even thou the team did really good at keeping the ground vehicles alive reducing the need for my blackhawk a lot.

Side note: please dev's make the blackhawk able to take .50 caliber fire better because it's crazy how easy those things down choppers. also if possible give the miniguns more powerful verse vehicles.

Re: [AAR] dominating with the blackhawk miniguns

Posted: 2009-04-10 03:46
by Howitzer
JohnTheRipper wrote: Side note: please dev's make the blackhawk able to take .50 caliber fire better because it's crazy how easy those things down choppers. also if possible give the miniguns more powerful verse vehicles.
Sounds like:
"Please devs make me happy, fq the insurgents i never play insurgent anyway"


Re: [AAR] dominating with the blackhawk miniguns

Posted: 2009-04-10 03:50
by JohnTheRipper
Howitzer wrote:Sounds like:
"Please devs make me happy, fq the insurgents i never play insurgent anyway"

Hey anyone thats been in a chopper and fired at with a .50 cal knows choppers can't take more then like 12 hits before bursting into flames and crashing. plus i doubt a minigun will do so little damage to a car and take so many hits to disable or destroy it.
Plus it makes it more real and it would make shooting down helos more of a challenge and fun. well i think it would be since i like trying to take down enemy helos when insurgents.

Re: [AAR] dominating with the blackhawk miniguns

Posted: 2009-04-10 05:05
by chase11394
I think I was one of those Insurgents. :gloomy:

Re: [AAR] dominating with the blackhawk miniguns

Posted: 2009-04-10 11:03
by JohnTheRipper
chase11394 wrote:I think I was one of those Insurgents. :gloomy:
was it last night if so then you were. :grin:

Re: [AAR] dominating with the blackhawk miniguns

Posted: 2009-04-14 02:16
by "SJT"
Yeah I was a insergey also.

Shooting at you with a PKM for about 5 mins. Saw you kill everyone in front of me. Ran like hell.

Dose a better job tha the little bird that got shot down by and RPG.

Re: [AAR] dominating with the blackhawk miniguns

Posted: 2009-04-14 10:12
by AnimalMother.
yeh the BH is very effective on ramiel if used properly

had one round last week

used the BH to drop troops but i always had one gunner in my squad present and another waiting at main so that when the troops were dropped off i could return to get more firepower

have one of the gunners as SL so he can mark a target building for you to circle and just let the minigun open up. managed to almost keep a BH up for the entire round but about 2mins from the end a technical finally got us and tarnished my score :( (ok he just gave me one death :P )

i have come to love the BH and ramiel for the above experiences, and i do agree that a well crewed BH is better then the LB