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[AAR] Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 02:06
by "SJT"
(Ya I know it's a lot to read, the story is at the top and my suggestions/dreams at the bottom)

So I'm playing on UKWF server. Which is going down in my books.

On Muttrah City is it called? We are USA.

Squad leader makes a heli squad. about 4 people to start. and 4 choppers. makes sense. all is well.

Since you cannot lock or kick people from squads in this server people join and grab pilot kits. People that have just joined and not been here at the start of the round grab choppers. Worst is they crash them.

We then have a 6 man squad. All is well since 2 have gone as (air crewmen) to give the helis a little firepower with AR kit.

Then this total retard. "Shootertix" I think his name was. joins about 3/4 of the way into the game and makes his own heli squad and takes a chopper. Which makes no sense since there is one and he could be used somewhere else, we have pilots and he would not be able to communicate with Squad leader who is setting down markers.

The whole last part of the round I was talking to this guy, well trying because he is to retarded. Telling him that there is a heli squad, you will be more usefull as infantry.

Why have you made another heli squad, there is already one.

Quote from shooter.
Because you suck.

Well in 5 seconds of joining how has he made that assumption?

I just don't get this. Why are people like this allowed near anything electronic or anything at all.

What I would LOVE to see. (This may also fall under suggestion threads)

Is something that is faggot proof. Such as the squad creation menu modded to only allow one heli squad. And in that squad only the pilot kits are available.

A long shot but it would defiantly help the whole. "I have been waiting for this chopper, and your not in the chopper squad" (X was team killed by Noob). Situation.

Of course people would fight over who makes the chopper squad and who joins.

I can dream of a flight time rank system. The more flight hours you have, the most likely chance you will have at being or creating a chopper squad. Same for log trucks, tanks etc.

To gain these hours you must go onto a training server for helis/jets

^ Thats Reality for you.

Of course people will try to idle to gain hours but surely a simple idle limit can sort that out.

I think it is a brilliant idea. No clue if it is possible or not.

But if you want reality. Thats reality.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 02:18
by waldo_ii

You secretly snuck a suggestion into an AAR so you could put it here and avoid the unforgivable wrath of Tirak

Tricky tricky...

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 02:57
by "SJT"

i just thought while I'm having a rant I may as well make it 1 thread rather than 2.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 03:21
by Welshboy
I was in that round, was full of tards. I was your squad at the start which was HUEY/COBRA. There was a lot of chatter so me and another person made our own squad as it would have been hard to communicate with each other. But within a few minutes we were shot down instantly by a hat. (Ludacris :d uh :)

After waiting 20 minutes for the next cobra to spawn, a guy joins the squad (can't remember his name) with a HAT and teamkills me and the gunner in the cobra before it could take off. Shortly after I had enough and left the server.

So a hour of my night wasted because some tard who thought it would be fun to get a errection by teamkilling the cobra.


Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 05:16
by (HUN)Rud3bwoy
As far as I know there is no method to tell the good pilots from the bad ones until the damage is already done. Welcome to the internet, where any sociopath ********* can roam free :D
The only way to manage is to:
1. Suck it up and take the lift whoever the pilot is.
2. Take transport only if you KNOW the guy flying it is good at it.
(alternatively 3. Train hard and be the master of heli yourself :) )

P.S.: Dont forget that even the best pilots can have a bad day, so if you get in a heli and you crash, yelling "WTF noob?!!" wont help anything it will only make the pilot angry(or make him smile if he is a smacktard). Of couse in the case you told us, it is obvious what kind of player you wre dealing with :)

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 08:34
by arthuro12
Oh i ''F'ing'' hate people who b*tch about how you crashed a chopper.. they go all ''OMG NOOB< F@GGHOT'' .. geez, i'm a good pilot and know my stuff.. but that just pisses me off.. i once got kicked from a squad and then TK'ed because i got hit by an AA that wasent suposed to be there.. GRRR

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 09:47
by Alex6714
Solution = good server admins.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 18:57
by "SJT"
exactly. What else can you do against AA? Flares and move.

The ground forces need to take the AA out. So in theory, they are the noobs.

One server I play on is a USA one. But the admins there just make there own heli squad and lock it only to allow there clan members in.

And I haven't seen a UKWF guy admin yet.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 21:42
by FuzzySquirrel
SJT wrote:exactly. What else can you do against AA? Flares and move.

The ground forces need to take the AA out. So in theory, they are the noobs.

One server I play on is a USA one. But the admins there just make there own heli squad and lock it only to allow there clan members in.

And I haven't seen a UKWF guy admin yet.
Tbh, Calling someone a noob doesn't prove anything. Ground forces don't always have the AA in their sights. That doesn't exactly make them a noob. Avoiding AA is mainly the Pilots responsibility. And tbh (sorry UKWF) It seems the UKWF Server attracts alot of Smacktards without alot of admins.

And I dont wana hear a reply like "Do you even know how to fly?!?!?" because I'd consider myself a pretty good pilot :D .

p.s ye good idea with the suggestion :D because Tirak is a thread locking machine...

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 22:26
by "SJT"
Well I wasn't calling ground forces noobs. I was stating the fact that many of them don't understand how hard it is for pilots to get soldiers exactly where they want them in one piece. and as soon as something doesn't go the soldiers way. such as a course change or a new LZ. People start whining.

What annoys me even more is when people just sit in the heli thinking you can read minds and know where to take them, without saying anything.

P.S if Tirak gets a bonner over locking threads he can I don't care.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 23:05
by McBumLuv
SJT wrote:P.S if Tirak gets a bonner over locking threads he can I don't care.
Sigged :D

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 23:21
by FuzzySquirrel
SJT wrote:Well I wasn't calling ground forces noobs. I was stating the fact that many of them don't understand how hard it is for pilots to get soldiers exactly where they want them in one piece. and as soon as something doesn't go the soldiers way. such as a course change or a new LZ. People start whining.

What annoys me even more is when people just sit in the heli thinking you can read minds and know where to take them, without saying anything.

P.S if Tirak gets a bonner over locking threads he can I don't care.

p.s McLuv. everyone always takes the good quotes for their sigs...Leaving me with ****. Quick someone say something witty and funny.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 23:36
by JohnTheRipper
I have had to kill pilots and crewman to prevent them from wasting a vehicle before.

Also some pilots don't listen to like when i want to be dropped away from a cache instead of on it which keeps the helo and me safe, plus only makes sneaking into the area easier.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-14 23:41
by Alex6714
What is wasting a vehicle? I was accused of wasting a huey on muttrah not long ago.

I was actually scouting for the cobra and leading in attack runs with flares because the ground forces failed and there was also no one to transport.

I would rather waste 10 tickets worth of huey than 10 tickets worth of cobra.

It worked very well and very little wasting was actually going on.

Edit: Its actually better than a spotter with a slow sticky box.

I can see more from above, know perfectly is there is aa around and possibly find it, and defend the cobra itself with my flares.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 00:14
by JohnTheRipper
Alex6714 wrote:What is wasting a vehicle? I was accused of wasting a huey on muttrah not long ago.

I was actually scouting for the cobra and leading in attack runs with flares because the ground forces failed and there was also no one to transport.

I would rather waste 10 tickets worth of huey than 10 tickets worth of cobra.

It worked very well and very little wasting was actually going on.

Edit: Its actually better than a spotter with a slow sticky box.

I can see more from above, know perfectly is there is aa around and possibly find it, and defend the cobra itself with my flares.
when i mean waste i mean like take it and end up destroying it without using it to help the team any way. like taking a huey then crashing it or a tank and one manning it. stupid things like that.

But what you did was smart, i have tried doing that before in muttrah with my LB but was unable to because those brdm-2's are Supper AA weapons. plus i was using my Lb to anger the enemy ground forces by flying at them turning last second or flying around them trying to make them stop and use they rifles on me or even cause the AA to waste it's 2 rounds before that long reload.

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 01:36
by Rissien
Well you can even tell the good pilots from the bad from their first few seconds in the air, and especially when landing. Ive seen people cry about not being let into helo squads when the squad already had enough people in it to fly all the choppers and then turn around and steal it for themselves only to lose it as soon as they got close to the mainland/island. People who flip on take off, etc.

Last night I had someone that had been jumping around on top of landed choppers or standing under/in front of them before finally joining the squad. There was no cobra squad when it spawned *for the third time* so we considered using it since our squad leader was out sniping anyways. He took the cobra and attempted to solo it before i told him in voip to bring it back and wait for a gunner. He came back and landed, bout a minute afterwards he nearly tipped it over just idling on the deck. He got out before it did and saved it but from how he already flew plus his previous actions i told him not to get in it again. He did f course and decided to lift ff and land inches from my huey before attempting to turn his tail rotor into me. I lifted off barely in time to avoid destruction and kicked him before he could cause any more damage. Cobra was saved and it remained on the carrier untill we lost the round.

I am a good pilot, *with Hueys, I refuse to touch a Blackhawk and even though I can fly/land them I just hate landing in Littlebirds* not the best but i take pride in the times where I hardly get shot down. Like Alex ive risked my Hueys many times on recon runs, just flying low, slowly moving over rooftops, fast flybys to get intell on fobs, infantry, apcs, for the ground forces. Once I followed the Cobra in that was going to take out an aa and its conjoining fob. I flew a little further behind and above it, just dropping flares slowly to keep any aa from locking onto the cobra while it did its job. Rather get my chopper hit than the Cobra,

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 02:04
by "SJT"
I never see teamwork like that. A chopper being covered by a lower value one.

All I see is the nearest people to the choppers getting pilot kits when they are not in a certain squad.

Some servers are smart enough to have a rule on that. Others are not so smart. Saying squad names do not mean priority..... So basically I may as well go play on BF2 normal noob public???

Funny thing is the server I was playing on was called is Tatics and teamwork. I think they need a name change. At least they kick for TK. Just had to find that out for myself.
(Sorry if anyone is a clan member there or loves it to pieces but I really don't care)

Imo every time there is any flying vehicle on a map, most people turn retarded. One of the down falls of PR.
Unless by some miracle there are mature people on the server that respect squad names and assets and everyone gets along.

PS. I think the Little birds are the best choppers for picking up and dropping people off, when not flown by complete incompetitent morons.

@ElvishKnight - I play on your server quite often. It's good. Even with my ping off 100+

Re: Heli trans squads

Posted: 2009-04-15 02:18
by "SJT"
Ha. First proper post on these forums and I already have 2 people quoting me. 8)

Very true though. You play a map with just light trucks and jeeps you have a very fun and tactical game. As soon as air units are available people start taking kits going of in the chopper, crashing it. then the whole round is just keyboard mashing. and the team without choppers wins.

Great when admins do f*ck all. Just makes project reality. All that more realistic.

problem is online you will never get rid of all those morons, You just need to be on a anti-moron server with anti-moron admins that are not morons themselves.

I find it funny that people take the time to download and install this huge game just to f*ck it up for everyone else. Tell you what, people need a life.

So sick of BF2142. Hope one day my clan will get a PR server.